Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

Damage Done was an excellent album. I don't know about a 10, but I would go no lower than 8.5.

Think about what other melo-death was out at the time.... I think DD was very well written, catchy riffs (Monochromatic Stain, anyone?), and didn't puss the fuck out like some of their peers.

I think they truly try to progress, but within certain parameters, to avoid casualties like Reroute to Remain...

I'm curious to hear the next...
Blackwater Park a 9.1? Major hurlage. That album sucks other than the title track. At least you write good. Gawd that album blows. I'd give it a 3, and that's pushing it.

Lateralus sucks. Aenima owns it in every which way.

And what's up with the trifecta of 8 scores for Arch Enemy? :yuk:

Zos Kia Cultus a 9.8? Did 'Gugs actually listen to it?

But 'gugs gives Filosofem a 6.5?

NAD, c'mon, Burst is better than a 6.

Terra Incognito an 8? I don't like that one.

Porcupine Tree a 10? That was one of their worst ones.

I always liked this thread. It's fun.
This is like the RC Hate Pit. :tickled:

LATERALUS = BEST ALBUM EVAR. Or at least one of the best ever, I think I declared it my #1 of all time a few weeks ago, but was drunk. It is in my top 10 of all time though, highly incredible stuff.

Wages of Sin is a solid album and I stand by my 8 rating because the riffs are so tasty, even if it's been many a moon since I've heard it.

Behemoth sucks, or at least that album does.

Couldn't get into Burst, but I've since swooned over Neurosis so might revisit that one (still have the promo, somewhere).

Terra Incognito is a 5 or 6 at best, I don't know why I liked it so much at first because now I can barely stand it.

People go way too nutso over In Absentia, it is a solid album but hardly perfect.
J. said:
Probly some newb or fanboy. ;)
Probably. Someone should straighten his ass out by turning him on to some real Metal. Perhaps a package, that included:

Mar de Grises - The Tatterdemalion Express
Morgion – Cloaked By Ages, Crowned in Earth
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

Blah to my Down II review, I've listened to it a few times this week and it's pretty fawkin' good. Masterful like the first? Nah. Good fuckin' stoner? Yep. Possibly Phil's best vocal work, which alone makes it a pretty awesome album.