RIP Mike Alexander

Thabk you everybody for all the kind words, all the support that we've had over the past few days has completely overhwhelmed Mikes family and ourselves. It's a very very sad time and i don't wish to even try to put into words what all this is like.

Thank you.

If anybody has any pictures of mike please post them.


It's good to see that you have posted in here, Just know that you are not alone mate, we are here for you guys if you need us
Thabk you everybody for all the kind words, all the support that we've had over the past few days has completely overhwhelmed Mikes family and ourselves. It's a very very sad time and i don't wish to even try to put into words what all this is like.

Thank you.

If anybody has any pictures of mike please post them.

It's good to hear from you mate. all I can think to say is that we're all thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you can find some peace in all of this.
Im atheist so I wont pray for you guys but I am saddened to hear about passing of Mike. To be honest I have never really met any of you guys as I live in Finland but I saw you guys play in Tuska Open Air in Helsinki, Finland and now that I think of the gig the first memory of the gig is of Mike. I do very much regret not coming to Helsinki to see Evile support for Amon Amarth as it turned out to be one of the last gigs with Mike. I just didnt want to pay the ticket price plus more than that to travel to Helsinki to play like 6 songs....

I hope Matt, Ol and Ben will take their time thinking about Mike and sometime maybe next year or late this year will look for new bassist. You have gone far enought to not be taken down 1 member. Im not saying Mike didnt mean anything but you guys have you whole career ahead of you. I bet all of you have worked so hard to make Evile what it is today and continue the band in memory of Mike.

I myself am finnish but I somewhat wish Mike would have died in Finland. For me it would have been a bad sitsuation as I really liked Evile but dying in Sweden I fear media compare Mike to be another Cliff Burton.
I hope Matt, Ol and Ben will take their time thinking about Mike and sometime maybe next year or late this year will look for new bassist. You have gone far enought to not be taken down 1 member. Im not saying Mike didnt mean anything but you guys have you whole career ahead of you. I bet all of you have worked so hard to make Evile what it is today and continue the band in memory of Mike.

I myself am finnish but I somewhat wish Mike would have died in Finland. For me it would have been a bad sitsuation as I really liked Evile but dying in Sweden I fear media compare Mike to be another Cliff Burton.

Dave, I know you dont like this line of talk, so stop reading now. that probably goes for anyone who knew Mike.

or now.

with all of the respect I can muster for the situation:
I agree completely. now is a time for mourning, and it should be taken seriously. but it would be a shame to see Evile end now. the guys have far too much talent and have worked too hard to throw it all away now. and I seriously doubt Mike would want Ol, Matt, and Ben to call it quits now.

but as I said, this is a time for mourning. the guys will cross these bridges when they come to them, and I for one will support any decision they make.
Thabk you everybody for all the kind words, all the support that we've had over the past few days has completely overhwhelmed Mikes family and ourselves. It's a very very sad time and i don't wish to even try to put into words what all this is like.

Thank you.

If anybody has any pictures of mike please post them.

Good to see you posting here Matt, stay strong mate. You've certainly got support from a hell of a lot of people in any way they can give it, including me. I wouldn't begin to even try to imagine how it feels.

Dave, I know you dont like this line of talk, so stop reading now.

I find myself being on Dave's wavelength, I don't really know what he set out to achieve with that post, I'm sure he meant well but it just didn't come off that way.

Here is two photos I was lucky enough to shoot of Mike at their Glasgow headline show in April. Sadly all the ones with him pulling silly faces didn't turn out so well :erk:


For outsiders (the ones who didn't know Mike as a person, like myself) it's easy to say something like that. It has crossed my mind various times too.
And for some Mike wasn't just the bass player in a band, he was a friend. Come on guys, it's not even been a week yet, can't we leave that talk out? Imagine if your dad died and a couple days later people started asking you who you're gonna get to carve the Sunday roast from now on. Do you really think that'd be your main concern? This thread should be about respecting the man.
Thabk you everybody for all the kind words, all the support that we've had over the past few days has completely overhwhelmed Mikes family and ourselves. It's a very very sad time and i don't wish to even try to put into words what all this is like.

Thank you.

If anybody has any pictures of mike please post them.

Good to hear from ye dude. Hope you're holding up alright

I don't have any pictures of Mike, unfortunately, but a picture of your tour bus, and a story behind it.


Took this picture in Edinburgh when I arrived at the show last April WAY early... Mike was outside at the time, and I mentioned the parking ticket to him, and he didn't really give a crap, haha.

RIP Mike
I find myself being on Dave's wavelength, I don't really know what he set out to achieve with that post, I'm sure he meant well but it just didn't come off that way.

my point was, yes it is an issue, but now's not the time for the guys to be thinking about it.
I was actually drunk when I wrote that post..
The thing is Matt, Ol and Ben should take their time and when they are ready they should continue on and look for a new bassist. You said Mike was big part of the music they write and it is sad that he passed away and even if he just played I'd would have been sad as well but it is 4 man band and I dont honestly think 3 remaining guys should "throw away" all the work they did in recent years as 1 guy died (Again Im not saying Mike didn't mean anything, of couse he did).

When Metallica lost Cliff Burton who was the mentor in the band, they continued on and arcihved even greater success I think they could have never dreamed off.

Dying is natural part of life and for some it happens just way too early as for Mike and Cliff but we should always remember them for what they did, they made great music. Metallica did not just walk away after all those years of hard work and I honestly dont think Evile should either.