review slash stories from the philly show


the graven image of me !
yea yea i know its wayyy to late to be posting this but some funny shit happened that i think youll get a kick out of. ok so my friend alex and i arrived at the trocadero at about 430 pm . as i got out of the car i thought to my self " ahh inflames is gonna be hard as hell to meet this time seeing as there headlining and all". as i thought this i was greeted by jesper and peter, and jesper's girl friend lol, easyier then i thought. jesper had on the "eat a bag of shit" shirt which i thought was very funny, we "shot the shit" for a little while until peter informed me that they were going to get some breakfast AT 4 30 IN THE AFTERNOON! LOL when asked where the other guys where peter replyied " i have no fucking clue, i think anders has a hang over and bjorn is inside drinking, and i have absolutly no clue where daneil is" after having a good laugh peter and jesper walked away. not abad start to the day. just after this i saw bjorn strid and ola flink standing around. we went and talked to them for a bit, totally nice guys but one thing bothers me, flink always looks soo damn confused, like a doggie who is lost! he seemed kind of out of it. after this we met up with peter wichers and ola frenning at soil works bus. we talked to them nothing really worth mentioning tho. we walked back to the venue just in time to see bjorn from IF walk out of the venue. we talked to him for a few minutes, funny guy, he told us that he was hungry enough to eat a cow so he left to go get some food. now fast forward to after the concert. we are standing in the back of the venue with about 50 other fans when bjorn(IF) comes to the window with no clothes on (i guess he took a shower) and started waving to us, everyone started laughing before a roadie shut the window. but the funneist part of the night was when we met anders because my friend loves anders, my friend also loves any thing metallica does, if james took a shit, he would by it on EBAY. any way when talking to anders the subject of inflames play8ng with metallica came up. when my friend asked anders if he liked st anger anders laughed and said oh no not at all . the look on my friends face was priceless.

any ways i was bored so i posted all of this shit that really has no purpose what so ever and im not gonna check the spelling or grammer i know it sucks considering i wrote this in all of 1 minute. so if you dont like it " EAT A BAG OF SHIT ". but i hope its tleast entertaining
egonomic666 said:
yea yea i know its wayyy to late to be posting this but some funny shit happened that i think youll get a kick out of. ok so my friend alex and i arrived at the trocadero at about 430 pm . as i got out of the car i thought to my self " ahh inflames is gonna be hard as hell to meet this time seeing as there headlining and all". as i thought this i was greeted by jesper and peter, and jesper's girl friend lol, easyier then i thought. jesper had on the "eat a bag of shit" shirt which i thought was very funny, we "shot the shit" for a little while until peter informed me that they were going to get some breakfast AT 4 30 IN THE AFTERNOON! LOL when asked where the other guys where peter replyied " i have no fucking clue, i think anders has a hang over and bjorn is inside drinking, and i have absolutly no clue where daneil is" after having a good laugh peter and jesper walked away. not abad start to the day. just after this i saw bjorn strid and ola flink standing around. we went and talked to them for a bit, totally nice guys but one thing bothers me, flink always looks soo damn confused, like a doggie who is lost! he seemed kind of out of it. after this we met up with peter wichers and ola frenning at soil works bus. we talked to them nothing really worth mentioning tho. we walked back to the venue just in time to see bjorn from IF walk out of the venue. we talked to him for a few minutes, funny guy, he told us that he was hungry enough to eat a cow so he left to go get some food. now fast forward to after the concert. we are standing in the back of the venue with about 50 other fans when bjorn(IF) comes to the window with no clothes on (i guess he took a shower) and started waving to us, everyone started laughing before a roadie shut the window. but the funneist part of the night was when we met anders because my friend loves anders, my friend also loves any thing metallica does, if james took a shit, he would by it on EBAY.

:lol: i know someone else like this! :lol:

any way when talking to anders the subject of inflames play8ng with metallica came up. when my friend asked anders if he liked st anger anders laughed and said oh no not at all . the look on my friends face was priceless.

any ways i was bored so i posted all of this shit that really has no purpose what so ever and im not gonna check the spelling or grammer i know it sucks considering i wrote this in all of 1 minute. so if you dont like it " EAT A BAG OF SHIT ". but i hope its tleast entertaining

:lol: thanks! :)