Relationship With The Band


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
Hey, I was just wondering on how your relationship with Tom and members of the band is. Do you hang out with them? Did you meet one of them one time and freak out? Or have you never even met them at all?

This thread is to tell how your relationship with the band is and to tell the story behind it. Mine is the second thing I listed. I met Tom at a concert in Newport Music Hall. After Evergrey and Children of Bodom played(that means Iced Earth was playing at the time), I saw Tom walking around the place. I approaced him and shook his hand. I really didn't get to talk about him but it was kind of one of those "I will never wash this hand again" kind of moments. So..yeah.
Ah I met Jonas,Henrik and Tom at the COB,Iced Earth and Evergrey show after everything was done,talked to Jonas a little while and just told him how much I enjoyed the show and everything.Then I've talked to Tom a couple times on irc.
i met tom and rickard after the arch enemy show in cleveland. I talked to them again at the cleveland acoustic show at the lava room. i got to go on the tour bus at the iced earth show and met all the rest of them as well. i also talked with mike for a while through email, and chatted with em a couple times.
I have photos with them, with all components of evergrey. I took it in saturday (2002-02-28). Granada. Spain. it's great! if you want to see it:
Being from Gothenburg and having been a fan since shortly before the release of their first album I've had the pleasure of meeting them on many occasions after gigs and signings etc. For some reason I have yet to take a picture with the band though.
I also met the guys at the Newport in Columbus Ohio....Michael was talking to someone outside their bus and when he was done i asked if he would sign a shirt i had gotten and he was so nice...and said of course....when he was done he told me to stay where i was and he would see if the other guys would come off the bus and he did and they did...which i thought was so cool!! they didnt have to do that..(but i thank them for doing so!! that is the definition of musicians appreciative of their fans to me!)...but they were all so nice and cool about it....after the meeting with them we were outside talking with Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth) and Tim Owens (Iced Earth) and i think it was Michael sitting in the back window playing old 80s metal tunes lol!! singing right was kinda cool!
I was lucky to get a pic and my Inner Circle cd signed by Tom and Henrik in NYC. My God but they were TALL! They were really nice but I was very shy and spoke so softly that I had to speak louder in order to ask them for the pic. hee hee. But really the performance was worth it just in and of itself that the pic and signage was just an added bonus.
I've met them all on a number of occasions - just sit down and yap at 'em, they don't bite. :) They're quite accessible; you'll always find them mingling with everybody later, which is more than I can say for a lot of bands that carry as much clout as they do at festivals.
I met Evergrey in Cleveland last year and took them out for lunch (beer) and we've been friends ever since. Seen them 5 times since then and they always make time to hang with us. I also keep in touch with Jonas and Henrik via e-mail when they're not on tour.
To me, they are just normal (mostly- LOL) guys and I don't treat them like "rock stars", I treat them as close friends. We hardly ever talk about music- it's always about the mundane everyday things.
Jaimek- yes, they do bite!
I am lucky enough to be able to say I consider all the guys good friends. I first met them when they were around with Arch Enemy. My friend is friends with their tour manager/sound tech Arnold Lindberg, he met arnold a while back when he was touring with in flames. Evergrey arrived in philly the night before the show, and Arnold called my friend up and said we should come hang out, so we did. We took arnold, Tom, Jonas, and Rikard out for dinner (cheese steaks), took them to all the hot spots here in philly (they loved south street, hehe). We went back the next day for the show, hung out on the bus for a while then helped them move their equipment and merch into the Troc (the venue) and setup. We just hung out inside till the show started. We didnt stay for the whole Arch Enemy set, left half way through with the guys to go hang out on the bus and drink for hours.

Recently when they were on tour with Iced Earth my friend and I took a greyhound bus up to NYC to surprise them. We hung out with them a while before the show, and after. We went to some crazy metal bar called "The Belview" which was fairly close to the venue (BB Kings) with them, COB, and Iced Earth. While we were there, a few guys from Testament showed up outta nowhere, and one of them started bar tending, lol. That bar was so great, old school 70's porn on the TVs, classic metal on the stereo that EVERYONE sang along to.

They invited us to ride back to philly (next stop on the tour) on the tour bus with them, so we obviously did, hehe. That was an insane trip, they were sharing the bus with COB, so it was crazy, lol. The next day was pretty normal, hung out, went into the troc with them before the show (free concerts rule, haha), saw the show, party afterwards for a few hours.

They are all really nice guys. Good friends. Cant wait for the next tour.
I love those guys... I met them in 1999 on one of their first shows, at ProgPower. I was big time into that band by the first CD already and no one seem to know them. So when I saw they would play PP I had to be there! I met them and we've been friends ever since, esp. with Micke. So we met on a lot of occasions since and went to stay at Micke & Lotta's for a week in 2002, that was very generous of them and we had lots of fun :)
At the Evergrey show in Arizona, Thomas, Jonas and Henrik were in the mosh during Iced Earth, so we all moshed together, that was fucking awesome. Then a bunch of people and I picked up the 3 members to make a Swedish Crowd was the coolest thing ever. After the show I gave big ol Tom a pat on the back and said, "You rule". Then I left. Great times, great times.
I tried to talk to Jonas, but my voice was gone after the Anathema concert in the festival,. so I just took some pictures weith Jonas, Henrik and Tom.

But Henrik just became the god of the right side of the audience, we worshipped him at the front. (is that a relation ship :p)

I couldn't find Michael and Rikard, wish I could take a picture with them two, too.

Tom gave us a promise:
This is the first time, but won't be the last