relationship(love) on line, possible?

pinsher6 said:
i never trust the love on line. i bet it is impossible. real world is real...

I beg to differ. We all put on masks.....whether it's in person or online. It makes no difference. But once we get to know that other person, the defenses slowly come down.

It may be both easier and more complicated online. Revealing too much too soon. Or not giving the friendship a chance. Everyone is different.

With that said.....this here is real. I'm real. I met my best buddy at another website. We met for the first time a coupe of months ago.....after getting to know each other over the course of about 18 months.

So, it all depends on you. What you're willing to open or closed minded you are.....and the time you're willing to invest in the relationship. If you're not willing to talk to people and open up a little in a public forum, then you're probably the same in real life. If you're honest or you play games, that will show through either way. The "real you" doesn't change that drastically. In here.....or out there.
I dunno, I suppose it can happen that you like someone and miss him/her but love? I doubt it. At least not until you've seen him/her in real life.
Its possible no doubt but on the internet for every 20 people you speak to 19 are insane in some way (I don't mean all 20 you are talking to for dating purposes either)

Just have to watch out for the crazies.
hmmm, well i spoke to my lover online via web cams and mics ect for 4 years, and i can honestly say that i started to fall for him LONG before we met IRL. we have been together for 15 months and now we live together and so on.

alot of people seem to just get hung up on the -idea- of a person OL, because they are just text and still shot pictures, but i think if you meet someone and talk to them for long enough, hear their voice and actually see them(cams), you do get to know what they are generally like, their mannerisms, their laugh ect, the only difference i see is the lack of ability to physically touch.

therefore, yes, tis indeed possible, though, i believe you do have to meet in person to be able to realise your emotions fully *nods*, otherwise you could well just be dilluding yourself.

It is, but it needs a lot of trust and devotion from both sides. And well, eventually meeting up is a necessity too.

I used to date someone online, but they cheated on me cause they couldn't wait a few months for me to come over and visit. Personally I got kind of skeptical about the whole thing, but I see enough people pulling it off and being very happy together.
Hmm maybe.....maybe not...I think being friends is a very good possibility.
suns_recline said:
Though, I believe you do have to meet in person to be able to realise your emotions fully *nods*, otherwise you could well just be dilluding yourself.

I do agree with this...
I met my sisters previous b/f on msn. He started talking to me. A contact of a contact. And i forget what i was doing but i was away from the computer for like 45 minutes and little did i know my sister was on the computer being chatted up buy him. I didnt even know he lived in Victoria. WHich is my state. Romantic....Eww i dot think so.
I was friends with this one girl for a couple of years, and at times it seemed to me like we were online b/f and g/f. I think we both kinda had feelings for each other in some way. She's the one that started getting me me into real METAL. But she had a real life, people to hang out with, parties to go to, and many boyfriends. And sometimes she got grounded and couldn't come on for months at time. We were going to meet at Ozzfest '04, but I didn't expect there to be THAT many people there and we didn't plan the meet up that well. After that we started talking less and less, and I think we both finally realized... it would've been nice, but it's never going to work out... nice knowing ya... and no hard feelings... and we went on our seperate ways.

That was the only semi serious online relationship I've had with a girl online.

As for friends though, I haven't met anyone online that I first met over the net, but I think that the internet would be a good place to meet friends.
I've been dating my girl for 3 years over the net.
We've been on cam with each other and all.
Shes not hot like the fake models but shes damn beautiful to me
and i've known her since she was 12
How can people say it is impossible when it happens all the fucking time? Because you KNOW that all those people who are in supposedly happy, healthy (relatively speaking) relationships are misleading themselves? Or what? I'm confused by this attitude, as it seems completely unrealistic, like denying something that is plainly observable.
^ indeed, way too many of you are saying 'no, its impossible' and so on when people on this very site have done this.
including myself.
its like denying that fish can only permanently live under water.

It's great to meet people online, and feelings of 'love' can occur.

The internet is a strange place. Vocal Tones are lost in IM's. Things you say can be taken wrong very easily.

If you meet someone locally, you can hang out and see what each other are like in real life. If you meet someone that lives far away, if anything is to come from it, one will move in with the other, most likely. This could cause a great strain, going from chatting on the internet to being around someone 20+ hours a day. You learn fast their hangups, the little things that bother both of you.

The more you talk to someone online without visuals, the more someone on the other end can seem 'perfect'. And why not? They can think about what they want to say before they type it. This can lead to high expectations and can set you both up for disappointment.