Revisiting the Black Album

I remember the first time I watched that "year and a half" video and I just kept rewinding over and over the bit where Hetfield's double (probably decatracking) the Wherever I May Roam bridge riff.

AMEN!!! I did that 1000 times! Those are great videos (part 2 about being out on the road was good too.) I was a big fan of the octave guitar section they showed on sad but that was some ballzy tone!
Has anyone listened to CD1 of the "Garage Inc Rerevisited"?

Sound a bit better to me, but forget the first song because of too much guitargain. But songs like the MercyfulFate cover are so powerfull.
Has anyone listened to CD1 of the "Garage Inc Rerevisited"?

Sound a bit better to me, but forget the first song because of too much guitargain. But songs like the MercyfulFate cover are so powerfull.

no, used to have the cd, but some fuckstick stole it before I got into serious production-stuff.....back in the days i didn't really care about how something sounded (I was one of the last ones converting from tape-cassette to cd ;) )

would like to give it a shot now that you mentioned it...don't wanna spend the money for it be damned!
Would B-Rock's production on this record even work for an Arch Enemy or Nevermore record??

Wouldn't it turn to mud with faster guitarwork, toms, etc??

Seems to me that the production on this record would only work well on slower songs...

BTW I haven't heard My friend of misery in a while...does it still rock?
I saw the video "A Year and a Half..." some years ago and it was very "educational".
It was (and still is) one of my favorites records. (Music and soundwise)
I saw the video Classic series some days ago and it has some video footage that wasn't included in the "A Year and a Half..."
One thing that grabbed my attention on the classic series was when they filmed a paper that had the mics and preamps used and I saw that they used a SM7 on the Hihat. I don't remember seeing a SM7 on the Hihat on "A Year and a Half..."
Yeah, it's really easy to see. They used an SM7 on the hats on Load/Reload as well.

I may be crucified for this statement, but I think those two records sound phenominal. Absolutely massive. I think the drums sound great, the snare especially, and I'd love to have Hetfield's rhythm tone on Reload (IIRC, it's a Wizard Modern Classic... those are $$$$...).

They're not MOP or AJFA by any stretch (though I think Load is a solid '90s hard rock record. It's not Dirt or Superunknown or anything really first rate like that, but it's pretty decent) but the production is great. The tones are cool and there's some interesting ideas in the arrangements. I can appreciate them for what they are because it's not really the same band to me; those albums have nothing to do with the phenominal thrash they released a decade prior. They're not a letdown for me, unlike St. Anger, because there's no attempt to be a thrash record- or even a metal record, really- there.
I totally agree with you Exo. Reload sounds so fucking badass it's not even funny. It's far from metallicas best album, but the production suits the song in a way that makes the sound much better than they really are.
The Black Album is one of the best sounding metal albums I've heard. The dynamics are incredible. I wish today that a major label would have the balls to release an album that had an RMS output down where the Black Album is. It seems that every album out now is limited to 8 or 9db RMS. Freaking ridiculous.
I waited three FUCKING LAME years to hear this piece of crap "Black" album. I fucking hate this album, and I fucking hate the fucking producer. FUCK BOB ROCK! Fuck it, PANTERA easily satisfied my craving, after being DISGUSTED by this FAKE album. If they had picked ANY other producer, the world would still have a Metallica with BALLS. Sad but true. End of story!:mad:
Have you seen the "year and a half" vid? That was all the proof that I needed to realise it was the bands decidion to go with that musical direction. If it wasn't "over" produced, it could very well have sounded even more boring.
The Black Album is one of the best sounding metal albums I've heard. The dynamics are incredible. I wish today that a major label would have the balls to release an album that had an RMS output down where the Black Album is. It seems that every album out now is limited to 8 or 9db RMS. Freaking ridiculous.

right on. sadly we are all victims of the loudness wars and even more oddly enough, fueling the fire. we are forced to match commercial levels on a daily basis, which sucks but it's reality.

i guarantee if the black album were released today it too would suffer from these crazy levels.

as one wiser than I said recently, one day we will all look back in abject horror at the uber-limited, over quantized records that are so standard these days,,
right on. sadly we are all victims of the loudness wars and even more oddly enough, fueling the fire. we are forced to match commercial levels on a daily basis, which sucks but it's reality.

i guarantee if the black album were released today it too would suffer from these crazy levels.

maybe one day...

as one wiser than I said recently, one day we will all look back in abject horror at the uber-limited, over quantized records that are so standard these days,,

despite everyone's feelings, and its lack of rms, i feel that bob rock secured his stake on not ever having this cd "remastered" for a re-release. its a classic.
I totally agree with you Exo. Reload sounds so fucking badass it's not even funny. It's far from metallicas best album, but the production suits the song in a way that makes the sound much better than they really are.

It's one of my reference albums for rock production. Load/Reload and Soundgarden's Superunknown can live in my player for days at a time just for the production alone. The drums and vocals on Superunknown are phenominal, but I digress. I only like a handful of tracks on Reload, but the production's cool enough I'll sit through the poor songwriting and questionable soloing just for the rhythm guitar/bass/drums.

I'm curious to hear what the new stuff is going to sound like. I've heard the Ecstasy Of Gold cover they did for the Ennio Morricone tribute, and that sounds pretty cool- something of a return to form, production-wise. I don't have high hopes for the songwriting, but as long as there's some alright riffing, I'll listen just for the production. (Yes, I am a dork. :rolleyes: ) They have mountains of cool gear. With the exception of St. Anger, their mixes and tones have been pretty badass since the Black album. Even Garage Inc. sounded great.
despite everyone's feelings, and its lack of rms, i feel that bob rock secured his stake on not ever having this cd "remastered" for a re-release. its a classic.

right on, i dont know where the 'maybe one day' line came from in my post, lol. i wasnt implying they squash it, i love how it sounds at the level it's at. rms be damned! :)
am i the only person who actually kinda likes lars? i mean i hate him over the napster thing, and im not a fan of his drumming, but i think he's very entertaining to watch. Metallica had a bunch of studio videos where lars was talking for st. anger, and i found him very entertaining to watch.