Right let's make the Astoria a night to remember...

im bringin 6 possibly 8 mates to the astoria, who ive promised saxon will be amazing to, so saxon had better not let me down!!

Ive only seen an advert for this gig in classic rock, i havent seen one in metal hammer, terrorizer or kerrang, so its not as well promoted as last time.
I think all forum members should have some sort of pass so we get the best place in the venue plus poss meat the band afterwards for autographs and photos.

I think a lot of people on this forum put a lot of good stuff on here for the rest of the fans to read plus you never no when the band read it, it might give them ideas for things so i think the members on this forum should get what i put above what do you think?

But nice to get something up and running before this up and coming tour
and wonder if they would
Blitzkrieg2006 said:
anyone know how ticket sales are goin ?

Its hard to say mate.I got mine last week and the numbers were in the 480s.But other people have said they have tickets with over a 1000 on.
Since i started going to Saxon gigs again,both venues (Astoria and Rock City) have been either sell outs or as good as.
I think since the days of credit cards and internet yhe numbers on the tickets dont seem to mean anything.
saxon747rock said:
I think all forum members should have some sort of pass so we get the best place in the venue plus poss meat the band afterwards for autographs and photos.

I think a lot of people on this forum put a lot of good stuff on here for the rest of the fans to read plus you never no when the band read it, it might give them ideas for things so i think the members on this forum should get what i put above what do you think?

But nice to get something up and running before this up and coming tour
and wonder if they would

Well said mate. It would be nice if something like that happened, but it won't! Don't forget, we on this website are the LAST people to hear any Saxon related news. So any special treatment for forum members just ain't gonna happen.
WILKS said:
Its hard to say mate.I got mine last week and the numbers were in the 480s.But other people have said they have tickets with over a 1000 on.
Since i started going to Saxon gigs again,both venues (Astoria and Rock City) have been either sell outs or as good as.
I think since the days of credit cards and internet yhe numbers on the tickets dont seem to mean anything.

Hi Wilks
cheers anyway mate ..was just curious
saxon747rock said:
I think all forum members should have some sort of pass so we get the best place in the venue plus poss meat the band afterwards for autographs and photos.

I think a lot of people on this forum put a lot of good stuff on here for the rest of the fans to read plus you never no when the band read it, it might give them ideas for things so i think the members on this forum should get what i put above what do you think?

But nice to get something up and running before this up and coming tour
and wonder if they would

Mate I have been trying in the background to set this up, I didn't really want to publicise it until nearer the time in case it went belly up. The situation is the band are very responsive to this idea but unfortunately the venue i.e. The Astoria will not co-operate, apparently unhelpful is a very polite way of putting it. :mad:

Basically Nigel has been championing this idea for us and has said that he will come out after soundcheck and see who's about and they always go for a pint afterwards. :kickass:

I keep chipping away and will keep Nigel posted as to where we will all be meeting and see what happens.

One thing I would say is, and this is my opinion from my communication's the band do care about us, they DO read this site, but remember Vince (The webmaster) is only one person and he can only tell us what he has been told.
Fingers said:
Mate I have been trying in the background to set this up, I didn't really want to publicise it until nearer the time in case it went belly up. The situation is the band are very responsive to this idea but unfortunately the venue i.e. The Astoria will not co-operate, apparently unhelpful is a very polite way of putting it. :mad:

Basically Nigel has been championing this idea for us and has said that he will come out after soundcheck and see who's about and they always go for a pint afterwards. :kickass:

I keep chipping away and will keep Nigel posted as to where we will all be meeting and see what happens.

One thing I would say is, and this is my opinion from my communication's the band do care about us, they DO read this site, but remember Vince (The webmaster) is only one person and he can only tell us what he has been told.

It's great of Fingers to try and sort something out to try and get the band to meet us. It's also great that Nigel was up for it and took it to the band. If the band did something for us (the forum members), like getting us into a soundcheck, or maybe meeting us backstage, or in a private room in a pub, then that would be superb. If a few of the members of the band just came along to a pub, well then anyone can meet them, and that isn't really anything special for the loyal forum members. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to see them. But like I said, it's not anything particular exclusive to the fans on the forum. I think that was what Saxon747rock was getting at.

I'm not gonna even go into why bubbermouth has the tracklisting for the new live album and there isn't a single mention of it on the OFFICIAL SAXON WEBSITE! And no, I'm not having a pop at Vince!
Paxoman said:
I'm not gonna even go into why bubbermouth has the tracklisting for the new live album and there isn't a single mention of it on the OFFICIAL SAXON WEBSITE! And no, I'm not having a pop at Vince!

I got an e-mail from Vince with the track listing. If I get chance when I get any of those updates I'll post them, hopefully then at least we will all get the info as soon as its out. :headbang:
For some reason im really really really looking foward to this gig,this isnt the first time ive seen saxon or blitzkrieg but i really cant wait!
Metal_dude said:
Iam traveling from sweden with my metalhead friend and its gonna eb a night to remember.

Any one no where to drink beer after the show?

Gonna be quite difficult what with it being a sunday and that!

I think most pubs will have an 11 o clock last orders

Not sure aboyt that one! :erk: