Rest In Peace Michael

Damn it, I could not believe. It was just a pretty normal day, and one fellow-student of mine just said "Oh, I can't believe, my neighbours listening only Michael Jacson today, he dies". And I still like :OMG: What the fucking shit?

I really was not big fan of him, when I was child my sister listened him. Well,I'm really sorry. R.I.P.
honestly, at this point I wish Michael Jackson were still alive just so I could quit hearing about him and seeing him in an advertisement every other page that loads...
I have to admire that I dont give a shit.
I didnt like his music and he was a disturbed man, although the stories about his molesting may not be true (I believe them anyways).
Now it just pisses me off how the "Poor Michael" becomes a new religion and all his damn records sell so well ...
I mean when those stories where out everyone hated him and now out of a sudden hes the greatest man to have walked on earth ...


(I still got a sealed "Thriller" EP :D)
Oh, aint sealed :(