Releases 2009!


the west pole is pretty quality.
i think it's probably better than the EToS release, but that's subjective to my mood. i was not happy with the sequel to angelheart, ravenheart. :(
i probably need to listen to the thing all the way through though.
The new Chickenfoot is cool so far. Not amazing and Hagar is definitely the weak link here (average ass singer).

Satch rules as always. In a world full of wanky Malmsteen wannabes, it's nice to hear Satch lay down some tasty leads in some new stuff.
I posted this on the Katatonia forum if anyone is a fan of Doomy bands.
For Doom fans and I suppose early Katatonia fans, The Morningside put out a demo this year entitled Moving Crosscurrent Of Time. I downloaded a zip file from their site, but there was no track organization and a few of them had different album tags and a few had none at all. I found a track listing on Metal Archives in which the zip file I downloaded from the band itself had a missing track or two. I saw a different zip file somewhere that had the track listing from Metal Archives. I am not sure how accurate Metal Archives is or is not. I suppose I am rambling, but I guess I am trying to give those who might check them out information that they might like to know.

Also check out their first album, The Wind, The Trees and The Shadows Of The Past. I am really getting into it at the time. Classic Doom and fantastic melodies.
I was HUGE into Mastodon when Remission came out. Remission and Leviathan were amazing records and I seriously felt Mastodon was onto something. Blood Mountain bored me to tears at first and I stopped liking the band, of recent I've spun it again and I like it alot. I think that 4 years ago I would have totally shat on Crack The Skye...

However this has the potential of being my AOTY. I'm quite shocked haha!

I liked Blood Mountain more than the others, but Remission and Leviathan are still good. "Mother Puncher" still makes my jaw drop every time I hear it.

I bought Crack the Skye about three weeks ago and listened to it almost three times. I say almost because I was so bored that I couldn't pay all of my attention to it. There's only one thing I remember from the whole CD and it's the chorus from Oblivion. Everything else seemed sub-par compared to Mastodon's previous work. I couldn't even tell that Brann Dailor was still their drummer and the guitar solos were nothing to write home about.

I kept hoping that it would speed up and we'd get some good songs in there. Unfortunately I waited for nothing.
Slumber posted a new demo on their mysapce page and it's great. All I'm gonna say is that that album is gonna blow minds!

New Suffocation leaked which is pretty cool. Hip hop fans on here should also check out the new Mos Def. Not bad!
Hey everyone,

This could be construed as blatant advertising, seeing as I play in the band, but given the sort of music Skyfire make I figured some of you might be interested... feel free to delete though if you want.

So - Be'lakor, based in Melbourne/Australia, is about to release album #2 - called "Stone's Reach" (June 20th)

There are 3 songs from this new album streaming on myspace:

Cheers. \m/
finally got around to getting skyforger. anybody have any particular favorite tracks? i am becoming quite addicted to sky is mine and sampo.

haven't listened to the entire thing yet - i've just been going through it during my drive to work today. they really have impressed ever since they sharply reversed paths from what they were doing on far from the sun (and acquired the new singer - his name escapes me for the moment).
I saw Amorphis in 2005 with their new singer and after seeing him perform I knew that the band was going to revive itself. I like ALL their albums, but Eclipse was their best record since Tales From the Thousand Lakes.