Remixed a Dream Theater Tune


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Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So I stumbled across the stems for the song "On the Backs of Angels" and since I was horribly disgusted with the mix on their latest album decided I would give my shot at fixing it. I replaced the drums with midi, into Metal Machine and the snare and kick were replaced with the Trigger's Dream Kick and Snare. Reverb on the snare and V-Comp on the drum bus taking about -8dB of gain. Did some corrective EQ to the other stems, mostly just taking out the 200-300 area and a 2dB or so high shelf boost on the guitars. Some volume automation as well just to get some elements I felt were too loud down to reasonable levels. Then the master bus was ran through L2 for loudness. It is louder than the original even though mine is not clipping and the original is a little bit.

For an Andy Wallace mix, I am really disappointed, I also feel that they should can Paul Northfeild and get Doug Oberkircher back as Engineer, and let me mix their next album :p.

My mix kinda makes me feel like it is more "Awake" style, especially with the drums. Not quite happy with how mechanic the drums are at times but that comes from the sample replacement and midi as the actual drum stems were completely unusable. The highs sound kinda of harsh compared to the original but I didn't boost anything, that is just the result from removing the mud in the super low mids.

My version

The original:


Let me know what you think
Your version is better! The drums like you said sound mechanical at some parts also the kick drum click is a little too loud. I remember when I listened to this song the first time, everything sounded so muddy and buried in bass.
I can agree with the kick a little bit, but I was going for a more Awake sound and comparing the kick on that album is still more click, I think the problem was more that the kick was too high in the mix.