album news?


groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
Any idea of when the new fission or cronian will be released Mr. V???
"Pain Parade", that's not really an album title you'd expect from a Mr. V. band. but anyway, thanks for the heads-up, I'm looking forward to it :)

We're putting the final touches to the album this weekend. The title is very representative for the album, as the lyrical theme is a bit different this time around. Keywords would be: Man, Mechanical, Pain, Outcast...still through a more philosophical point of view than you normaly associate with the typical metal scene.

mr V
We're putting the final touches to the album this weekend. The title is very representative for the album, as the lyrical theme is a bit different this time around. Keywords would be: Man, Mechanical, Pain, Outcast...still through a more philosophical point of view than you normaly associate with the typical metal scene.

mr V

OOOoohhhh I love what I'm reading. Almost sounds like some overindustrialized cyberpunk futuristic setting à la Blade Runner. Can't wait to hear this!!!
It's so funny how with most bands/musicians I'm used to expected one release every couple of years, but with Mr. V I've gotten so used to expected a constant flow of releases!
sweet finally a response to this thread. pain parade, although an unexpected title, sounds interesting! I cant fucking wait.
their is a new cronian album coming.

Yes. We've actually done a the "lion work" on the album and are pollish thiongs up and trying to figure out how to present it in an suitable form. So far six out of eight tracks are recorded and ready to be mixed. And we're working in the other songs to make them perfect. So, things are really on the move with Cronian.

mr V