Religious question

FrostbittenGrimness said:
Yes, but even then, this "legend" was known before the existence of Christ, so for his influence on it, it really doesn't have any place to do with it.

In fact I said nevermind about this because being knowing you all I already knew you would claim this :Smug:

nd if you want to say that Odin truly was egoistic for the fact that he wanted to "win" the runes then so be it,

It's not "so be it", I see you don't have arguments to prove your thesis, but well...I expected this from what I've read so far, it's written, every scholar says it, maybe you should READ more than only report something heard or seen on-the-fly :Smug:

but he did it for like I said, community and "family".

Eh don't know what to do....Odin didn't give a rat's ass about community and family, I can report with detailed description and SCHOLAR essay hundreds of episodes where Odin proved to be a pretty egoistic person, if there was one god that had to do with community was Frey and under some aspects Thor, and with family Heimdall, but again if you don't prove me you're versed with it like I did, it's worthless keeping explain

Also, I find it funny that you called your ancestors rednecks.

I'm proud of it, being redneck is the noblest thing in world, have you ever worked in countryside?, or being always sit down before the pc screen? This is the difference, for you redneck is a scorn word, for me is a sign that one works hard with his hands

I don't really think you have any place in this conversation until you come from a more "neutral" point of view, it's quite obvious all of your "opinions" are coming from a Pro-Christian PoV

:lol: said by one who "hates Abramatic religion" it's really naif, I'm not proto-Christian (suppose you don't even know what it means else you wouldn't use it) or wathever I can talk here about norse religion, greek-roman, monotheistic, politheistic etc etc. whenever and wherever you want don't know if you understood but I'm a scholar, I don't do like others do entering discussions that they cannot sustain for their little knowledge about it, I study religions, ethnology, and mythology at UNIVERSITY so for this I'm so clever about it, maybe you should find in the dic. the word "prejuidice" before labelling people

and it's just funny to see yet another follower scrambling to prove absolutely everyone wrong.

:Puke: I'm not a follower, and I'm not scrambling, I don't want to prove anything save the truth, Alec was right and I explained him what was the deal, the other guys I didn't go against, I'm beating only you so hard because you're spreading non-existing things about religion and mythology, and also you, c'mon, I had to call you back else you would ignore my post for, let's say slow-voiced, FEAR :blush:

Before you continue to indirectly insult people

Hm, maybe someone erased my swear words, or oops I never insulted everyone, mine is called "irony" a word maybe unknown to you

, I'd just like to say one thing to you. Haha. That is all.

Oh, mama please someone scorned me :waah:

PS: Christians no longer believe in Proto-Christian belief, I'm not sure if you've realised this?

:lol: Again with this Christians, Have you an inferiority-complex with this word or what?

Just an advise, READ MORE DON'T LET OTHER THINK FOR YOURSELF! Be indipendent-minded, sorry if I'm beating you to death but, you'll thank me eventually :kickass:
The good thing about Buddism is its a secret...if you know the truth as soon as you try to explain it then it is a falsehood tainted by your mortal view on life. So you will never get Buddists writing out long posts or shouting on street corners like our muslim and christian friends. However just because they keep shtum doesnt mean they are right....or does it ? its complicated but as long as theirs death their will be Religieon...Why? cause one things for certain we are all going to die. of course in a hundred years time everyone will be living forever anyway, with the book of man DNA, and little Robots swimming about us "fixing things" Whos gonna need god then?..........if you dont die?...........lets face it thats why they make so much noize now because they know they are a dying breed. Praying like Hell for Gods intervention now before its too late....and they have to face reality themselves........:kickass:
rammpeth said:
im catholic by birth and i share some of the thoughts but what ive found most important above all,, you have to believe in something, that you put above yourself, be it god,science,satan,whatever.

You dont have to believe in dont have to believe in anything above below or sideways.....sheesh these religeous dudes will say anything to find a weak spot. Only science will save us..... thats plain facts, not one person has had a leg grown back on.....not one person has been cured of blindness.............Only Science truly cares for Humanity...its free, its evolving and it does stuff. Whats Religeon For ? We Seculars are all Happy with our lot...we like life and are prepared for death..... Why are these people so afraid ? What are they really afraid of ? themselves maybe. In the future when everythings gone all star-trek, I reckon we will see and learn more things than we could ever have imagined in any of our "Earth based storytelling".

@ Alec I'm in for it, never withdraw :kickass: :kickass:

P.S. it's a pity we are in music-based forum, else I'd like very much to discuss with you about Nietsche and his philosophy....don't worry I'm not one of those who consider him a Nazi, I studied it, I won't talk idly :)

Ah don't forget to read the second letter of St.Paul to the Corinthians, it explains very well what I was referring to you

@EGOR can you name me your drug-seller? It seems he's doing a great job with you :Smokin: :rock:
I am strictly scientific, and thus an atheist. What there is reason to hold for true, I hold for true, until it has been proven false.

The M-theory, albeit unfinished, is in my eyes our best guess on how the universe is constructed. It's predictions best describe the world we observe, and it answers more questions then any other dogma. Hence I hold it as the truth, for the time being. However, the M-theory also rejects the different religions of the world, as they all break the laws of nature defined by it. That means belief in gods, superstition, fate, souls, ghosts, trolls and other supernatural phenomenons and creatures goes out the window. Until someone can present proof of their existance, or a convincing reson to believe their existance to be true.

That said, none would be happier than me to find out that there are gods and afterlives. Ending up as naught but wormfood isn't that atractive of a fate. Even endless torture in Gehenna seems preferable. I'd just have to develop a machosistic sexuallity to find it enjoyable. :)
^ i love M-theory... even though i probably only understand like 0.001% of it.
have you read Brian Greene's books?

but unlike you, i don't need proof to believe something :D though i'd wish M-Theory would be true. imagine what borknagar would be like in a parallel universe if Mr. V had never joined them.
amf said:
I am strictly scientific, and thus an atheist. What there is reason to hold for true, I hold for true, until it has been proven false.

