Repeat Bands?

I think the idea of changing the set times by taking 15 minutes from #4 and giving it to #2 is a good idea in this situation. Repeat acts are not a problem, and even a good thing, as several have been well received in the past. Repeat headliners are certainly a good idea if they went over well the first time, as long as there's been some time between their last appearance and they have some new material out.

As for lower-slot repeats... well, as some have pointed out, there are a few previous 3rd slot bands, for example, that probably couldn't have headlined the years that they were playing, but did so well during those performances that the ProgPower audience would love to see them return as headliners.

I don't know if it really makes sense for a previous opening band to return as an opening band though, unless they have released some new albums since then and the buzz on them has jumped up and people's perceptions are different. I think the idea of being an opening band is to build, partially by using the bigger name of the headliners to draw an audience to display their skills. If they come back just to play the same opening slot and get the same crowd reaction, there seems little point... because while there may not be that many true headliners that haven't played yet, there are plenty of new, lesser-known prog and power bands that people would love to see in an opening slot.
I would love to see a few repeat bands!!! I know of a few bands that just put out or will have new albums released before ProgPower 7. Plus if you change the set times of slot 4 and 5, it would be very interesting to see who would go where so to speak...
1. Do you want a completely new roster?

No. Wouldn't be a terrible thing necessarily, but with so many of my favorites having played previous PPs... well, I've been known to hope for a few repeats. :)

2. Do you want repeat headliners if there aren't other new headliners available?

Sure. That said, I think Zod is onto something with the whole caliber issue, i.e., I don't think every show needs some 'huge' band.

3. Do you want repeat lower bands moved up into higher slots?

Sure. I can think of several bands who I'd LOVE to see do this.

4. Do you want lower slot repeats knowing there is no way they will move up in the overall roster?

I think that could be a good thing, too. I suppose some bands just kick ass as openers and yet might not quite do it as a 'headliner.' I don't feel real strongly one way or the other about this, though.

That being said, I agree with the point that it would certainly help if a repeat band had new material out since their last appearance.

But come hell, high water, 10 new bands or 10 'old' ones, I'll see you guys next year anyway. :D

One good idea is to bring back bands that have played before(no shit) BUT only bands that haven't really done any tours in the US, that usually ups the ante a little bit, the "once in a lifetime" factor.
As long as it wasnt the same setlist, the band deserved to be there, and there was genuine interest to see this band, I'm all for it. This was my first PP, I'd love to see some of the bands that played there in the past: RAGE(in the us, when will i EVEr see them? never, most likely), Guardian, Devin Townsend, some amazing bands played int he past, I'd love to see them!

Hell, even SYX would be awesome.
Well I know when I am putting my realistic wishlist together I have a hard time thinking of non-repeat headliners. I think PP4 was a good mix of how it should go. 2 Repeat Headliners is good. I think with the possible format change it could make for some bands moving up into higher slots as they return (ex. bad ass mid slot bands moving to a 75 min. slot). But I do believe the repeat shoudl meet certain criteria that someone else mentioned such as updated discography, no recent US tours, etc...
1. Do you want a completely new roster?

Not really. I don't think it's possible to have a new roster without *going* for a completely new roster, which probably means sacrificing quality somewhere. I mean.....if you picked out the lineup and it happened to be a completely new roster (which won't happen), then there's no problem. So basically the answer is no. :loco:

2. Do you want repeat headliners if there aren't other new headliners available?

Sure. Also good are repeats that were in lower slots and have since gained headliner status. ;)

3. Do you want repeat lower bands moved up into higher slots?

Definitely. And I can think of several. ;)

4. Do you want lower slot repeats knowing there is no way they will move up in the overall roster?

Sure. Of course it depends completely on if I liked the band or not, but yeah, that's fine.

