removing a page from wiki


Sep 21, 2006
i've been trying to remove my existence from wiki but there's a bot that just puts it back. basically im getting harassed on there. i would like to ask if any of you know anything about getting info removed from wiki or at least controlling it.

yeah i know, trolls are lame. but when someone else stumbles upon it and reads false info about me, it really doesn't help.
I haven't read your wiki so i'm not sure what stuff people are putting on there that could upset you. But unfortunately thats the way of the internet. Wiki has a page on just about everything you can think of, so if yours goes down, someone will put it up again so that there is info about you and your accomplishments... be it god or bad its there to stay I think.
yo bro! any publicity is good publicity! i'm sure your name is important enough to those important enough to your profession! so chill and stress less man :)

You do realize you are always going to have haters, just as Andy or any other producer does. I also think if a band is seriously looking for a producer they will find a way to get a hold of you and not use WikiPedia as a reference.

I mean its not like its the first thing that comes up in a Google search for Joey Sturgis

Searches Google:
Dude 99.9% of the stuff that comes up on the first page is not derogatory in the slightest. Rarely ANYONE goes past page 1 on Google. Granted WikiPedia is the 3rd link on the page, but that's 1 bad thing over all the hundreds of other great things on the first page of Google Search

Trust me, the bands that want to record with you KNOW your work and know how to get a hold of you. You got a name nowadays and reputation that everyone knows. Fuck WikiPedia