Rick Perry.


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
I know some of you are Texans or living in Texas, so what do you think of this chap and his possible run for President?

What about the rest of you?
Yeah the thing is I don't want someone who looks to god for answers when we have problems because I doubt god is going to answer back like alright fix this, do this etc (unless of course he's completely insane but then that's a whole different issue). It's looking like a lot of people are really into him though which pretty much scares the hell out of me.
CA is closer to red than most think. SF and LA are the only areas holding it off, and they're losing ground slowly to farmers.
I just read an article about his fervent denial of global warming--all the while Texas is absolutely roasting, hit by the hardest one year drought in it's history; wildfires devastating farms and crops, all the while he is PRAYING (no, literally) for rain, calling on Texans to do the same.

He's a religious nut, as we've all seen. He denies global warming, created thousands of shitty jobs (yet will invariably claim that to his credit), completely funded by the energy industry; he's full of disinformation, ignorance, and hatred.

The guy has huge, deep pockets and GOP support. He's the only one who's going to be able to compete with Mitt Romney, and honestly, he's been smart about not playing with this dog & pony show of the Iowa straw polls. He's going to come in once the mockery of these current candidates have been made, and look presidential right along with Romney. It's a battle between those two at this point: the Mormon and the Megalomaniac. They've got the money, they've got the power, they've got the support of the status quo.

They've also got beautiful heads of hair, chiseled square jaws, broad shoulders, folksy charm, and smiles that just won't quit.

Be afraid.
the Governor of Texas becoming Prsident of USA.....
we've had that happen before...
and it turned out really badly....
do we really want to do it again???
He probably went here as a kid.

You Tube

this video is very disturbing
especially the part about 3/4 of the way through where all the little kids start crying
the part that makes this vid so creepy is that i know this isn't just some upright citizens brigade skit making fun of Christianity
this is actuall film, from a real Christian camp, where the adults really are making the little children really cry
it's just scary
the day when top government officials call a meeting to pray together in order to solve a crisis instead of doing, is the day i leave the united states of america for a long time. if he becomes president, that could be sooner than i'd ever hope. i fucking hate politicians and religious nuts, combine them and you have the stuff that makes my blood boil out of my skin.
The nutjobs generally get the air-time this early in an election cycle, but most of America is reasonable enough to make sure an absolute TIT like Perry wouldn't be elected.

Got no game when compared to Steve Perry...zombie hunter.
The nutjobs generally get the air-time this early in an election cycle, but most of America is reasonable enough to make sure an absolute TIT like Perry wouldn't be elected.

that would make sense except
the majority of Americans don't vote
Bush Jr got into office, clearly showing that the people that actually vote are idiots
if everyone in Amrica actually had voted in the 2000 election, Al Gore would have won by a landslide