Rhapsody of Fire splits into two.

Wow, what a "What the fuck?" moment I had reading this story on Bravewords. It sounds like this has been planned for a few years. Perhaps this was some of the legal wrangling with Joey DiMaio and...themselves. How to get away from Joey and then how to split up the band equally. This all just happened so neatly like it was planned for years and kept under wraps.
Yeah, I haven't enjoyed a Rhapsody* album in some time. I don't really care what happens unless the turmoil inspires someone to create a better album.
What the.. I saw this online.. The statement was confusing.. Alex will drum for both bands, but I wasn't really clear on who exactly with be in each band. Can't be Rhapsody because they legally had to change their name from that so yea I guess Rhapsody of Fire and Rhapsody of Ice or Bean Biscuits. I'm thankful I got to see them live before this craziness at least.
I like Luca Turilli's music and Rhapsody equally, so if this means more Luca albums and more Rhapsody albums but with a different guitar player, I think that's a plus for the fans.
Rhapsody of Awesome vs. Rhapsody of Even Awesomer.

So if Holzwarth is the drummer for both, does he get paid double now? And wouldn't this mean we'd finally see Luca Turilli on tour?
Maybe because Fabio wants to make this a side project, and Luca wants it to be the main deal? After all, Fabio had made it no secret that he wants to join Kamelot full time.
I hate to hear this but I can't say I am totally shocked. I am just glad that I did see them live and had the chance to meet Luca, Alex and Fabio. Photos of the meeting and autographs below.