Hail Satan!


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Apparently, to my bro's girlfriend I'm a death worshiping person who is rebelling against God. Mainly because I listen to death metal and have a dark, sometimes morbid, sense of humor. She also thinks I'm depressed because I don't believe in God, or any religion. Right now I'm half-irritated and half-amused.

It's sad/funny that people are so quick to think I'm some kind of death-worshipping satanist because of the music I like, my sense of humor, and my being an Atheist, and even try to go so far as to try to pin all the bad things in my life on my lack of a faith in God and the music I like. It's ridiculouis.

Anyone else have to put up with this kind of bullshit?
Unfortunately, many of our death/black metal peers ACT like they're rebelling against God (displaying pentagrams, wearing "Jesus is a Cunt" T-shirts publicly, wearing all black ALL the time [and not too look thinner, lol], etc.) , and to others that hold a belief in God, or some religious belief (which is the majority of people), that's the way they're gonna view it no matter what. My mother and step dad are Christian, and sometimes when they come to my house, we have a doozy of a discussion about my choice of music, literature, etc. But since I'm an old fart who has her own kid and pays bills (I said this somewhere) she really doesn't have much say in my personal beliefs/tastes anyway.

When I'm at the Dimmu chat, or Yahoo metal chat rooms...more people than I care to count say stupid crap like "I am Satan" or "I am son of Satan, bow down to me". It's quite nice that we have a forum like this where this stupidity is not displayed, but unfortunately, it is this prevalent bull that's shown to the public, and the public eats it up!
All the time when I was younger (like 15-16) and I wore black clothes, pentagrams and got my first tattoos. My teachers were very worried for me though I still scored excellent grades :) My parents made them chill though as they knew I was just wearing the clothes etc because I liked em. Now I don't wear all black anymore (though the occasional metal shirt slips on) so that problem has been eliminated...my taste in clothes has expanded to include other colours since... :lol:
Most people don't know my religious beliefs (or lack of them), most people don't know what kind of music I listen to, although I guess they know I like Opeth since I have an Opeth shirt, but that doesn't give off a "Satanic/evil" vibe IMO. When we did evolution in biology we had a debate about whether we think it's plausible or not (I don't know how my teacher could be so stupid as to know what would be used to argue against it :mad: ) I was the only one to volunteer to argue for it :rolleyes: . I got some other people eventually, I knew it was completely hopeless, but in the end I had a lot of people thinking I was insane or something for choosing science over mythology :spin: :eek: :spin:

I choose not to wear all black or advertise that I don't follow the mainstream religion etc. I know what would happen and everyone would get the wrong impression about me.
My class mates that are into hip-hop say that I'm evil and shit like that... because they always see me looking at websites like Emperor or Dimmu Borgir :spin:

My parents are cool with the music I listen to, thought my Dad once said he doesn't like me listening to Black Metal because of satanic lyrics, he said as long as you like the music, it's good, but, if you will follow those steps... I'll throw you out of my house. :grin:
I maintain a good blend while at school. I don't go over-the-top and try to prove to anyone that I am 'different.' I don't wear clothes to get a reaction. I wear normal clothes with the occasional black t-shirt. I have seen a few kids at school wearing Emperor or Mayhem shirts with pentagrams on them just to be different. When I try to talk to them, they just make stupid statements or say how 'cool' the bands are but never mention anything about the music. I think a lot people just try to portray what they believe 'metal' is, and they get the shocked reaction from the majority.

I don't seek to be different, and it works fine for me. Noone ridicules me and calls me satanic etc. Although, I am sure they definitely think there is something 'different' about me. I just don't let myself become available for them dissect me and try to figure me out. Just do your own thing, and don't worry too much what people think. People eventually change their opinions or find someone else to make fun of. It's a continous cycle...
My parents didn't give 2 shits to whatever music i listened to, but my sister was all too confused when i wasn't buying into the hip-pop/R&B mainstream shit, and the fact that i listened to metal made me immediatley a "devil worshipper". So she goes on telling me dad that i smoke opium and draw pentagrams at night and all that bullshit. It makes things worse when you're living in an islamic country, trust me.

by the way, i did a research paper on satanism, and they don't worship any god-like entity, from what i understood. the "satanists" believe that they are their own gods, something like that. pretty interesting philosophy they have.
Everyone at my school thinks I'm going to pull out a gun and kill everyone. Most of my shirts are black, but that's only because all the bands I like's shirts are black. I don't know what you'd call the pants I wear, but they're not regular. I wear wallet chains for bracelets (I think they look spiffy! :mad: )

I think it's funny when people are afraid of me. To be honest, I kind of like it. I get lot's of space. I don't go out of my way to be 'one of those scary freak goth types', but if that's how they interpret how I dress and act, then so be it. It's there loss because they never get to know the wonderful goddess that is me. :D (or not, whichever :rolleyes: )
Okay, for some stupid reason I can't edit my previous post. So I'll edit it here.

