Request for the concert in Nalen


Apr 23, 2007
Ive seen DT live three times, two festivals and one regular concert. Ive also seen most bootlegs available and ofcourse the Live Damage DVD. Even though they are always more of less awesome on stage, i think the live-concept is getting a bit tired, or perhaps predictable. Now, obviously u got a new album out and very very good album too so hopefully wll see some new songs anyways. However, as i said, for example punish my heaven is getting a bit old even though its one of ur best songs, and i also know that u have limited time in terms of rehearsing new material and so forth, but still... give us something extra god dammit.... ! A martin brändström improvisation, a dual guitarist jam, get Jivarp behind the piano, or get Stanne an acoustic guitar, anything!

So, prior to the nalen concert i would like to make some suggestions: (no, they are all serious, no jokes)

I. Get Stanne an acoustic guitar and let him perform Day to end without the creepy eighties stuff in it, its a fucking beatiful song

II. Play something ( solo, improvisation) not released on record, or perhaps the bonustracks from fiction

III. (prob had this request a million times, but still) Play any skydancer material =)

IV. Get Jivarp on the piano and let him back Stanne up while he is singing day to end

V. I could go on forever with these more or less horrible suggestions, but i gtg, so please keep filling the list in!

puss/ snuffis
I. Mikael would tell you he is a terrible guitar player :p
II. the bonus track thing would be cool
III. the band told many many times the old songs just don't sound right these days
IV. aghgahgahga
He might be a bad guitarplayer, but its an easy song to play...

Well, its says "very special guests" so u never know, it might be the former guitarist (I def prefer Henriksson holding the bas) and then they should really play skydancer..but yes its one in a million and i know what they say about it, still doesnt stop me from requesting it.
In about 99.9% of the cases special guest means there will be another band playing that is more than an opener but still less than a headliner. They probably just don't know yet who it is.

While we are at requesting:
I hope DT will play some of their older songs from Skydancer or more from The Gallery on the next concerts :danceboy: .
haha yeah im aware of that fact that in 99.9 % = other bands, as i said, one in a million...
Ive seen DT live three times, two festivals and one regular concert. Ive also seen most bootlegs available and ofcourse the Live Damage DVD. Even though they are always more of less awesome on stage, i think the live-concept is getting a bit tired, or perhaps predictable. Now, obviously u got a new album out and very very good album too so hopefully wll see some new songs anyways. However, as i said, for example punish my heaven is getting a bit old even though its one of ur best songs, and i also know that u have limited time in terms of rehearsing new material and so forth, but still... give us something extra god dammit.... ! A martin brändström improvisation, a dual guitarist jam, get Jivarp behind the piano, or get Stanne an acoustic guitar, anything!

So, prior to the nalen concert i would like to make some suggestions: (no, they are all serious, no jokes)

I. Get Stanne an acoustic guitar and let him perform Day to end without the creepy eighties stuff in it, its a fucking beatiful song

II. Play something ( solo, improvisation) not released on record, or perhaps the bonustracks from fiction

III. (prob had this request a million times, but still) Play any skydancer material =)

IV. Get Jivarp on the piano and let him back Stanne up while he is singing day to end

V. I could go on forever with these more or less horrible suggestions, but i gtg, so please keep filling the list in!

puss/ snuffis

You better stop smoking that shit, its clouding your confused thinking -
I don't think their live act is going stale. I'm going to the Nalen show and if that show is anything like the show in Hollywood in April, then I will be a happy happy man. DT is the best live band I've seen.
While we're making requests:

-More songs from The Gallery / The Mind's I.
-NO songs from Character, please.
-More songs from Fiction. Preferably ItPS.
-All of the above in a concert i'll see.


As for the "special guests" thing, i'm sure it refers to the other bands. But what if it referred to a female singer on stage? Or Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?