Remember when 5150's were considered to be crap?


Jan 31, 2006
I got a 5150 back in 1994 when I was a senior in high school. I caught so much shit for buying it from all my other friends that played in bands. They thought the amp was a joke. Everyone hated it for some reason and I guess Peavey had some sort of bad reputation but I loved it. Its funny how everyone liked 'my' tone, but when they played it they hated it. I remember seeing them used in guitar stores for like $350 and nobody would buy them. I think its hillarious now that those old 5150s are selling for $800 + on ebay.
You mean they're not?:Smug:


I have one because they record well, but they have a buzz/fizz that's not pleasing. I prefer the Engl sound myself.
Well, when I tried the 5150 in the mid-90s, I didn't get a good sound from it right away. That's why I went with the Engl who blew away everything right out of the box. Haven't tried a 5150 since then ...
the first time I ever played through a 5150 it sounded like ass. too much preamp gain saturation, and it just sounded terrible. that was before I learned how to use a tube amp though, and the fact that you're supposed to turn down the gain and turn up the power section ;) since that first time playing a 5150 I've heard many bands sounding great playing through them, and many great recordings using them. so clearly it's how you use them. they're definitely a good amp.
Had mine for a year now, and it's rare that I reach for another amp to record. Well, the dirty stuff, anyway. I still use my rectifier for clean.

OzNimbus said:
Had mine for a year now, and it's rare that I reach for another amp to record. Well, the dirty stuff, anyway. I still use my rectifier for clean.


fair point oz
not a chance in hell of getting a useable clean sound out of the 5150! its too metal for clean lol :kickass:
my block letter 5150 rocks a matter of fact i like it better than my bitch ass expensive framus cobra :D
i still can't see how anyone could possibly prefer an engl over a 5150, though :lol:
Fragle said:
my block letter 5150 rocks a matter of fact i like it better than my bitch ass expensive framus cobra :D
i still can't see how anyone could possibly prefer an engl over a 5150, though :lol:

"I wish i was trying to get hold of a 5150 when people were in the belief that they were shit lol!"
i hear you, man....i got my 5150 for 700 euro, which is quite a lot - they used to be 950 euro new, the 6505 is slightly more iirc.
now, some friends of mine play nothing but 5150s (guess what? swede style melodic death metal :lol: ) and they got their amps for 400 euro and 400 DM (=old german currency, 400 DM is about 200 euro ) respectively....damn!

edit: maybe i should add that nowadays the 5150s are even more expensive, so 700 euro is a lot but nothing compared to todays standarts
I remember trying out a 5150 a while ago. i thing it was when they just released the Ultra ( i almost got that one cuz of the light up logo). I remember not liking the tone, too oversaturated and compressed sounding. well ff to last year when i was looking for a head and i spent some time at the store dialing in a good tone. it was pretty good, but i found a deal on a used mesa and went with that. I wanted a master volume. that was one of the big turn-offs for the 5150. i didn't want to keep adjusting the clean\dist levels everytime i went from the rehersal room back home. I dug the footswitchable Fx loop though.

That 5150 clip w/ the voodoo mod is awesome.:kickass:
Hey maybe slightly ot, but was there ever any real difference between 5150 block and 5150 sig? All i ever heard was the transformer was better in block, but was it really, and would it affect tone much if at all?!
kev said:
Hey maybe slightly ot, but was there ever any real difference between 5150 block and 5150 sig? All i ever heard was the transformer was better in block, but was it really, and would it affect tone much if at all?!

I can't comment on this particular piece of gear, but transformers can make a huge difference. sometimes the transformer is what "defines the tone" of a particular piece of equipment. you might be surprised.
kev said:
Hey maybe slightly ot, but was there ever any real difference between 5150 block and 5150 sig? All i ever heard was the transformer was better in block, but was it really, and would it affect tone much if at all?!

A buddy of mine who's an avid 5150 user said ther was a differnce in the first run of the amps. he said they have more balls that the later versions. he told me thaey changed somethong but he didn't know exactly what.
