role call for Therion in Detroit - 10/1


Active Member
Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
I hope I'm not the only PP forumer going to this show - who else is going??
Let's meet up and ROCK!

Saturday, October 1st
Harpo's Theater
14238 Harper Ave
Detroit, MI

Doors: 6pm
All Ages
$12.50 adv

sh0kr0k said:
I hope I'm not the only PP forumer going to this show - who else is going??
Let's meet up and ROCK!

Saturday, October 1st
Harpo's Theater
14238 Harper Ave
Detroit, MI

Doors: 6pm
All Ages
$12.50 adv


My friend and I are going. You wanna pick us up? ;) Anything to not have to park the car in the Harpos neighborhood.

Any idea what time Therion will actually go on? I'm thinking it might be early since it's an all ages show, but I have no desire to see whatever local opening bands they might get. Last time Symphony X headlined there, the opening bands were horrible. On our way in, a friend of mine said "sounds like someone is being tortured in there." :)
We're not going. We have friends (a married couple) who each had a friend murdered outside the club. They absolutely refuse to let us go.

I wish bands played better places than Harpos. :-/ I'd LOVE to see Therion again.
Yipes. Murder.

A DVD shoot, though. I hope some brave fans show up to be in it. It'd be a shame for them to do a DVD shoot in front of 150 people, when they coulda done it at ProgPower, or one of the 'big' stops on the tour.
Pellaz said:
Yipes. Murder.

A DVD shoot, though. I hope some brave fans show up to be in it. It'd be a shame for them to do a DVD shoot in front of 150 people, when they coulda done it at ProgPower, or one of the 'big' stops on the tour.

I had a surgeon in Detroit to tell me to avoid Harpos, too.

It's an awful place for them to do the DVD shoot. :( The friends who had friends murdered said they'd LOVE to see Therion based on my rave reviews and that while $10 tickets was an incentive, they value their life too much.
it's a bummer that Harpo's is in such a shitty part of town (and "a shitty part of town" says a lot when it's Detroit you're talking about ;) ). It's a nice (if antiquated) club, and it holds a hell of a lot of people. I'd love to see them close up shop, and open up in a better neighborhood.

The same goes for I-Rock, which is right down the street... those are two of the best rock/metal clubs anywhere, and people are afraid to go to them (maybe rightfully so, although I've never had or seen a problem there).
Sorry to disappoint... but JUSTDEFY is HEADLINING a show at the IROCK tonight. So I won't be attending Harpos. :loco:

(You should all be there too... Therion sux ballz compared to us, er, I mean JUSTDEFY!)
I really hope somebody will post a review or two for this show. I had myself all worked up for their show here in Denver on September 28th. Then the show was cancelled. Apparently a new tour bus met them in Omaha. Was I disappointed to miss the Denver show? HELL yes!
They missed the Tempe, AZ show due to tour-bus issues, and then the Denver show because of more-serious tour-bus issues. I hope they get taken care of okay by the motorcoach company, because missing tourdates 'coz of a dead tourbus really sucks.
As you might expect - Therion was awesome! :headbang:

I think they might have canceled the DVD shoot because it wasn't mentioned and there weren't any cameras to be found (unless they were just filming from the side-stage)... Nonetheless, about 250-300 people showed up from all corners of Michigan. I talked with one kid who came on a bus with 40 other people from a city in west Michigan. :)

The tickets weren't $10 - they were $20. I arrived at the show about 15 minutes before Therion started, so I missed all of the opening bands. There were a few people that didn't know about Therion (they came with the other bands) so I gave them the overview and what to expect. They all stayed and ended up LOVING Therion, moshing, headbanging, and yelling (it was great!)

Here are some pictures that a friend took - enjoy:

The worst part about Harpo's is that pictures don't come out well. It's not in the best neighborhood, but I went by myself and felt perfectly safe. Of course, I also had a good idea of what the crowd was going to be like (almost ProgPower-esque) and I found a perfect parking spot. I was more nervous when I went to the I-Rock afterwards to see Bryan316 & Regor.

