Religion - what's yours?

Your Religion

  • Atheist/Agnostic

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Christian/Catolic

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Satanist/Pagan Gods Worshipper

    Votes: 4 21.1%

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


my tummy hurts
Oct 20, 2001
Amidst enlightenment and gloominess
im atheist, i do not believe in god. im not against people who may believe in him. I get pissed off when people prontly assume that i am against him and put me on the Satanist row.

What happens with Christians is that the mayority of them don´t really care about their God, they only believe because they are afraid of what can happen after death or because they had been taught about God since they were born and they don´t take time to think about it.

The mayority of posers who are Christians only care about parties, clothes, social life, etc. Of course they tell you that you are going to Hell because you are an atheist, but they don´t realise that according to Christianity they are the ones who are going to Hell because they don´t care about their God, they only pray when they need something.

Then we have the Satanist... this one just make me laugh beyond control.:lol:

PS: This may sound competely offensive, but i dont give a fuck
Atheïst offcourse, but very antichristian. Lots of people think I'm a satanist because of the inverted crosses-pentagrams-my music, but I think people who believe in satan are just as stupid as christians and mostly trying to act though.
Don't think about it, I am Catholic tho, but only cos I am too lazy to tell to remove me from their list.
I'd vote for Witch, but it's not there, so i'd vote for Paganist, but it's got the "Satanist" bit infront. Witchcraft and paganism were around for thousands and thousands of years before the idea of Satan was created, so a Pagan CANNOT be a satanist. the idea of Paganists being Satanists was created by the Church leaders in Medievil times to try to control the Europeans, and it worked for the most part.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
im atheist, i do not believe in god. im not against people who may believe in him. I get pissed off when people prontly assume that i am against him and put me on the Satanist row.

What happens with Christians is that the mayority of them don´t really care about their God, they only believe because they are afraid of what can happen after death or because they had been taught about God since they were born and they don´t take time to think about it.

The mayority of posers who are Christians only care about parties, clothes, social life, etc. Of course they tell you that you are going to Hell because you are an atheist, but they don´t realise that according to Christianity they are the ones who are going to Hell because they don´t care about their God, they only pray when they need something.

Then we have the Satanist... this one just make me laugh beyond control.:lol:

PS: This may sound competely offensive, but i dont give a fuck

Absolutely, positively, goddamned right.
Religion sucks...People should read a lot more what the scientist found and they will realize that most of it is mythological/mind crap/lies.
There are things science haven't explained yet. and just because science hasn't explained something or "discovered" it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. the idea of magic probably seems like a fairy tale to you guys, right? well, maybe you're right but i believe in it. i have several friends who are witches and they practise magic. it's just using the energies that created us and the universe. the energies that we haven't explained yet with science. but think about it. before science discovered magnetism does that mean nothing showed magnetic properties? or course not! now, before i go any further i should tell you that i am a scientist, born and breed. i want to be a physics researcher. but that doesn't mean i dismiss magic as hearsay. take the Quantum world. One partical is affected not only by its "twin" but also by the act of observing it. how does it know it's being observed? we don't know. it's stuff like that that makes me wonder about things like magic.
I believe in the occult powers...I meant that religion is a just a dogma followed by stupidity...and scientists proved that with facts it doesn't have anything with the occultism.
I'm atheist and a skeptic.

Please people, remember that satanism != satan worshipping. Satanism is a philosophy, and I agree with many points that they have, but not nearly all, so I don't consider myself satanist.

Satan worshipping on the other hand, is pretty christian thing to do. Believe in satan, believe in god. Same shit, different wrapping.
Haven't been to this board before... but this seemed interesting.
First; there's lots of people who call themselves satanists who don't really believe in satan at all. There's so many different kinds of satanists, so I won't judge them all, but the ones who worship 'him' or 'it' or whatever are christians turned up-side-down. Silly thing!
Anyway, I'm a pagan, but not really religious in the way ex. christians are religious. That seem 'supernatural' to me. Magic, though, are not (as I see it) supernatural, it superbably natural! Science that either has yet to be discovered, or that is discovered but forgotten. So I'm really very down to earth, as I see it. Else I believe in the norse gods, who are my forefathers. (Yes, they have lived. Scientists have begun doing research on when and where, but it's quite obvious, really. All sources say it.) The goddesses are just different aspects of Mother Earth. That makes my "religion" (I don't call it religion; people never have; it's just The old ways of living and thinking - in my language "Forn Sed") a nature religion combined with forefather cult.