Rest In Peace Michael

... And? Thriller was released in 1982, everything he's done after the 80s is pretty much bollocks.

Word! I disliked his music, except "Thriller".

The last ten years he was the "knight of the sorrowful countenance", it was creepy to behold.

I think his death was predictable, he was a nervous and physical wreck.
Fifteen years ago I would have cared because world would have lost a musician. Now with him getting that absurd it doesn´t touch me at all. He probably was already dead the last ten years, he just didn´t notice.
This is really a bit shit..dancing to 'Black or White' while playing a plastic guitar in my pjs is one of my first music memories :/

oh yeah... you can't do that EVER again now he's dead, if he'd only found a way to put his music on some kind of device so you could listen to his music over and over again until you're bored sick and puke all over the place :Smug:

i'm not a fan, but everybody dies, tbh a cardiac arrest is a fairly okay way to go for me

edit: it's not like it was david bowie... *sigh*... david bowie...
Deadly said:
oh yeah... you can't do that EVER again now he's dead, if he'd only found a way to put his music on some kind of device so you could listen to his music over and over again until you're bored sick and puke all over the place :Smug:


Yeah I'm pretty sure I never said I wouldn't do it again. It's the bloody sentimentality behind it being one of the first awakenings of musical interest in my childhood,thereby permitting me to feel some personal remorse towards the death of the person behind giving me said experience k.
TBH i don't care at all, Sure he was the king of pop, but i don't like pop at all.
Last decade he has been pretty inactive and just weird. Probably a pedophile too so..No loss for me, And i think people is making it a too big thing also, It's not like Alexi died or something.
TBH i don't care at all, Sure he was the king of pop, but i don't like pop at all.
Last decade he has been pretty inactive and just weird. Probably a pedophile too so..No loss for me, And i think people is making it a too big thing also, It's not like Alexi died or something.

You were going so well until you said the last sentence...:erk:
Facebook has been flooded with everything about MJ today.

Even the Onion took a shot in at it, and hundreds of people are getting offended and some are even removing themselves from the Onion's fans because of it. I don't get why people read their stuff if they can't take a joke. These people did the same thing with the joke about Farrah Fawcett. *shakes head sadly* Sure, it's sad, but come on! Learn to laugh!
When Farrah Fawcett got to the Gates of Heaven, St. Peter said she could have one wish. She said, "I want the children of the world not to live in fear and terror anymore." St. Peter said, "Are you absolutely sure?" She said yes.

And then Michael Jackson died of a heart attack.


There, I did it! I'm going to hell.

R.I.P Michael Jackson :(

Nah, I am.

In all seriousness, though, R.I.P. Michael. His music from the glory days shall remain legendary forever.
When Farrah Fawcett got to the Gates of Heaven, St. Peter said she could have one wish. She said, "I want the children of the world not to live in fear and terror anymore." St. Peter said, "Are you absolutely sure?" She said yes.

And then Michael Jackson died of a heart attack.

I just told my sister that.

She told me I was going to hell and that she was following me because she said it was hilarious.
We're all gonna go someday... but tbh, the second i heard the news, Gonzo came on my mind cuz i remember that he used to love MJ. :(