Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

I dispute Papa's Goatsblood review. While he is certainly welcome to his opinion, he didn't even mention what the music on Drull is like. THe only time the music is even remotely mentioned is when he compares them to Eyehategod (surprise, surprise), which the press release does. But keep in mind that there may be readers out there who don't know what EHG sound like. So the comparison might do zilch for them.

It was basically a review of quoting the press release, one band comparison, and taking cheap shots at the band.

Again, he's entitled to his opinion, but I think this is what this thread is for. Innit?

At least he got the Rune review right.
Dreamlord said:
I dispute Papa's Goatsblood review. While he is certainly welcome to his opinion, he didn't even mention what the music on Drull is like. THe only time the music is even remotely mentioned is when he compares them to Eyehategod (surprise, surprise), which the press release does. But keep in mind that there may be readers out there who don't know what EHG sound like. So the comparison might do zilch for them.

It was basically a review of quoting the press release, one band comparison, and taking cheap shots at the band.

Again, he's entitled to his opinion, but I think this is what this thread is for. Innit?

At least he got the Rune review right.
Ok, fagnutz....

You are absolutely right, I AM entitled to my opinion, which is what it is.

I compared them to EHG, not because of some fucking press release, but because that is who they sound like, just not as good. If readers want to hear it done right, they should check out EHG's "Take As Needed..." or "In the NAme Of Suffering."

Just because you suck the cock of everything Steve Austin related doesn't mean the rest of the community has to....

And who's to say I got the Rune review correct? Just because you like the album I suppose.....
It's not bad at all, in fact it's pretty damn good. Just don't expect anything more (or less) than incoherent hatred. A very vile CD, but I dig it. Ali and Josh can have fun dancing in their fuzzy boots whilst destroying Goatsblood CDs in happy glee. :p
Papa Josh said:
Ok, fagnutz....
No need to take my criticism personally. That is what this thread is for, to dispute reviews. You should know, you created the thread.

You are absolutely right, I AM entitled to my opinion, which is what it is.

I compared them to EHG, not because of some fucking press release, but because that is who they sound like, just not as good. If readers want to hear it done right, they should check out EHG's "Take As Needed..." or "In the NAme Of Suffering."
I have both those albums, and I agree, they're great. But why didn't you mention that in the review? Instead of describing the music, you took cheap shots at the band. That is what I was disputing, not your opinion on the album.

Seriously, if I didn't know what EHG sounded like, I wouldn't have a clue as to what Drull sounds like or whether I might like it or not.

Just because you suck the cock of everything Steve Austin related doesn't mean the rest of the community has to....
Way to generalize dude. I personally think Lamb of God is boring as all hell. And there are some Today is the Day moments that I can't stand.

Try again.

And who's to say I got the Rune review correct? Just because you like the album I suppose.....
NAD said:
It's not bad at all, in fact it's pretty damn good. Just don't expect anything more (or less) than incoherent hatred.
Pffft. If you want that man, then check out Khanate. The reason I don't like Goatsblood isn't because it's too "hateful", it's because I think it's boring as fuck. There is no depth to it. If you listen to Khanate, it makes you want to vomit. I'm serious. Not because of gory lyrics, or sludgey guitars and screams, but because it is a mind-warp.

Remember that scene in the ORIGINAL Texas Chainsaw Massacre when the steeldoor slides open and Leatherface smacks the guy over the head with a sledgehammer, and he falls to the floor in a nerve collapsing frenzy? The dying thoughts of what's going on in that guy's smashed brain is captured in Khanate.

Goatsblood is noise for the sake of being noise. There is no depth, no twisted emotion. I listened to Goatsblood and saw it at face value, with nothing to scratch beneath the surface. And at that point, it really does just become noise. I don't care which label it's on, or who produced it, it fails on all accounts to spark a reaction from me.

Ali and Josh can have fun dancing in their fuzzy boots whilst destroying Goatsblood CDs in happy glee. :p
Those boots are pure baby Seal fur from the pup that I kicked to death. :mad:
JayKeeley said:
Goatsblood is noise for the sake of being noise. There is no depth, no twisted emotion. I listened to Goatsblood and saw it at face value, with nothing to scratch beneath the surface. And at that point, it really does just become noise. I don't care which label it's on, or who produced it, it fails on all accounts to spark a reaction from me.
I like it because they ignore time signatures, but I must admit I only listen to 15 minutes at a time. Probably means I won't be listening to it much in 6 months, but I have tossed it on about once a week since getting it.

