Hey, Gents,
Thanks so very much for your posts - it's great to hear from you guys after all these years. Back when we were doing TS & POP this whole Interweb thing wasn't part of the picture...
Let's see if I can cover the last few items:
First, sorry if I sounded a little touchy - I really take no offense whatsoever about proving my identity. Anybody could claim to be anyone else out here, & I completely understand.
Next, there was never the sense that we were creating something that would stand the test of time. We came together and started collaborating very easily & naturally. There was so much musicality contributed from every member that the stuff reached a high level without much obvious effort apart from very strict and diligent practice and self-criticism. We did sweat over every note both in rehearsal & recording & I guess it showed. I fell into the role of lyricist about halfway through Thundersteel & found that my classical/operatic background was a natural fit melodically. I never had so much fun as writing those lyrics & melodies and I hope you like some of the stuff on the Faith And Fire CD. It comes from the same place, musically.
Regarding our -ahem- sartorial stylings. All I can say is that, left to our own devices and those of our CBS-hired stylists, we had 'the looks that killed'. Total hair metal (thanks to cases of Aqua-Net Xtra Strength) on TS & God Knows WTF on POP. Our stylist had never done a Metal band and I've never looked gayer than on the back of Privilege of Power. Yikes.
I will admit having had a lot of fun dying & shredding my jeans and piling on the ceremonial black leather & chrome. I squeezed every last drop out of the 80s metal wardrobe. Now I need to try and fit my old ass back into a few select pieces & see what happens.
Touring-wise - no plans yet. I think we just missed the cutoff for some of the festivals so we'll concentrate on new stuff 1st & then try to get ourselves to Europe ASAP.
OK, I'm heading out for a bit - the NY Giants won the SuperBowl & we need to keep drinking over here for a few days...
Thanks for your questions & feel free to drop us a line anytime.
All the best,