River Dragon Solo Tab


Undercover Shredder
Sep 8, 2003
Anyone have an accurate* tab of trd solo section? I've run into a few and I'm not quite certain which are accurate, if any.
Yeah, mysongbook.com got shut down - can't download tabs there anymore :(

See, after listening to the solo very closely I'm no convinced the version I have is correct, just I was playing some parts too fast (a little too used to small diminished sweeping, so I would speed up some of the internal parts). It seems like the PT version, although similar, does not have the correct fingering. Listening to the solo I hear some slides that you do not get if you do not change positions from e15-18 to e12-15 and e14-17 to e11-14. Lemme get the speed correct and I'll see how it works out.

Yeah and I have no idea how someone can tab out a whole diminished run like that pretty accurately yet fuck up a simple run so horribly :lol:
Ah ok, yeah so the tab I have is indeed correct I'm just playing a few notes in there a little fast. I'll get it. Thanks for the link ;) didn't think that was on youtube :o
Early obsession with Al DiMeola and John Petrucci led me to alternate pick just about everything in existence that didn't have one note per string over more than three strings; I can say that even after plenty of work with economy picking like he does, I find more to be tripped up on in his picking style than in the actual sequence. My problem is mainly with the bloody slides - if you don't have new strings on your guitar the fingers tend to stick and then it doesn't sound nearly as good, so rather than sliding I just play three notes per string on the G and E strings in the diminished arps. Anyone else try this? Makes it a lot easier - I can post a clip and tab if requested.

The slides aren't giving me a problem - I just keep doing legato where I should be picking and it's causing me to play the lick a little faster than I should.