Remakes that should of never existed

Filming has just ended on a remake of the contemporary Japanese horror classic, "Juon:The Grudge". Sarah Michelle Gellar is in it...Blargh. That shouldn't have been made.
Also, The Ladykillers and Ringu.

I'd agree with most of the ones already mentioned but thankfully some remakes are better than the original, like Scar Face.
Biddinger said:
Whoa, whoa...what's this all about? An ED remake?
Yeah, I have not heard about this. I don't think they could do it in a way that would piss off every ED fan in the world.

What about rre-edits? Like when George Lucas added footage to fucking Star Wars. That pissed me off big time. Now we will never be able to buy the real Star Wars movies on DVD.
he may have been referring to evil dead 2, essentially a remake of evil dead, although most of you probably already know that. sam raimi and bruce campbell have been trying to make a new evil dead movie for a while, if i remember correctly part of the deal raimi made to do spiderman is that the studio would let him do another evil dead movie. i think hes planning on doing it the same way he did the first 2 though, real low budget and sticking to the slapstick/horror thing, which is very good news. personally im excited.

and most remakes do suck, oceans 11 was a good one though.
Nearly all remakes suck monkey balls. I aggree with most already mentioned, anyone mentioned the remake of The Time Machin yet....that was total arse.
Though the newest version of Dawn of The Dead is far better than the old one. A new Evil Dead film will rock if it has Bruce Cambell and is still low budget! Groovy!
Lets face it, Hollywood is crap now. All they can do not is ruin classic stories and myths, make pointless remakes and lack all originality.

I think that Italy, Japan, Hong Kong and Spain make the best movies in this time period. Hollywood needs to take some chances and stop making movies featuring annoying stupid teenagers doing the same things in every movie they churn out.
the italian job wasnt bad. it was pretty good for a remake really.

the visitors - remake of 'le visitors' was great.

the jackal was better than the original.

i cant think of the worst remake ive seen .. they are usually very forgettable. but i do agree with planet of the apes .. although i think the original is overrated.