
Most enjoyable year I've had honestly. Like Jeff said, not a single bad performance out there. My faves of the weekend were Salem's Wych (and I fully admit to complaining about them beforehand but they made a new fan out of me), Q5 (perfection), Twisted Tower Dire (not as good as WOM but still good), Walpyrgus (one of the best 2nd stagers), Wretch (best band on the 2nd stage and sucks not many got to see it) and Savage Master (keep getting better and better). Moros Nyx too (very surprised you guys were that good).

I'll be honest in that the Rods just aren't my thing. They sounded good but they just don't click with me. Liege Lord were great, but was expecting a little more (and I'm sure the singer's physical condition had a lot to do with it). Hrom were absolutely fantastic but one of those hard situations where they were up against another solid band, so I only got to see 4 songs. Skelator was one of the top bands I wanted to see and loved what I saw, but I couldn't miss out on Moros Nyx. Aftermath I sadly missed completely due to dinner; hopefully, they get added on a show soon. Dantesco I absolutely love but had to skip half of them due to competition and me already seeing them before. Hessian were great live to but, like Hrom, wasn't able to catch most of it. Ostrogoth were great but not as good as I had expected. Skullview proved they still have it and was glad they finally got a good crowd. Nothing will ever top that first performance, though a lot of that probably has to do with being so unfamiliar with them that first time and being surprised.

I stayed for 35 minutes of Nuclear Assault. I really did like what I heard and saw, but I'll admit by this time I was wiped and just went outside to hang out with people, say goodbyes, etc. Like Jason said though, the setlist started to get a bit shakey towards the end of me seeing them.

Funniest moment of the fest certainly was Lee not only talking out of a mic but roasting Bob.
OK, here is my review:

Satan’s Hallow were quite good, and I am looking forward to future releases from them.

I really liked Salem’s Wych, but couldn’t understand anything the singer said in between songs. “Ep bip bop biddlebop rockaroll!”

Vatican were entertaining enough, and I was impressed that their old singer can still reach those high notes.

My curse to never see a full Hessian set lives on. I was looking at the old schedule and didn’t go to the second stage until 7:05, just in time to see their last 3 songs. It wasn’t a complete loss though as it meant I got to watch more of Vatican. I didn’t see more than a song or 2 of the other second stage bands.

Back at the main stage, Q5 blew me away. “Lonely Lady” and “Steel The Light” made perfect bookends to their incredible set. The singer, aside from being a great guy, is totally Brian Johnson on stage.

Ostrogoth were amazing. My first impression of the singer was that he was very good but not the right fit for the band, however by the end of the show he had completely won me over.

Liege Lord were not as impressive as they were at Defenders but I still really enjoyed them. I’m not sure why the crowd seemed so mellow during their set, but Joe could really take some lessons from Wretch’s singer who kept telling his audience of 5 how much they ruled.

Savage Master were a great way to start off the second day, and I’m glad to see that the singer moves around a bit more (she seemed very static in the videos I had seen before.)

Hrom were the best band of the second stage. Moros Nyx were also great and I’m really looking forward to the album. Walpyrgus kicked ass, but I am wondering what happened to the “Woah-oh! Cold, cold ground!” bit.

I thought High Spirits stole the show. Even better than the last time I saw them, which may be because it was Chicago so the audience was even more enthusiastic and knew all the words. The closing “High Spirits” should go down in history as one of the best metal singalongs ever, along with Medieval Steel’s anthem at KIT and Blind Guardian’s “Valhalla” from their DVD.

So glad I finally got to see Attacker. My only complaint is that the set list was so short when they have so much good material to pull from.

The Rods were OK. It was a good time to sit down and give my legs a break.

Finally, I must admit that leading up to the festival I wasn’t that excited about Nuclear Assault because I’ve seen them a bunch of times in the past and I’m much less of a thrash fan than I used to be. However, they took me back in time 25 years and I had a blast.

Wish I could have seen more of Skelator or any of Zuul, but that’s the way it goes with 2 stages. I also wish I had had more time to hang out with you guys.