Repeats are fine. Obviously there's the *like or don't like* factor, I want to see bands I like repeat and bands I don't like not repeat, but in general I don't have a problem with repeats. I think a nice thing would be to have at least 50% of the bands each year be new, doesn't seem like that would be super-hard to accomplish. Definitely bands who have had several new albums out since the last Prog-Power appearance and bands who aren't just going to have a complete repeat set (the classic bands) should get first pick when choosing repeat bands.
I have no problem with repeats as long as they have had a new album that was of high quality since the last time they were here.

In fact, knowing that you're running low on headliners, I'd much rather see top-caliber repeats than to lower the quality of the overall roster for the sake of freshness.
And also speaking as someone living in a rather highly populated area that for some reason still almost never sees metal acts within 500 miles, I hope you won't hold a band touring the US against them. A lot of us still never get to see these bands unless they come to ProgPower, because it's just not worth it to travel 500 miles to see one band in a small club.
I have no problem with repeats at all.... Sure it would be great if we always got new headliners and/or support bands but the fact remains that there are only so many bands out there that would actually fit into the ProgPower roster and still interest the fanbase while maintaining the "spirit" of the festival....

Personally, I would rather have an excellent return band than a new band that is mediocre.... There are plenty of return bands that would make for a great show.... That goes for headliners as well....

I agree with what others have expressed as far as not having a return band that has toured the states frequently and recently.... That would take away from the exclusiveness of the festival....
I love the ideaof repeats. Especially GAMMA RAY, since I missed them the first time and have never seen them! EVERGREY I could see a million times. Also, JAG PANZER! If anyone deserves a repeat appearance, it's them! So...repeats? Thumbs way up!
Harvester said:
Do you want a completely new roster?

No. Most of my favorite bands have already been at a ProgPower, and I'm looking forward to seeing some of them again. Especially those bands who haven't been back to the U.S. But I certainly wouldn't complain if the band *has* been back for a show or a tour.

Do you want repeat headliners if there aren't other new headliners available?

Yes. In fact, I wouldn't mind repeat headliners even if there *were* new headliners available.

I'd also much prefer repeat headliners over just about any kind of reunion show of a band whose prime is well past.

Do you want repeat lower bands moved up into higher slots?

Yes. Lower bands especially don't have the resources to come and tour the U.S., so something like ProgPower might be our only chances to see them.

Do you want lower slot repeats knowing there is no way they will move up in the overall roster?

Yes. See above, and 45 minutes is a lot better than nothing! :)

As others have said, I'll be buying my gold badge blind regardless. And of course I'm hoping for repeat bands that I personally like, but if they're not, I'll keep my mouth shut, since I asked for it. :) Actually, it's really no different to me getting a repeat band that I don't like vs. a new band that I don't like. I don't expect to like all the bands everytime. I usually like most of them, and that's enough for me.

I think it's fine to bring back a band, but only if they; 1) Have new material, or 2) Have a new lineup that might significantly change their sound. For example, Balance of Power would be fine as a repeat since they have one new album and a new singer. Blind Guardian would not be a good repeat (based upon the above criteria - though I'd love to see them again) because their new member hasn't significantly changed their sound, and they do not have a new album out since their last appearance.

I think repeats would be best in the 3-5 slots. The first two slots should remain for bands that have less material, or may be less known. As somebody else said, this gives *smaller* bands the chance to play in front of a receptive audience where they might not have the resources to play the US, or a tour (if they are a US band) otherwise.

So what I'm saying is:
1. Do you want a completely new roster?
Not necessarily.
2. Do you want repeat headliners if there aren't other new headliners available?
Sure, assuming they meet the criteria above or something similar.
3. Do you want repeat lower bands moved up into higher slots?
Sure. That works. Again, assuming they meet the above criteria.
4. Do you want lower slot repeats knowing there is no way they will move up in the overall roster?
If they meet the above criteria, sure. I mean a band like Zero Hour just doesn't have the stage presence to be anything above a slot 1 or 2 band. However, they have put out a bunch of new material since they were last at PP, and they definately sound great live. So using that example, they would be a good repeat.

