Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

and yet you give Deliverance a 9/10. That album should have never been made. What a shit-stain.

For the record, Orchid is their best.
This thread hasn't been posted on since the beginning of Dec. and I've been on an Opeth kick as of late, so BUMP.

I think the Deliverance material is great and its reproduction on the Lamentations dvd is awesome.

On another note, I have to disagree with Jay's review of the new EXODUS. They are completely deserving of all of the hype that the record has gotten and I therefore name it my pick of the week. :dopey:
JayKeeley said:
I eat humble pie for breakfast upon reading this again. I couldn't have got it more wrong - I now think Recreation Day is outstanding.
You know . . . I've an Evergrey video on MTV a few times, and I'll be a three-testicled-tree-toad . . . but that singer is damn good. Plus, the video was top notch, and the song was great as well. I'm almost thinking about getting that album myself.
Papa Josh said:
On another note, I have to disagree with Jay's review of the new EXODUS. They are completely deserving of all of the hype that the record has gotten and I therefore name it my pick of the week. :dopey:
Heh, it's difficult to review Thrash. There are certain albums that deserve a 10/10 score: Ride the Lightning, Beneath the Remains, The New Order, Bonded by Blood, Reign in Blood, Rust in Peace, Extreme Aggression, etc.

Personally, I cannot equate Tempo of the Damned with that bunch. There is no way it belongs alongside those masterpieces. Dock one point.

Steve Souza. Dock another point.

I was close to docking 1/4 point for "Forward March", but I overlooked the rapping.

8/10. :Smug:

Otherwise, I really like it. Definitely Top 15 material. :cool:
Nate The Great said:
You know . . . I've an Evergrey video on MTV a few times, and I'll be a three-testicled-tree-toad . . . but that singer is damn good. Plus, the video was top notch, and the song was great as well. I'm almost thinking about getting that album myself.
It makes perfect sense, Nate. You know why? You like Wolverine. Wolverine are a dark and gloomy cross between Evergrey and Empire-era Queensryche. Evergrey are inherently a dark progressive metal band.

If you want a word of advice, specifically for your tastes, I wouldn't start with their newer stuff (although I've heard nothing from the new album). If I were you, I would go with Solitude Dominance Tragedy. It's like a theater of horror, so fucking dark.
"Nosferatu" is my favourite track! The backing opera vocals makes it sound like something out of The Omen.

There is cheese within Evergrey I suppose - this I cannot deny. Tom Englund overdramatizes his vocals now and then too. However, I actually think they got more cheesy with each release. Recreation Day, as much as I like it, is a big lump of cheddar.
I got a promo of Recreation Day. Wolverine wipe the floor with Evergrey. Musically, RD wasn't too bad, but that singer has got to go.

I agree with PJ's Bolt Thrower review. Why is Warmaster everyone's favorite? For Victory is my fave, followed by Realm of Chaos.
If you guys didn't like Recreation Day, I don't know how you'll feel about the new one...it's supposed to be darker musically and conceptually which indicates a greater amount of drama in the music, and the vocal samples throughout could add to the cheese factor...I personally think what I've heard of it is great, but mine is not the most objective opinion...
Papa Josh said:
On another note, I have to disagree with Jay's review of the new EXODUS. They are completely deserving of all of the hype that the record has gotten and I therefore name it my pick of the week. :dopey:
I don't outright disagree with the review, but certain things I do question as well. The "rappiness" of Exodus' vocal delivery, be it Souza or Baloff, has always been an Exodus trademark. Also, and I own all but the albums released in the '90s (at least I think I do), I honestly believe this is the strongest one yet, save perhaps Bonded... Yeah, perhaps motherfuckers! :D

I'm just so in love with the guitars on this album.
Nate The Great said:
You know . . . I've an Evergrey video on MTV a few times, and I'll be a three-testicled-tree-toad . . . but that singer is damn good. Plus, the video was top notch, and the song was great as well. I'm almost thinking about getting that album myself.
Dude, you really should. They are the ONLY band of their kind whom I unconditionally love. Everything they do is stunning and they just keep getting better.

Evergrey are my favorite band to have the word "progressive" as a description.
Decapitated - The Negation ... this is a huge snoozefest. I am a big fan but this is subpar shit for them. There are exactly 3 songs here that stick out as somewhat brilliant ... the rest pedestrian. Even Earache has been quiet about this release ....

4/10 from me.
No way Terra Incognito deserves an 8. A 5, and that's stretching it.

Damage DOne, a fucking 10? This was the only DT release to actually bore me. 0 replay value.
Papa Josh and J. (butt buddies) said:
Lateralus sucks.
Best album this millenium thusfar my friends. I tried to dislike it, honestly. I couldn't. It is way too powerful.
J. said:
No way Terra Incognito deserves an 8. A 5, and that's stretching it.
I dig it. One of the very few promos I've continued to listen to after reviewing it. I need to pick up their first one still.
J. said:
Damage DOne, a fucking 10? This was the only DT release to actually bore me. 0 replay value.
I'll agree with that, the album is complete balls. I tried many times, and I NEVER made it all the way through. Total snoozefest.