Anyway, great show - the band is awesome and very nice - the crowd was cool and a few new fans were created :)

p.s. - Christofer said his favorite show of the U.S. tour was the Santa Ana show... wish I was there!
Nice review! It was good to meet you at the show - I didn't see anyone else there that I recognized from ProgPower. :)

It was too bad their set was cut short, but they were great during the time that they had. Their singer said he wants to come back in April or May before their visas expire, but he's not sure if the rest of the band will be up for it. Let's hope so!
Yeah no kidding, that would be nice to have them come around again! Maybe they'll play on my side of the state :p

It was nice to meet you too! I'm surprised there weren't more of "us" there.. Then again Therion did so many shows that people didn't have to travel very far to see them.
Well..... I did not get to meet up with anybody because I did not see this thread until just now! But hell it was a damn great show and I gotta say I am usually a bit ashamed of Detroit when good bands play around here because they rarely have a good showing; even Christopher mentioned how light the place was full and back when Morbid Angel played in Royal Oak dave vincent mentioned several times how empty the place was and thanked those of us who were there anyway. Still Therion put on a fricken great show, too bad no shoot (maybe they decided not too because of low turnout OR possibly because of their tour bus problems they were having a few days prior to Detroit). Anyways did you see that for a while Harpos website had tickets at $5? I guess that was a mistake. Too bad.

Can somebody post the titles of the 2 deathy songs they played, they're the only ones I didn't recognize.
TychoCelchu said:

Can somebody post the titles of the 2 deathy songs they played, they're the only ones I didn't recognize.

Hey glad you came down to the PP forum ;)

I can't remember those two songs.. maybe Kyra can help you with that one.
I think the plague of Harpo's is that it's SO big and there are so many places to stand.. You can really spread out in that joint, which I'm sure is what causes it to look so empty all the time. Put that same number of people into the I-Rock or Ten Bells and it will look like the whole city turned out for the show. I could be wrong.. it was only my second time there in the last 5 years. :cool:

I didn't see the $5 on the website, but I did see the $12.50 ADV. I didn't figure it would be $20 at the door! Good god! They couldn't even spell the band's name right on the website OR the ticket stub!! Shit.. At least they got the marquee right! :loco:
You know what, that's funny, because I bought my ticket about three weeks before the show and it was spelled right, but my friend bought his ticket immediately before the show and it was spelled THEIRON. What the hell?! Also I knew it was going to be 20 because Lacuna Coil in 2003 was $12.50 in advance and I paid 20 at the door. But you know Cryptopsy at the Shelter was like 20 in advance and at the door they were only charging 17! WTF?!

Are you on gigantour forum?
TychoCelchu said:
Are you on gigantour forum?

I bought my ticket at the door and it said Theroin, and the website said Theiron. For being one of the biggest rock clubs in one of the biggest rock cities, Harpo's better get their shit together!! Or maybe that's exactly why they don't need to.. :yuk:

Nope, not on the Gigantour forum.. This is my home. I just bought a vacation house at Perpetual Motion, and I wander around the streets of UltimateMetal late at night. My secret hideout is (Scream Queen) and my port of mass communication is
... but no Gigantour forum.
sh0kr0k said:
Hey glad you came down to the PP forum ;)

I can't remember those two songs.. maybe Kyra can help you with that one.
I think the plague of Harpo's is that it's SO big and there are so many places to stand.. You can really spread out in that joint, which I'm sure is what causes it to look so empty all the time. Put that same number of people into the I-Rock or Ten Bells and it will look like the whole city turned out for the show. I could be wrong.. it was only my second time there in the last 5 years. :cool:

I didn't see the $5 on the website, but I did see the $12.50 ADV. I didn't figure it would be $20 at the door! Good god! They couldn't even spell the band's name right on the website OR the ticket stub!! Shit.. At least they got the marquee right! :loco:

Unfortunately I don't have the names of the songs either. I was hoping someone else was going to post the set list actually - if either of you have most it, that would be great. I'm pretty new to Therion (just got interested in them at ProgPower) so I didn't really know any of the titles. I'm particularly interested in that one track that they said they hadn't played all tour - it was kind of a ballad. That was a great song.

As for the turn-out, I agree. Harpos is just too big for them, but I think they needed a big stage for all the musicians. Sizewise, they would have done better at a smaller club. I would have guessed about 200 people were at the Harpos show, and since the place holds about 2000, it did look empty. Symphony X played there a couple years ago and it was even worse. Not many people showed up at all. I knew quite a few people who didn't go simply because it was Harpos - I wish bands would start playing elsewhere.