"It's there loss" Their*

And I'd like to clarify that the term "'one of those scary freak goth types'" is an actual quote from some moronic sheep shagger.
It's ridiculous how people judge others on appearance, and music they listen too.

My looks in no way "reflect" the music I listen to - people seem amazed when they get in my car, and I put on "my" music. Why, am I supposed to listen to music based on my age and social status or something? It's crap.

It's the same old thing - "you can't judge a book by it's cover". But no matter how well known this phrase is, almost nobody follows it. Admit it, though, you all must struggle with this. I almost always get that "flash" of a first impression when I first see or meet someone, but then the real me kicks in, and I subdue my initial thoughts. I realize if I don't know this person - who am I to judge and know a stranger? And even if I get to know someone - you have to take the whole - not the parts. I go to my metal concerts, for instance, and I just see a bunch of people listening to metal music - some dressed in jeans and a shirt like me - some with the full get-up ot tatoos and piercings. But to me - just a bunch of people.

The problem is, there's always a few who wreck it for the masses. So you get one idiot who dresses goth, and that person fights or something. Then the assumption is "they're all like that". A sad state of affairs - but it's human nature.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
It's ridiculous how people judge others on appearance, and music they listen too.

My looks in no way "reflect" the music I listen to - people seem amazed when they get in my car, and I put on "my" music. Why, am I supposed to listen to music based on my age and social status or something? It's crap.

It's the same old thing - "you can't judge a book by it's cover". But no matter how well known this phrase is, almost nobody follows it. Admit it, though, you all must struggle with this. I almost always get that "flash" of a first impression when I first see or meet someone, but then the real me kicks in, and I subdue my initial thoughts. I realize if I don't know this person - who am I to judge and know a stranger? And even if I get to know someone - you have to take the whole - not the parts. I go to my metal concerts, for instance, and I just see a bunch of people listening to metal music - some dressed in jeans and a shirt like me - some with the full get-up ot tatoos and piercings. But to me - just a bunch of people.

The problem is, there's always a few who wreck it for the masses. So you get one idiot who dresses goth, and that person fights or something. Then the assumption is "they're all like that". A sad state of affairs - but it's human nature.

I wise man speaks
Originally posted by metalmancpa
It's ridiculous how people judge others on appearance, and music they listen too.

My looks in no way "reflect" the music I listen to - people seem amazed when they get in my car, and I put on "my" music. Why, am I supposed to listen to music based on my age and social status or something? It's crap.

It's the same old thing - "you can't judge a book by it's cover". But no matter how well known this phrase is, almost nobody follows it. Admit it, though, you all must struggle with this. I almost always get that "flash" of a first impression when I first see or meet someone, but then the real me kicks in, and I subdue my initial thoughts. I realize if I don't know this person - who am I to judge and know a stranger? And even if I get to know someone - you have to take the whole - not the parts. I go to my metal concerts, for instance, and I just see a bunch of people listening to metal music - some dressed in jeans and a shirt like me - some with the full get-up ot tatoos and piercings. But to me - just a bunch of people.

The problem is, there's always a few who wreck it for the masses. So you get one idiot who dresses goth, and that person fights or something. Then the assumption is "they're all like that". A sad state of affairs - but it's human nature.

Holy shit! Pops is back! Quick, hide the bongs and the condom wrappers! :lol:

I totally agree with what you've said by the way.
Originally posted by Belial

Holy shit! Pops is back! Quick, hide the bongs and the condom wrappers! :lol:

I totally agree with what you've said by the way.

The condom wrappers - yeah - you should hide those.

The bong? Fill it up with ice and scope - and pass it on so I can enjoy one cool hit :grin:
well, this is pretty ironic as I do believe in God, and I still get this crap at school. people are convinced that i am a devil-worshipping satanist, and yet, there are other people at school who go round with baphomets on their chest and knew the words to Iced Earth's Damien even before he heard it (i gave him a bit of crap about that :lol: )

im sick of that shit
when im at school or whatever, im not even thinking about what im wearing. i dont think anyone else cares either. its not that big of a deal. i just wear a band t shirt and either jeans or those spiffy pants that sammoth wears in ELC but green. if i dressed diffrently, i think i would have the same realationship with everyone (except my metal friends though, they would worry about me). I dont think anyone thinks im a devil worshipper. :cool: