Remember DAATH?

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
i found them a deal a while back... couldn't announce it until now. DAATH have signed a worldwide deal with Roadrunner Records and i start the album at my studio, The SafeHouse, in May.


Official Site


Roadrunner wants to use the masters i've already created but they want 5 more tracks so, it's in to the studio we go.

lot's of you seemed to like DAATH when i first posted some of my mixes (all of which will be on the debut CD), so this follow up is for those people.
Four Letters.



Good lookin out, James!

The DAATH stuff that you posted, and that I had in heavy rotation over here was of beautiful quality - CD ready as far as I'm concerned.

The Hinderers seemed to be the best of the bunch.

"Who's tha scapegoat!!!!!"
OK. So DAATH only has link to OVUM (which fucking owns!).

For those who did not hear The Hinderers, it must be posted!

My spark for DAATH has just been resparked.

This shit does kill... in a slaughterific way.
James.... Can you please post The Hinderers...

Thanks in advance. =)

I burned those tracks and gave em to a co worker.. thought I had em in a folder here, been searching frantically.. to no avail.

Again - congrats.
EtherForBreakfast said:
James.... Can you please post The Hinderers...

Thanks in advance. =)

I burned those tracks and gave em to a co worker.. thought I had em in a folder here, been searching frantically.. to no avail.

Again - congrats.
sorry, now that they are signed, and for those particular masters, i would be stepping out of bounds to do that without permission.. .which, since that track will be on the album "as is", i don't think will be forthcoming

better hit your buddy up...

glad you like it. \m/

That track started with those rad harmony grit guits.. slowly faded in... the snare owned on that.

Hopefully RR won't hassle them like some friends of mine who got picked up by them a couple years ago... RR wanted them to change their image and suggested to one of them that they lose weight and stuff. Both guitarists quit after the album was done. They were a little more commercial though as in not very extreme like Daath so maybe that has something to do with it. But who knows, maybe it was BS excuse anyways.

Stuff that's been posted so far sounds great though! Good luck with the 5 more songs.