I'm not gonna translate all the long blabla. If you want to win, just fill out the fields:
Dein Vorname + Name:
Your first name + name
Deine Strasse:
Your street
Deine PLZ:
Your postal code
Dein Ort:
Your city
Deine eMail-Adresse:
Your maternal grandmother's maiden name
Wie hast Du von uns erfahren: (Suchmaschine o.a):
How did you learn about us (Google, ....)
Von welcher finnischen Speed Metal-Band stammt der Coversong "No Commands" (Bonustrack "Hatebreeder - Deluxe Edition) im Original?
Which Finnish speed metal band wrote the original to the cover song "No Commands" (Bonustrack "Hatebreeder - Deluxe Edition)?
Strangely enough the long blabla asks for the desired place (Nürnberg or Bochum) but there is no field for it

Then you ought to unhook the little hook so you don't get any advertisment from them, and finally click on the button "Absenden".