[...]or a convincing reson to believe their existance to be true[...]

Whats a convincing reason?

Okay, let me state clearly that I am an atheist. I'm only playing with meanings and definitions here, for the sake of taking our thought deeper.

How about I put it this way : Nature herself has imprinted the mind of man with the idea of God.

I think it might be a pretty convincing reason to support the existence of "God", whatever is represented by those 3 letter G-O-D.

Again, I'm an atheist. I CHOOSE not to believe in God the same way people will CHOOSE to DO believe in God. I simply have some kind of an "anti-faith" in God. I don't need him so I choose to discard the *idea* of God from my mind.

Cause after all, lets be honest here. God isnt some huge bearded dude sitting on a cloud watching over us. God is an idea, an abstract concept that, correct me if I'm wrong here, is like a fingerprint, in the sense that it has a very definite and very different meaning for every single people that choose to believe in him.

And then again, about proofs, I never saw a Troll, but that doesn't mean they can't exist. Heck I never saw a hipopotamus and I damn well can't say they don't exist, can I?

Okay, hipopotamuses are a documented specie. But just for a second, drop the hard scientific mind and think about it my way. I'll bet you never saw a platipus the same way you never saw a unicorn. Can you therefore state that they definitely don't exist?

Just like the tree that falls in the forest with no one around. Okay, no one was there to testify it, but you'll tell me the tree did make **CRAAAACKKKK BOOM**

You CHOOSE to believe it did make noise.

If no one's there to see the Troll or the Unicorn, can't it be the same way?

If you say no, that's because you CHOOSE to say no, the same way you CHOOSE to deny the existence of God.

Its as simple as that. :Smug:

EDIT : Mantis, start up your thread on Nietzsche, I'll follow up for sure, I love the man. And if the Mods arent happy, they can close down the thread lol.

Anyway, I'm sure Mr. V. enjoys seeing people talk about something else than his music and him and his person and what he ate last night and how many gallons of beer he drank. :grin:
Cause after all, lets be honest here. God isnt some huge bearded dude sitting on a cloud watching over us. God is an idea, an abstract concept that, correct me if I'm wrong here, is like a fingerprint, in the sense that it has a very definite and very different meaning for every single people that choose to believe in him.
That's kind of the key... God is an idea, God is a feeling, God is a word for something indescribable. There's plenty of other words you can use, and plenty of other descriptions. No culture, faith or text has exclusive access to spiritual truths.

EGOR: Knowing how a the gears in a watch work won't tell you what time it is... dig it?
darcy said:
That's kind of the key... God is an idea, God is a feeling, God is a word for something indescribable. There's plenty of other words you can use, and plenty of other descriptions. No culture, faith or text has exclusive access to spiritual truths.
Tell that to the people I live with and you'll be run out of town on a pole.
But yes, I agree.

There are so many dogmas you can emerse yourself in and a few good things you can pull out of them. But this latching on to one and doing no thinking for yourself... It leads to the most retarted belief systems. My grandparents disowned me for playing an instrument in my church orchestra. (It wasn't "ordained" in the new testament.)

Needless to say, the sooner I get out of this place, the better. :ill:
EGOR said:
You dont have to believe in dont have to believe in anything above below or sideways.....sheesh these religeous dudes will say anything to find a weak spot. Only science will save us..... thats plain facts, not one person has had a leg grown back on.....not one person has been cured of blindness.............Only Science truly cares for Humanity...its free, its evolving and it does stuff. Whats Religeon For ? We Seculars are all Happy with our lot...we like life and are prepared for death..... Why are these people so afraid ? What are they really afraid of ? themselves maybe. In the future when everythings gone all star-trek, I reckon we will see and learn more things than we could ever have imagined in any of our "Earth based storytelling".


you are putting science above you.point proven.
@amf noooo amf you disappointed me! and what about those trolls you saw and painted up there in Norrland :)
A lot of atheists I know and talked to, are always saying "I'd like to believe in something", "I'd like to have a sign life doesn't end here" etc. is it a common need shared by every atheists or this "group" is divided between those who don't believe and give it up for always and those who don't believe but are constantly searching for answer in the hope something exists?
@Alec the free of choice is the catholic "free will" (in latin sounds better liber arbitrium) and it is the base of man's life, when you choose this is good because it's your will to prevail and it's up to your mind decide what to do, I'm pissed when people decide what to do/say according to what others decide what you should do/say like integralist islamic nations in middle east, for this Christian nation today are far-off more than Iran, Arabia etc. In Spain, one of the most catholic nation of Europe, gay-weddings are allowed because the church doesn't introduce into statal matter, try and do these radical change or act like an atheist in Iran, and they will stone you to death.
@darcy & rammpeth don't bother answering EGOR he is not of this forum and I saw he trolls around in other forum
@darcy and alec it's normal that God isn't a beard old man etc. this is human need to give a human shape to divinity like it happened with Zeus/Juppiter Odin etc. but remember that not for anyone God is a feeling, an idea etc. believers do believe that God is a thinking entity that created the world, as Mr V would say, that governs the simmetry of planets and is the architect of the Univers, many not theistics say "I believe in something above us, not called Allah, God, Elohim etc." and nevertheless they think this entity is real
@ braighs where do you live? In fricking Utah :)

On a side note Ok alec I'll start the Nietsche thread, hope base-knowledged people won't introduce as it happened before (hihihihihi every referring is purely casual :) )