Remaster Old Albums----Please!


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Oct 23, 2003
Pacific Northwest
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I just bought Attack of the Killer A's and was comparing the audio quality of the remasters on that disc versus the originals and there is NO COMPARISON. There is so much more weight to the mix that it really makes them seem like new songs. It also makes them sound much less dated. Scott's guitars have the thick tone that we didn't hear on record till Persistance or Killer B's were released. I mean, listen to Among the Living or Madhouse from that record and you'll automatically see what I mean.

Any one else notice the big difference?
Yeah POT had such a crushing guitar sound. I truely think Scott should get that sound back. Imagine his style today with the POT sound. That would rule. Among really needs to be remastered. There are so many heavy guitar riffs that could sound so much better with a remaster.
yeah i suppose it would be cool to remaster the albums for any new fans they get but for long time fans it dont me anyway,how i heard the albums is what got me into thrax,remastering wouldnt really make a fuck of difference to me,i am so used of the originals!
I would love State of Euphoria to be remastered. It sounds as if it was recorded low. When I have it in the disc changer with other albums, I always have to turn it up then down for when it goes to the next disc. But I would love all of them to be remastered.

But I think some bands are doing this remastering to the extreme. AC/DC's remasters are in new packaging, and Iron Maiden seems to have a few different remastered versions out.

Please don't do the remasters like Megadeth did.

Yeah that would kick ass for em all to be remastered..but only up until Sound Of White Noise with bonus tracks, liner notes and shit...Hell, we should all forward this thread to Scott Ian's email inbox to show him what the fans think. That might make them get the idea that we want them remastered. :grin:
Posting it on here will get the info to the appropriate people. In case you were unaware, Mr. Wu is played by various people connected to the band, including Scott and Charlie.

mrthrax said:
yeah i suppose it would be cool to remaster the albums for any new fans they get but for long time fans it dont me anyway,how i heard the albums is what got me into thrax,remastering wouldnt really make a fuck of difference to me,i am so used of the originals!

Yeah I thought the same thing--------until I heard the remastered versions on Return of the Killer A's and listened to the two versions back to back. No comparison, not even close. Especially Madhouse and Among the Living. That was the point of this thread----listen to the two versions.
dutchy said:
I was playing Caught in a Mosh in the hotelbar from the jukebox, after Number of the Beast and some oldschool Kiss song and it sounded like crap!!!!Remaster and rerecord with Bush!!!!!!!!!!!

Rerecord with Bush?? Are you crazy???? All of us fans wanna capture that moment in time, just with a better, cleaner sound and production. Rerecording it will just make it an updated version and wont sound the same with John Bush singing. I'd rather capture Among The Living as it was recorded, not remake it. Thats as if Metallica were to redo Master Of Puppets today. Can you imagine what that would sound like?? Not nearly as good as the original. Or what if Slayer redid Reign In Blood today?? (Even though they play the fucking thing in concert). just think about it..MMA has John Bushr rerecordings and that should satisfy you enough.
Definetly remaster Spreading the Disease.
I think there is some great songs on that album, but they got lost in the poor production.
Sounds like the producer was mixing things through a cheap boom box from K-mart or something. Sounds like it is all treble, not much low-mid range noise.

Having said all that, I still do like some songs of that album...Madhouse, Meduse, Lone Justice.
ThrashMetalSkull said:
the old albums really REALLY don't need it they sound awesome

Uhhh... yeah they do!

I think they should only remaster them, not do what Mustaine did for the Megadeth remasters. I dont want anything changed, just better sound. Theres so much you can do with remastering these days, its insane. Definitly add new photos, linear notes, and maybe some videos. Make them enhanced CD's. That would rule! :rock:

I love ANTHRAX!!! :worship:
Sentdown said:
Uhhh... yeah they do!

I think they should only remaster them, not do what Mustaine did for the Megadeth remasters. I dont want anything changed, just better sound. Theres so much you can do with remastering these days, its insane. Definitly add new photos, linear notes, and maybe some videos. Make them enhanced CD's. That would rule! :rock:

I love ANTHRAX!!! :worship:

Yes!!!! I agree completely!!! :rock: