Rock clubs in Brisbane

They have been playing Lord a lot on MTVs Headbangers show on a Tuesday night lately.... Its the show that is on after Eddie Trunks That Metal Show.
Last week was On a Night Like This and last night was that slower ballad from Set in Stone.... They have also played one other song off Set in Stone a few weeks back.
My missus said last night, "Fuck, this band is rad". So the ballads get the chicks :)
HAHA! Yay! :p

Nah, we're stoked about MTV - we're getting heaps of coverage on there lately, as well as Landed.TV and Rage should have the 3 latest clips up soon (they take a while to process stuff). Got a few more clips in the works now too... one of the big advantages of moving into video production, I guess! :) 2011 will be a quiet year for us on the live front but I'd tend to say people won't forget who the hell we are (be that a good or bad thing) going by what media stuff we have planned.
Yeah cool. Sounds pretty positive.

After the On a Night Like This video last week I told her the whole story about how we were practically best friends.
Then after New Horizons last night she said "your internet nerd friend has a good voice". Then the guitar solo.... then the "Fuck, this band is rad" comment.
Bogus. That'd be cool. Keanu was born for that role.

Welcome, Jimmy. Are you Scottish, or is it just the Scottish voice in my head that makes me think every Jimmy is a Scotsman (or the adopted name of a Chinese immigrant)?