Removing Fizzy Sound from POD XT

Liam Thompson

Lord of the Strings
Jan 13, 2004
Sunderland, England
There have been numerous people on this forum who own POD XT's that have told us to remove the fizzy sound from these units by notching filtering 13k.

I've just stumbled across another way of getting rid of the nasty fizz while trying to record some guitar solos.

I plugged my Digitech Whammy pedal in to use while recording a solo and when I switched it on to the whammy presets without using the pedal it removed the fizz altogether. Straight away my rhythm sounds sounded much more real coming out of my XT Live. I figure this must be down to the Whammy not being having a true bypass? I can't say this seems to have a bad effect on any of the other frequencies either from what I can here.

Just thought I'd share my discovery with everyone as we all know it's better to get the best sound to tape/hard drive first rather than EQ later.
I just put an Ibanez UE400 in the signal chain and it works great for me. Makes it sound much more natural and kills the fizz. Careful EQing is the key though.
Liam Thompson said:
There have been numerous people on this forum who own POD XT's that have told us to remove the fizzy sound from these units by notching filtering 13k.

I've just stumbled across another way of getting rid of the nasty fizz while trying to record some guitar solos.

I plugged my Digitech Whammy pedal in to use while recording a solo and when I switched it on to the whammy presets without using the pedal it removed the fizz altogether. Straight away my rhythm sounds sounded much more real coming out of my XT Live. I figure this must be down to the Whammy not being having a true bypass? I can't say this seems to have a bad effect on any of the other frequencies either from what I can here.

Just thought I'd share my discovery with everyone as we all know it's better to get the best sound to tape/hard drive first rather than EQ later.

Wow, I gotta go try that now! :grin:
Hmm, I have a Digitech Whammy...I think I will try this. You put it after the XT right? Latah.

Also....which setting on the Whammy works best? I noticed that on some presets, even if you have the pedal all the way down, to where it's not suppose to be altering the pitch (such as the octave up and 2 octave up presets) it pitches up the guitar by a notch or two, making it higher "tuned" than it really is. But anyway, going to grab my Whammy right now, hehe. Latah.

I put the Whammy after the XT.

006 said:
Also....which setting on the Whammy works best? I noticed that on some presets, even if you have the pedal all the way down, to where it's not suppose to be altering the pitch (such as the octave up and 2 octave up presets) it pitches up the guitar by a notch or two, making it higher "tuned" than it really is. But anyway, going to grab my Whammy right now, hehe. Latah.


The setting I used was on the 1 OCTAVE UP setting. My Whammy pedal doesn't alter the tuning at all when the pedal is pressed back in any setting. I 'm not sure what model you have but I have the New Reissue one, the Whammy 4 I think.
Same here, the newest one. Hmm. I think I will try to use my 31-band eq after the XT and see if I can surgically remove anything I don't like. Latah.

Hey guys, I tried notching out with a sharp Q around 13k on my XT but it didn't do much... dunno if my ears are crap or my patches just don't have fizz around there or I'm using too sharp a Q or what.

You guys might wanna check out this thread on the pod forum, where there's a kind of fizz identified roughly around 5.3k for most xt amps, and if you get a VERY VERY sharp Q and notch out around there, I've found that way more beneficial (using a RenEQ plugin). Of course every patch, cab and mic simulation etc. is different, and different patches will introduce "fizz" peaks at different frequencies, some with have more than one fizzy area, etc. The guy Philbert on the thread uses additional EQ in his signal chain, his results aren't too bad!!!

Thread is here:

God y'know it's so fun and educational tweaking away on the XT. Even though it's digital, just the time I've spent with it has made me realize and hear more all the flaws in my real setup, how shitty and digital my sound can be since I've been using a boss GT-5 for years live and haven't got rid of its fizzy top end... always envying people with real money and real amp tones...


Hope the thread helps. If any of you guys manage to get some Sneap/Murphy-esque patches going on please lemme know or please post! Or even better, it'd be great if Andy himself posted his patches.... :Spin: