
I just got it today off iTunes (yes, I back my stuff up)...

I think it's the best Vintersorg album since the Focusing Blur. I do want to say that I find the production a bit similar to Cosmic Genesis, which is really overall one of my favorite albums of all-time in regards to Mr.V's work (which would include Borknagar).

A lot of reviews have said that, yes, it's a great album, but perhaps not as experimental and maybe he didn't push the envelope musically that much. I'm not sure I agree. I think there's a tendency to associate familiarity with repetition, and on my first two listens I find this an album that's probably going to get played over and over again simply because it really demonstrates the maturity of the artist over time. I think every once in a while a musician or a band clicks, and finds a sound they're very comfortable with. I would think that Jordpuls is probably the culmination of his efforts in the last decade, which personally I find fascinating.

Not being the musician in my family, I can only offer a layman's interpretation of the album. But unlike Solens Rotter, which I found very interesting but perhaps not something I would listen to as a complete album very often, I think Jordpuls will join Focusing Blur, Cosmic Genesis and Visions from the Spiral Generator as albums I feel that I need to listen to in their entirety when I give them a spin.

Early candidate for album of the year, to be sure.
Yeah :rock:! You suck Close-Up magazine! I mean, you've the name of a toothpaste for Cthulhu's sake, which doesn't make you very cool.

Does anyone have a link to the review? I couldn't find it.

It's only in the actual paper magazine, but I could try and transalte the entire thing.

On another very related note - yesterday I took a quick peak in Sweden Rock Magazine, the second largest (or largest depending on which editor you ask) metal magazine in Sweden and guess what!? They also gave "Jordpuls" 4 out of 10! :bah:
I can't recall exactly what it said, but I remember something about "dropping the whole prog-thing" and "reform Otyg already!"

I can actually agree with the last statement... ;)
Firstly: actually my copy of Jordpuls is "shipped" so don't expect me to kill all journalists in advance. I have no arguments to fight.
Secondly: Who does really care about journalist's taste?

I do when they have no taste whatsoever :p .

Djöfull;9750868 said:
I need more foreigners on facebook to look cool and international.

Haha well now you've me, so I guess that helps.

I just got it today off iTunes (yes, I back my stuff up)...

I think it's the best Vintersorg album since the Focusing Blur. I do want to say that I find the production a bit similar to Cosmic Genesis, which is really overall one of my favorite albums of all-time in regards to Mr.V's work (which would include Borknagar).

A lot of reviews have said that, yes, it's a great album, but perhaps not as experimental and maybe he didn't push the envelope musically that much. I'm not sure I agree. I think there's a tendency to associate familiarity with repetition, and on my first two listens I find this an album that's probably going to get played over and over again simply because it really demonstrates the maturity of the artist over time. I think every once in a while a musician or a band clicks, and finds a sound they're very comfortable with. I would think that Jordpuls is probably the culmination of his efforts in the last decade, which personally I find fascinating.

Not being the musician in my family, I can only offer a layman's interpretation of the album. But unlike Solens Rotter, which I found very interesting but perhaps not something I would listen to as a complete album very often, I think Jordpuls will join Focusing Blur, Cosmic Genesis and Visions from the Spiral Generator as albums I feel that I need to listen to in their entirety when I give them a spin.

Early candidate for album of the year, to be sure.

Yes!!! I really like it too, and I completely agree. Solens is an album in which I listen to specific songs, rarely complete. I've noticed that with this one, however, I always listen to it in its entirety! :rock:

It's only in the actual paper magazine, but I could try and transalte the entire thing.

On another very related note - yesterday I took a quick peak in Sweden Rock Magazine, the second largest (or largest depending on which editor you ask) metal magazine in Sweden and guess what!? They also gave "Jordpuls" 4 out of 10! :bah:
I can't recall exactly what it said, but I remember something about "dropping the whole prog-thing" and "reform Otyg already!"

I can actually agree with the last statement... ;)

Not sure if it's worth translating that rubbish, mate.

WHAT??? Another 4/10??? Preposterous, really. I know that people have different music tastes and yada-yada, but seriously, 4/10 seems excessive; as if they hadn't really heard the album at all. Even more, the reviewers are obviously a couple of nincompoops that do not like prog music and stagnated in Vintersorg's folk era.
Drop the whole prog thing? Never! Becoming an entirely folk band (without prog elements), at least within Vintersorg, would be a step back (and I think impossible to be honest); I cannot disagree more with that comment. It'd be nice to see a new Otyg album, but as Otyg, not as Vintersorg.
'Nuff said, I'm pissed off.
Who does really care about journalist's taste?

Oh you know, complaining and protesting is my hobby. I'm French :muahaha:

Here's another review in French on a blog: 4,5/5
"it could have been perfect but there are a few flaws"
They complain because Asgeir Mickelson and Steve DiGiorgio don't play on this album.... They say Mr. V. should trust more human beings than machines, hehe.

Well, I don't agree with that.... Nevermind, it's a very positive review.
Oh you know, complaining and protesting is my hobby. I'm French :muahaha:

Here's another review in French on a blog: 4,5/5
"it could have been perfect but there are a few flaws"
They complain because Asgeir Mickelson and Steve DiGiorgio don't play on this album.... They say Mr. V. should trust more human beings than machines, hehe.

Well, I don't agree with that.... Nevermind, it's a very positive review.

Even if I find the drum machine very good in this album, I do wish he'd use less machines and more humans. Still, I guess it's difficult for him to do so.
italian reviewers know more than swedish ones :lol:
i've just read a wonderful review about jordpuls which totally satisfied me, and with which i can totally agree....
the guy gave the album 78/100 which is pretty respectable, but reading his words you can understand who much he loved the album, and i suppose he didn't want to give the album an higher vote just to do not exceed and be criticized by others.
and above all he demonstrates to have listened to the album more than one or two times.
but the part i've loved so much about the review is this one:

Facendo un passo indietro e tornando a parlare di "Världsalltets Fanfar" non è possibile non spendere due parole sul break centrale. Questo passaggio sembra quasi scritto (ma avrei potuto citare anche tutta l'ultima traccia "Eld Och Lågor") per tacitare una volta per tutte tutti coloro che, in questi anni, hanno apertamente criticato, o anche solo dubitato di, Hedlund come esecutore. Il passaggio in voce pressochè solista, accompagnata solo da un delicato arpeggio di chitarra, ha linee melodiche per niente facili, ma l'esperienza è assolutamente da brividi. Dopo aver ascoltato un brano simile si può certamente ancora criticare l'artista per molti motivi, ma di certo non come interprete.

i'll write a nearly word-to-word translation:
going back and speaking about "Världsalltets Fanfar" it isn't possible to not speak about the central break. this passage seems to be written (this and all the entire track called "Eld Och Lågor") to hush up once and for all, all those who, in those years, have criticized him widely, or they have even only doubted about hedlund as a performer. the vocal passage is nearly a solo, accompanied only by a delicate guitar arpeggio, it has difficult melodic lines, but it's a touching experience that gives shivers. after having listened to this song you cannot criticize him anymore as interpreter, maybe only for other reasons.

so, all of you vintersorg's detractors, get this kick in your ass and shut up! :lol:
To be honest, my experience with Swedes and Vintersorg is a very mixed bag. My girlfriend, for example, hates Vintersorg and thinks he sounds like a pretentious ass (this coming from a chick who listens to some of the most fucking brain-destroying pretentious music I've ever heard in my entire life). My guess is that some people just don't appreciate the style and/or the content.

All of that said, I don't think we should all take reviews so seriously. Reviews are opinions and Vintersorg isn't exactly a mainstream artist.
To be honest, my experience with Swedes and Vintersorg is a very mixed bag. My girlfriend, for example, hates Vintersorg and thinks he sounds like a pretentious ass (this coming from a chick who listens to some of the most fucking brain-destroying pretentious music I've ever heard in my entire life). My guess is that some people just don't appreciate the style and/or the content.

All of that said, I don't think we should all take reviews so seriously. Reviews are opinions and Vintersorg isn't exactly a mainstream artist.

yes, but i get the feeling that andreas is interested in what reviews say, if not he would not have posted so many here.
so i tought it was nice to post at last a nice and positive review about his work :)
To be honest, my experience with Swedes and Vintersorg is a very mixed bag. My girlfriend, for example, hates Vintersorg and thinks he sounds like a pretentious ass (this coming from a chick who listens to some of the most fucking brain-destroying pretentious music I've ever heard in my entire life). My guess is that some people just don't appreciate the style and/or the content.

All of that said, I don't think we should all take reviews so seriously. Reviews are opinions and Vintersorg isn't exactly a mainstream artist.

Haha what's that "most-fucking brain destroying pretentious music"? Some reviews are not to be taken seriously, but at least those 4/10 help in letting you know which magazines not to read.
I don't understand….
And nor do I.

Oh you know, complaining and protesting is my hobby. I'm French
I would suspect quite different nationality... :p

They say Mr. V. should trust more human beings than machines, hehe.
I wouldn't trust A. Stenlund [Gravisphere]. I expected Unidentified Flying Guts or something in that style. And listen, what they have done...