Rip Steve Jobs

Look at what his development team did with cheap child labor from china, and how much money you can make when you horde it to yourself and never give any of your wealthy millions to the needy.

Come on dude, we have extreme child labor in china but why should we blame Steve for it? Child labor is the result of that communist regime.
Was Steve supposed to go to every single factory in China to check if there are kids there or not?

we have child labor in Iran and Afghanistan and.... should we blame companies or...??

and about the second part!

I think it's a wrong thing to say if you are rich YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO THE NEEDY!

Charity is an OPTION. not something compulsary...
Come on dude, we have extreme child labor in china but why should we blame Steve for it? Child labor is the result of that communist regime.
Was Steve supposed to go to every single factory in China to check if there are kids there or not?

we have child labor in Iran and Afghanistan and.... should we blame companies or...??

and about the second part!

I think it's a wrong thing to say if you are rich YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO THE NEEDY!

Charity is an OPTION. not something compulsary...

pretty good troll is pretty good :lol:

Not a single person here has claimed that.

I find it stange when people know how to write, but don't know how to read... Though at the same time there are hundreds of people who love to just talk, and never listen.

But no, he died of pancreatic cancer, which is about as deadly and random as spontaneous combustion...only a much slower, more painful death.

Speaking of knowing how to read, I wasn't accusing anyone of suggesting that he did die of self-destructive habits.
I find it hard to believe that people can't take a simple observation or statement for what it is, instead of looking for some malicious or hidden meaning behind it.
Speaking of knowing how to read, I wasn't accusing anyone of suggesting that he did die of self-destructive habits.
I find it hard to believe that people can't take a simple observation or statement for what it is, instead of looking for some malicious or hidden meaning behind it.

I wasn';t quoting you at all.

So this other guy is your new troll account because not enough people were getting excited about all the dumb posts you make? :lol:

The retard goth kid is too easy, burtal hate was at least fun.
Apparently he dropped out of college in the first semester and travelled, while trying out a bunch of drugs.
I guess it goes to show that you don't need an expensive university degree to be successful, as so many people seem to think.

He did exactly enough time to figure out that business degrees are total shite. Other degrees are good. Take for example a music degree for less than $40000. At least, I dig it 'cuz I got one. Steve Jobs digs it because he'd be worthless if it weren't for all the musicians that love Apple. truth. He even said so when he spoke to my composition class. I did one semester there. He was all 'Go forth and spread the love of my products.'

Trent Reznor also spoke to the class. He was sure acting funny that day. I think he was tripping. Good lesson tho. Albiet abbreviated.