Review of Mattias of the Night´s latest prank on the D.T.-forum.


Nov 26, 2002
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Expectations were set high. Rightly so, for with his new slogan "Web forums = life", little is heard from the person who created such classic threads as "ReeeAly KEwEl PolL!!" and the one where Peter from In Flames supposedly had taken possession of his computer (note to complaining people: shut up! I don´t know the name of it...).

The most recent in the line of threads by mr. Night (no, not the same responsible for the hit movie "The Sixth Sense" - that´s M. Night Shaymahaylaylhayylanaannilainhyan) is "I'm the best person in the world by far. (np)". Followed by the somewhat unsuccessful thread where he suggested all threads be merged into one and him being dubbed moderator - which was plagiarised from other person, [Sic], on the OUIFf, and ironically held vital and alive (as long as possible) by other person of equal greatness, U[Sic]M - he had a lot hanging on this new thread. Possibly his entire future...and life. *GASP*

Were expectations met, though?

Well, he arguably was in fine form when introducing new term "(np)" to persons in the forum (D.T.-forum). Points were scored, people got insulted, mr. Night invited to laughter and giggle. However, this was it, no more, score: 0. The trademark alternating capitals which has become synonymous with mr. Nightdude are all but present. The funny man, or, if you will, humourist extraordinaire, of yore is seemingly not to be seen. Gone. Lost. In absentia.
Next time write something shorter.
And with some meaning.

Siren (now plz delete or let drown in oblivion)
you ppl are way too strict: can't you see the waves of best-selling humour pouring out of every syllable?
well, me neither. ;)

and can't you two guys keep your lovey-dovey talk to a couple of threads, please?

This is absolute bullshit. I don't fucking deserve this shit! I am the high commander! I believe in evolution, I do not believe in always repeating the same mix of capital and lowercased letters over and over again, the little gimick which you have now abused to the point of gayness. I demand an appology. And then I demand love.
What in the whole unholy metul, shit and WTF! I will tell this to you for the third and last time now, senile Mattias of the senile Night, so read thoroughly and attentively and most importantly: READ THOROUGHLY. You HAVE love! Remember, at the OUIFf everyone loves you.

As for the review. Yeah, that was some funny shit. :lol: And don´t try to deny it, I saw your previous (now deleted) post before this one where you praised it, like this:

Originally posted by Mattias of the Night before deleting it
HA HA HA, yes U[Sic]M, that was soooOOooOooo funny. :lol::lol::lol: It was really accurate and truthful and totally ungay and metal, much like me, only better and wittier. In fact, I admit that I once and for all have been bested. May I call you Master now?

See? There it is.
Yeah well, I saw you write a post where you said you were really gay and that you should die, and you admitted that I'm much better than you, and you said you looked like a gay homosexual queer fag and that you were really really proud of it, and let's not forget that you complained over how unfunny you are, and you begged for me to teach you the art of being great, and you also showed a picture of yourself and everyone in the world laughed at you, even you yourself laughed and said you were such a doofus.

But then you erased it.
Whoaaah, hold it right there. A gay homosexual queer fag, eh? The homosexual being gay reverses the homosexuality, and the fag being queer negates any homosexuality whatsoever, so what we´re left with is a heterosexual person.

In actuality, it was you who wrote that post (minus the above reasoning of course), though you did leave out some things in your above account. Like this for instance:

Originally posted by Mattias of the Night before twisting the words and text to smear the good name of good sir U[Sic]M
1. I know that I am not especially special as certain special human beings especially are... 2. What comes after 2? 9. Yo, man, Black mEtUL is so Raaad it´s illegal!

Hah-hah, this is where you say "Touché, U[Sic]M!".
What in the whole Subterranean?! I didn´t know this was the OUIFf. Now, stop bothering me and everyone else in here or I´ll say something really awful and unwonderful like "In Flames are in cahoots with LL Cool J" or "The world doesn´t start and end with what is written in the sacred and exalted scriptures of ´The Jester Race´".
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Shut up. I haven't seen you post a useful thing whatsoever, or do anything other than troll.

And "*runs and jumps into a banana garden*" (copyright Gums) and saying people are idiots (copyright Steve-o-fourtwenty) are useful statements/posts? Huh? What? Yeah?