removing background noise from a sample?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
Hey guys I'm trying to use this quote I ripped from a youtube video but there's some annoying piano playing in the background on the first half of the quote. Are there any plugins or techniques for removing things like this? I'm running cubase 5 and afaik there's nothing in cubase to do this.
Use Adobe Audition 3 in edit mode... you can manually remove certain frequencies at certain points or also use noise reduction similar to refir. Might take a little while to find and remove the the frequencies of the piano and not to damage the speech too much.

Recently whole adobe CS.2 pack was free on their webside, but they removed it because of some compatibility problems.

Anyway you can send it to me and I'll see what I can do with it...
The only thing that comes to mind that could possibly pull this off is Izotope RX.
Use Adobe Audition 3 in edit mode... you can manually remove certain frequencies at certain points or also use noise reduction similar to refir. Might take a little while to find and remove the the frequencies of the piano and not to damage the speech too much.

Recently whole adobe CS.2 pack was free on their webside, but they removed it because of some compatibility problems.

Anyway you can send it to me and I'll see what I can do with it...

dude I'd be so grateful if you would try and help me out. It's literally only like in the first few seconds, if you're down to try how should I send it?
There are interesting tricks you can do. F.ex. use mid/side EQ and mute the side channel so all you hear are things panned dead center which would be the kick. Still.. piano is usually panned dead center also.