RME FireFace 400 or 800, decisions.


Oct 13, 2009
Latrobe Valley, Australia.

So I am getting a new interface(tax time, woo!).
I am tossing up between these two(although i AM open to recommendations for others up to $2000 AUS maybe a LITTLE more)

The 400 runs around $1200
The 800 runs around $2000 - $2200

On one hand the 400 has(supposedly) better pres.
On the other hand the 800 has four.

If I get the 400 i can put the saved money towards some new mics or towards a few SCA pre's which i've been gasing for for a very long time.
If i get the 800 i won't NEED extra pre's(although i would WANT them, regardless, one day i WILL have some SCA's :hotjump:)

Both probably have as many inputs as i'd ever need(15 i could see MAX for a kit).
Both have the awesomeness of inputs on the front(back inputs are a tad annoying)

Portability of the 400 is cool, although i doubt i'll do much with it outside of the studio, and even if i did i would have no problem taking my rack to where ever it needed to be.

I'll be using my ADA8000 for 8 extra channels via ADAT(mainly for triggers etc)
With the 800 i can run all my OH's through the FF pres and then everything else through the ADA.
With the 400 i can only run main OH's and then i would have to run china/hats through outboard pres or ADA's pres.

I really wish i could just get a 800 from the US :(

I know this question has been asked a million times, but I dunno haha, I just need to ask it, as it is a fair wad of cash I'll be dumping on it either way.

Also considering a Multiface or some such due to the low latency.


EDIT: Also, anyone who uses a FF 400/800, how low can you get your latency while running a few amp sims?
I'm worried I may not be able to get it low enough to not be annoying whilst tracking.
My ff400 is 4 year old now, rock solid stable wery happy with it, but i got the chance to work with the 800 to. you can t go wrong with either. but my opinion is that you better pick the ff400 and save the money for other things that are next in your list.
I use vst ampsims for monitoring when i track guitars, sometimes 4 tracks with them is active realtime and no problem at all,but i think the PC plays an important role in this to...
I went with the 800 because I wanted the 4 onboard pres if even just for scratch pres, and so I could have 2 ADAT ins. The Fireface is such an awesome interface that you should think of expandability around it in the long term - I don't plan on changing interfaces until something really awesome comes out or I go completely modular with an RME PCI + ADAT setup, but even then I might keep the FF around as a standalone AD/DA, since it's pretty solid for that!

I also really like how I can run an FW800 HDD off of it, daisy-chained - noticeably faster than FW400 for mobile work, especially when bouncing/consolidating tracks.

*Edit* Just looked at the back of my RME, looks like the IEC connecter will take 100-240v just fine - you won't need a stepdown transformer or any kind of converter, just a normal IEC power cable.

As far as latency, the FF will get you as low as you can get on a FW based interface, assuming your PC can handle it.
Both probably have as many inputs as i'd ever need(15 i could see MAX for a kit).

I can easily fit 20 without being an overkill:

01 Kick in
02 Kick out
03 Snare top
04 Snare bottom
05 Tom 1
06 Tom 2
07 Tom 3
08 Tom 4
09 Hihat
10 Ride
11 China
12 Overhead L
13 Overhead R
14 Room L
15 Room R
16 Trigger kick
16 Trigger snare
17 Trigger tom 1
18 Trigger tom 2
19 Trigger tom 3
20 Trigger tom 4
*Edit* Just looked at the back of my RME, looks like the IEC connecter will take 100-240v just fine - you won't need a stepdown transformer or any kind of converter, just a normal IEC power cable.

As far as latency, the FF will get you as low as you can get on a FW based interface, assuming your PC can handle it.

So i can run a FF800 i buy from the US?
If so, this just fully sealed the deal on a 800 :grin:
So stoked.
So so stoked.

Means i save a fair mass amount of cash as i can purchase one used from the US and save nearly $800!

Triggers and mics fully slipped my mind when i wrote up that mic estimation.
But hey it was 6 in the morning and i hadn't slept haha.

I spose my pc will be able to handle very low latency, if i have any problems i'll just upgrade(was looking to anyway, towards the end of the year)

800 is looking like the best option at the moment.
Unless i can find a super good deal on a used 400 I think it is out of the race.
Or unless someone can talk me into wanting a 400 more, which i doubt will happen as all i've read says they are very very similar.

Cheers guys for the help!

Still open to opinions and recommendations on other interfaces.
For live usage the 28 on the FF800 goes fast! The 18 on the FF400 can go quick, but i never used them all. I have the FF400 at my home studio and the 800 at the studio i work on...their quality is EQUAL, absolutely equal. This talk about the pres on one being better is bullshit. Just buy the one that fits your needs better and be happy :D