Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

...you might not want to search too deep in this forum then, there was a HUGE thread on that long ago and the outcome was less than pretty. :loco:
Sentenced's "Crimson" a 10? Man, I need some that stuff 'gugs was smoking to make all these shitty albums seem like masterpieces. Then maybe I'll finally appreciate Lateralus.
You'll never appreciate Lateralus as long as you don't like prog. That's all there is to it.

I'd give Sentenced a 10 in sucking.
Damn, I missed this thread. I can see giving Damage Done a 10, especially since DT seems to be one of the few melodic death acts intent on progression and the album rocks (I'd go no higher than 8 myself), but for someone as mediocre as Sentenced? What a bunch of whiners.
Not many albums deserve a 10. Damage Done DEFINITELY does not deserve a 10 imho. I usually read about 5 reviews for an album to feel out the general consensus usually, although I remember DD getting rave reviews all across the board at the time. I just don't see it I suppose.
The Gallery also got a 10/10. Would you agree with that?

I gave Eucharist's A Velvet Creation a 10/10, and I too am very hesitant to give out perfect scores so I changed it to a 9. Now I'm thinking I want to change it back to a 10. I honestly think that AVC is the best Gothenburg melo-death album ever. Go read my review and tell me if you agree/disagree.
JayKeeley said:
The Gallery also got a 10/10. Would you agree with that?

I gave Eucharist's A Velvet Creation a 10/10, and I too am very hesitant to give out perfect scores so I changed it to a 9. Now I'm thinking I want to change it back to a 10. I honestly think that AVC is the best Gothenburg melo-death album ever. Go read my review and tell me if you agree/disagree.
That is a really convincing review. Good job. Unfortunately, I haven't heard A Velvet Creation. I own Mirrorworlds though, which isn't that bad. This is a tricky predicament though because the review is posthumous. At the time, and taking into consideration when the albums were put out, they were absolutely on top of the crowd and definitely stood out. If you look at it based on the time of production, by all means it deserves a 9. This is probably the best way to review an album I am convinced although it can be really tough when you have had to deal with hoards of followers/tren jumpers come and go which kind of waters down everything pre-dating it if you haven't discovered the trend-setters first.

Then again, you can always argue that if an album is truly remarkable, it will etch itself into time, beat the test, and always be just as remarkable as it was when it originally came out. ...But them fucking bandwagon hoppers fuck everything up too...

I'm shutting up now.:hypno:
BloodStainedWalls said:
That is a really convincing review. Good job. Unfortunately, I haven't heard A Velvet Creation. I own Mirrorworlds though, which isn't that bad. This is a tricky predicament though because the review is posthumous. At the time, and taking into consideration when the albums were put out, they were absolutely on top of the crowd and definitely stood out. If you look at it based on the time of production, by all means it deserves a 9. This is probably the best way to review an album I am convinced although it can be really tough when you have had to deal with hoards of followers/tren jumpers come and go which kind of waters down everything pre-dating it if you haven't discovered the trend-setters first.

Then again, you can always argue that if an album is truly remarkable, it will etch itself into time, beat the test, and always be just as remarkable as it was when it originally came out. ...But them fucking bandwagon hoppers fuck everything up too...

I'm shutting up now.:hypno:
I'm with you. All good points.

The only reason why I would consider changing my Velvet Creation review back to a 10/10 is because (a) it did pretty much kick things into gear (even the influence on Opeth cannot be denied), and (b) it has stood the test of time and then some. Ten years on and I still think it beats all other melo-death type albums, probably because it sounds the least bit like derivative melo-death. There is so much of an early 90's doom influence on it's ambience that it injects this longevity into its very being. Neither does it sound overly produced or too clean.
awww its the thread where we argued and called names, but then talked it out and werent mad anymore. <3

i think erik still doesnt like me though. *a single tear*
haha actually SETI did get way played-out. i still think its decent but dont listen to it much anymore haha. i definitely prefer their previous albums, which i suppose no one here would probably dig much either haha.
well it's a cool picture for a cover so harm in using it a second time. i guess it's pretty expensive etc; but if you have the choice of making a colored cover, do so since the original one with color looks even better me thinks .

hehe well a little graininess has never hurt when it comes to black metal releases