Religion answers all our questions (warning: religious debate might ensue inside)

Originally posted by Spotted Owl
plz, plz, can i be an archbishop too? :p

Do not question my child!! God moves in mysterious ways that will never be unveiled so, just believe!! and you will get to heaven if u go to church often and pay contributions to us...

see, i have talent... :heh: :loco:

Wow! I haven't seen such raw talent. All in favor of making Spotted Owl the archbishop of the forum say aye! :grin:
Very true words, EVIL. I can see your point and sadly I often find myself in the group of polemicizers. It is just sometimes better to polemicize than to dwell in ignorance.

Originally posted by YaYoGakk
i was watching a show about evolution last night, and this particular one was about christians, it had christians who believed in evolution vs. christians who didnt.

As u can guess it was extremely amusing watching both sides, especially the people who have fallen so strongly for the bible that its the only thing in the world they believe. I mean one guy was pulling out quotes such as (ok i wasnt concentrating much so i cant remember how he said it but anyway.... ) "well darwin and scientists can come up with all the evidence they like, and can do all the research they like but i just want to let them know that they are wrong", a very definitive "wrong" it was, and god it was funny, so easily just saying its wrong solely coz it disagrees with the bible (he was saying that it is wrong because it doesnt fit with genesis, that was his entire argument!). I mean its no wonder people can become so brainwashed if they are taught to dismiss arguments that dont fit in with their current beliefs (i mean really? how can anyone find any answer with that attitude, let alone find the meaning of life and god and everything!!), and to NEVER EVER consider the possibility they are wrong, what poor misguided people! It made me feel weird to look at these people and see that no matter how flawless an argument u provided was, it would be dismissed, and then to wonder if maybe im just the same in ways, i dont think i am but they dont think they are either, hm.

but hey people can believe what they want, it just makes me realise how we are only still animals with many faults and limited brain power, etc. We just happen to be the smartest on this planet, but that doesnt make us smart.

Damn, quit reading my mind! ;)

Is it ANY wonder to ANYONE why religiousity has become synonymous with being an intellectually and logically impaired?

I was watching my good buddy evangelist Dr. Creflo A. Dollar the other day, funny funny stuff.

He did a whole half hour on the fact that the wise men sent to Jesus' birth were actually rich. He went on about how being rich and being wise go together, and that true wisdom can only be found through the "lord", therefore, being religious and being rich are the same thing, how being religious will lead to being rich. How nice.

"Lose what you need!" he proclaimed. "When you make the offering," (sending cash to Dr. Dollar) "you receive the annointing and then you get the job, then you get the house, then you get the car, then you get da money!"

HO-LY FUCK. I can't believe this fucking cunt, and I have an even harder time that so many people are stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.

For those that don't know about this guy, he is black and he does his best Martin and George Jefferson impression as he caters to a predominantly poor black audience. When you join his cult he sends you a brief case with booklets and shit so that you can recruit others into the fold. It's like a pyramid scam with one difference, there's only 2 levels, Dr. Dollar at the top and everyone else at the bottom feeding him money in an attempt to win the lord's favour. Fuck.

He was also talking about dreams, suggesting to the people that the may "dream of lottery numbers" if only the lord loves them enough, the lord's love of course being directly proportional to the amount of cash one sends to Dr. Dollar.

I'm forever amazed at this fucking cunt and his ongoing scam. He needs a good hard kick in the labia I think. I'm shocked that what he does isn't illegal.. and it's even tax free. This crooked fuck makes me sick. There, I've ranted.

Originally posted by Lina
And the archbishop of Washington said this: "Well, I have thought long and hard about this. And what I've come up with is that God is so loving that he allows us, his children, to have free will. And God so loved bin Laden that he gave him the right to make his own decisions. And bin Laden simply chose the wrong path. But this entire event is proof that God loves us, because it shows he didn't just design robots, but that he trusts each and every one of us to make our own decisions."

Wow, this archbishop of Washington is FAR more of an idiot than I could've ever imagined. I thought the church officials were smart enough to decline to answering such a question, but this guy has done nothing but show how deeply and incredibly stupid he is. Normally I would think this is a good thing, that religious people who adore this freak would clue into the fact that they are following a moron, but no such luck in that regard I'm sure. If they follow what this guy says then they are complete idiots themselves and nothing this loser says would make them flinch, in fact, I'm sure many people thought this nonsense was the pinnacle of wisdom and are even more god-fearing as a result of it.

That's the odd thing about religious idiocy, the more stupid it gets the more confused and brainwashed the followers get. It's a very very sad situation.

Wow, this archbishop of Washington is FAR more of an idiot than I could've ever imagined. I thought the church officials were smart enough to decline to answering such a question, but this guy has done nothing but show how deeply and incredibly stupid he is. Normally I would think this is a good thing, that religious people who adore this freak would clue into the fact that they are following a moron, but no such luck in that regard I'm sure. If they follow what this guy says then they are complete idiots themselves and nothing this loser says would make them flinch, in fact, I'm sure many people thought this nonsense was the pinnacle of wisdom and are even more god-fearing as a result of it.

That's the odd thing about religious idiocy, the more stupid it gets the more confused and brainwashed the followers get. It's a very very sad situation.
Well IF the biblical god exists (which these people believe) then there is obviously an answer to the original question about Sept 11. No matter how stupid the answer, if it IS the answer then it IS the answer. I mean it seems pretty illogical that anything would exist, yet it does, so u accept it. And thats really all these people are doing, they already believe that god exists, so when they hear weird/illogical answers to questions they believe them, and because the believe them then suddenly the answer seems logical. Why?... because "logic" is based on what is, its illogical that a human would juggle 300 blue whales because we cant do that, its logical that a human would juggle 3 balls because we can do that. So once they accept an answer then suddenly the answer is logical. Its kinda funny how it all works eh?
on the last day of class in my world religion class (last week) i got into a debate, and said "Imagine you don't know me, and that you were of a different faith, and didn't know of Christianity. Now imagine i came up to you and starttalking about a 2000 year old dead guy coming back to judge everyone and decide who gets to go into this place called heaven? Wouldn't you lock me up in an asylum?" Hehehhehe, no good answers to THAT one!
Originally posted by Villain
Well, at some sleepless nights I have played with the idea of a grand-scale conspiracy. A guy like me would be made a priest and then after years of preaching empty words and playing faces he would become the ultimate spiritual leader of his religion (the pope or whatever). Then he would have a speech, broadcasted all around the world, and he would say that there's no god, the bible is a fantasy-story and should be taken as such, the church is an organization made to control and oppress people and everyone should start believing only in themselves.

What would happen?

Probably nothing - the man would be declared as a lunatic or killed and people would be just as blind as before.


I've read somewhere that a prophecy describes the same thing that you said, a cardinal who becomes the pope, and he is supposedly the anti-christ. I dunno, just second hand info...