JayKeeley said:
Those boots are pure baby Seal fur from the pup that I kicked to death. :mad:
Did you kill any sealniggers on your way back from that ever so grim excursion? :D
NAD said:
I like it because they ignore time signatures, but I must admit I only listen to 15 minutes at a time. Probably means I won't be listening to it much in 6 months, but I have tossed it on about once a week since getting it.
Someone get this man on to Southern Lord now.

Did you kill any sealniggers on your way back from that ever so grim excursion? :D
Only Sorath. :D I stole his Snus too. :p
I think with Watchmaker, Aborted, Goatsblood, and Today is the Day I have enough institutionalized music for awhile. But I will check out that Southern Lord stuff eventually I'm sure. :)
It appears Goatsblood is either a love it/hate it kinda thing kinda like pure velveeta bands like Blind Guardian or Manowar.

Jay's description here:

"Goatsblood is noise for the sake of being noise. There is no depth, no twisted emotion. I listened to Goatsblood and saw it at face value, with nothing to scratch beneath the surface. And at that point, it really does just become noise. I don't care which label it's on, or who produced it, it fails on all accounts to spark a reaction from me."

pretty much descibes my reactions to melody-drenched, happy shit bands and other "safe" metal bands with absolutely zero substance, just looking to capitalize on genre alone. Of course, switch "Goatsblood" with any melo-death clone or sympho black metal band, and replace "noise" with "cheese".
Dreamlord said:
pretty much descibes my reactions to melody-drenched, happy shit bands and other "safe" metal bands with absolutely zero substance, just looking to capitalize on genre alone.
Come on, not every silver lining has to have a cloud. You tend to write off complete genres indiscriminantly, and you're missing out on some good shit!! Yeah, I can't listen to Goatsblood for the reasons I described, but I'll probably listen to Khanate once a year to satisfy the craving for a rollercoaster ride to hell.

Of course, switch "Goatsblood" with any melo-death clone or sympho black metal band, and replace "noise" with "cheese".
Heh, fair enough. But music at the end of the day should just suit a mood. And if you find yourself enjoying a song, you really shouldn't stop the CD or switch the radio channel just because it belongs to a certain genre, or that it is "cheesy".

Enjoy life, be happy. Akhuna Mutata - "it means no worries, for the rest of your days". :cool:

Anyway man, where is YOUR review for Goatsblood? Whilst we wait patiently for NAD to come down from his Primus high and read his perspective, get your reviews up on-line!!! Don't you write no more?
Papa Josh said:
Vocally, DAMON MORDER aren't all that special, but given time this would probably change. With music of this caliber, it would be hard for it not to.

Damon Morder are a force to be reckoned with when they're playing on stage. Those double-headed vocals are actually a standout feature for their live performances, and unfortunately I'm not sure if it works too well on their demo. (Not sure if you realized this PJ, but there are actually two vocalists in Damon Morder...).

I think that if a band is going to use multiple vocalists, then the singers/growlers/screamers should all have distinct trademarks to their delivery. It's extremely difficult to judge who's on the mic when you listen to someone like Nile, or even the latest Edge of Sanity, just because the vocals are a bit too similar.

Bands that do this well, however, are Napalm Death, Helheim (on Jormundgand) and the highly underrated Into Eternity. Those come to mind right now.
311 has the best two vocal delivery:

dude1: "I weigh 98 lbs. but I'll kick your ass"
dude2: "I'm a little bitch with a whinin' sass"

I agree though, two distinct styles is necessary. It is double trouble when both singers suck ass though, as in the new Ephel Duath. I'm glad the clean vocalist left, now if we could just get the other dude to quit.
Erik's review of Death Cult Armageddon. :p

Predictably as expected, however I thought that the tape aspect would somehow appeal to the tr00 in you. :tickled:

Must get to writing my own review... as I have the CD. :loco:

Also, and again, not to pick on you, but another very valid reason that crappy Viking Crown shit got released is because Phil also has/had money in Baphomet Records, so it is/was partially HIS label.
JayKeeley said:
I've gotta say (and I know millions will oppose this and flame broil me like a BK chicken burger), but Evergrey 'Recreation Day'....bleh!
I eat humble pie for breakfast upon reading this again. I couldn't have got it more wrong - I now think Recreation Day is outstanding.