reflections listening to music

When I listen to Borknagar I'm reminded a lot of Norse shamanism and mythology... tales of Odin, mushrooms, and basically everything that has been listed here already...

Ancient, Viking spirituality! :rock:
Specially with Epic, abstract images come to my mind, kind of pictoric or geometric... they morph and move at music's rythm and sound color...
I guess this is a direct consequence of watching Disney's Fantasia several times as a child (and a bit older as well :p). For those who don't know, it's a movie where short films follow pieces of classical music, wonderful.

PS. who doesn't picture some people in a oar boat when listening Relate(Dialogue)? :D :D
masaccia said:
Specially with Epic, abstract images come to my mind, kind of pictoric or geometric... they morph and move at music's rythm and sound color...
I guess this is a direct consequence of watching Disney's Fantasia several times as a child (and a bit older as well :p).

Or watching Winamp visualizations too much. :D

Interestingly when I listen to music I tend to visualize the waveforms of the sound, like an old oscilloscope or something.
It gives me images of the north... like the landscapes, the winds blowing, the feeling of living in scandinavia.
They do a great job assimilating those feelings and forming it into music.
when i listen to borknagar i feel very at peace...kinda like in the mountains and forests...kinda like norway...real frosty...except for "gods of my world" thats one owerful song i cant explain...and i wanna thank skidzo fr coming up with such a cool thread...sheer genius!
I think of different things with each album...the self titled album puts me in a creative mood...Olden Domain reminds me of nature and the ocean..Archaic Course makes me think of rays of sunlight coming through leaves in a dark forest or medieval pagans around bonfires..Quintessence makes me think of medieval things also--ruins of castles and being somewhere I've never been...Empricism makes me think of the night sky and winter....Epic makes me think of...warmth..home...summer..
as a general theme, i think about the vastness of existence and my inconsequential life, my limited viewpoint. something so beyond me, that i can only see evidence through the unnoticed accepted and forgotten everyday occurrences, the little things. my unanswerable questions that despite trying to rationalize, i’m not getting any closer to knowing. and somehow that’s okay, despite all my shortcomings, i’m as complete as humanly possible. so just sort of accepting the beauty in the here and now and forever. the music gives me a temporary contentment, a distraction to silence my chattering monkey mind. a distraction in the sense that it brings up these thoughts (and their endless questioning cycle), purposely and directly address them, and lets me know it’s okay, i’m not alone, and silences me for the moment. thoughts and questions are carried away by melodies. it’s simply by enjoying the music that i am brought to the present.

the older stuff is more grand and lofty, the mountains and oceans and constellations. the newer stuff is more personal, brings it more directly to me, zoomed in, i am able to associate more. the older stuff i feel more insignificant in that there’s so much greater than me, but it’s a grand order that i am still a part of. the newer stuff i feel more together with the unknown.

i don’t know, it’s kind of the same thing you feel when going to shows or whatever, the other people are there for the same reasons as you, the music affects you in a certain way, but the specific details are different. so there’s a common bond, but it can’t really be expressed, so you just shoot the shit and talk about bands. i mean it’s not like Borknagar makes you want to go out and murder the masses and roast their entrails over the campfire while singing about your glorious battle. there’s a kind of shared Borknagarish emotion. so thanks everyone for writing, it’s nice to have a chance to see the similarites.
-- said:
as a general theme, i think about the vastness of existence and my inconsequential life, my limited viewpoint. something so beyond me, that i can only see evidence through the unnoticed accepted and forgotten everyday occurrences, the little things. my unanswerable questions that despite trying to rationalize, i’m not getting any closer to knowing. and somehow that’s okay, despite all my shortcomings, i’m as complete as humanly possible. so just sort of accepting the beauty in the here and now and forever. the music gives me a temporary contentment, a distraction to silence my chattering monkey mind. a distraction in the sense that it brings up these thoughts (and their endless questioning cycle), purposely and directly address them, and lets me know it’s okay, i’m not alone, and silences me for the moment. thoughts and questions are carried away by melodies. it’s simply by enjoying the music that i am brought to the present..
well said :)
I tend to think of mountain landscapes, snow, pines trees, etc. I suspect that comes from a snowboarding trip to Whistler a couple of years ago, where I had Empiricism on near continuous repeat on my minidisc. But it's a nice image to have when I listen to the band now.