I sorta met Mike during the show at the Jaxx in Springfield. They were rocking out, and I was loving it (b/c Evergrey, needless to say, is my favorite band of all time). Prior to the show, I wrote a little message to each member of the band on 5 different guitar picks, and during the show between songs i gave them to Mike. He played with one of the picks for the next song, which was totally cool, and then after that came up to me and handed me an Evergrey pick! After Children of Bodom played, I was outside in the rain by the bus, hoping to meet Evergrey and Bodom. Tom and Jonas came off the bus, and my friends and I were jittery and stuff--lol--but we got to meet them briefly and shake their hands, and get our pictures taken with them. Henrik also came out after, looking for them, and we got to meet him and have our pics taken with him as well. Very cool. They were really nice guys, and the show was friggin awesome. I'm going to try and scan the photos and post them on here for you guys--they came out really well. And to Evergrey--you guys are the coolest, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you again, whenever that may be!