Having said all that, I think US tours should only be a criteria if the tours were extensive. For example, Kamelot and Sonata Arctica and doing U.S. *tours*, but it's not likely that most of us will see them since their tours are not extensive. Into Eternity, OTOH, would be a poor choice, since if somebody wanted to see them, but hasn't in recent years, can only blame themselves. :)

I hope all that makes sense. I'm pretty damn drunk, so it's hard to string together coherent thoughts.
I'm all for repeat bands in any position as long as you stick to the "cannot repeat in consecutive years" stance. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing Angra and Strato this year, but if they played next year as well... hmmm... well that would still kick ass, but i'd like to see someone different.

Personally as long as they have a new cd out then i'm all for it. Need fresh material.

I'd probably go no matter who played anyways.
I have no problem with repeat bands. I think if their previous performance was good enough to justify a return, then there should be no doubt that playing again is a definite possibility.

It is especially true when you "discover" a band because of the show they put on in Progpower. I don't want to break your cheerleading rule, Glenn, but one band I had never heard anything of was Pain of Salvation. So now, I would be happy to see them again, this time as a fan of the band rather than just looking at them as "the band before edguy." I'm not saying "please bring back PoS" (at least not directly =p ) but I'm sure there are a lot of people who became fans of a band because of a performance, and it would be great for them to see a band again.
Repeat bands also have the benefit that you know what type of show they put on. I know you put a lot of research in how good each band is live, but there is always that uncertainty of whether or not they will "deliver", with repeat bands, you know what you're getting yourself into. That's just my thoughts. You put a kickass show anyway so there is no doubts here (yes I'm kissing ass)

so in summary...

Do you want a completely new roster?
not necessarily

Do you want repeat headliners if there aren't other new headliners available?

Do you want repeat lower bands moved up into higher slots?
of course!

Do you want lower slot repeats knowing there is no way they will move up in the overall roster?
thats fine too. better than no performance.
I pretty much agree with everyone else. I don't mind repeats at all. I would love to see some of the bands that played previous years again. If they have new material out and haven't been touring the states much. I think everybody trusts your judgment on this Glenn. Do what you think is right for the show. You haven't let us down yet!
No problem with repeats here (especially as this was my first year, LOL). The festival overall is what is special, not necessarily the bands playing that particular year. Looking at the previous lineups it'd be hard not to repeat because you get all the best bands.

Especially agree iwth the idea of a band moving up to headline status, with new material out. Also agree with Zod that there doesnt necessarily have to be a "true" headliner - it's the quality of all the bands that is pulling people down south. I do like the idea of the opening couple of slots maybe being for newer bands-that havent been seen.

I think everyone here trusts your tastes in music - you havent had a bad one yet, and I doubt you ever will. Either way, I'll be there.

Hail Glenn,
Lots and lots of good points in here. New material definitely plays a part. Huge receptions from previous appearances as well. Kickass bands that I could see five nights in a row and still not get tired of, there's PLENTY of those!

I'd love to see a few bands get bumped up for longer setlists (Manticora, Into Eternity, Outworld, to name a few).

I'd really really love to see certain bands again once they get new material released (Symphony X, Rage, Edguy, Blind Guardian and Angra).

And then there's the shitloads of bands I'm STILL dying to see (Shaaman, Primal Fear, Vision Divine, Labyrinth, Dragonforce, Dream Evil and Forgotten Tales).

And let's not forget all the unrealistic special projects and solo acts and fantastic reunion opportunities (Avantasia, Ayreon, Olaf Thorsen jumping in with Labyrinth, John Petrucci solo, Sinergy with the guys from COB, Steve Vai with a SLEW of crazy musicians).

I still see plenty plenty PLENTY of opportunities for awesome lineups for Prog Power USA.


Glenn... can we just bulk buy tickets for the next three years? Not a Gold Badge, just a guaranteed ticket for the next three events?