Role Models

no such thing as a perfect parent, it doesnt come with a book of instructions and those that wish to press their ideas and books of "instructions" on how to raise someones elses kid into that persons household should have to deal with the unslaught of the stupid dog or person that is dumb enough to stick their head into a rearing bitches den.

I know, I've been down that road
Because you have no control over who they *do* look up to.

Exactly and one thing that is forsure is when they become teenagers they will go 100% out of thier way with full fledged hatred to be sure it at least appears they DO NOT look up to their parents. Especially if you are dealing with a female or anger bound male.

The effects of teenage hormones combined with todays "liberal" mindset insites rage and early desire to cut ties with "authority"

When I was a kid that would earn you a very quick lesson and that would be the end of it.
Ever have kids Blowtus?

No. If / when I do will I be blessed with the ability to control their mind?

Of course I recognise you can alter some of the information they receive, but I think a simplistic discussion of 'who' kids 'should' look up to to be pointless, nothing could be done with any decision that was made anyway. Something like 'what traits is it worth emphasising positively' is probably as close as I think you can usefully get...
Well as I like to say, "You can only be as smart as the information you receive." As a parent, you should have ultimate control over the information coming into your kids heads, and sitting them in front of the idiot box and letting Barney, or the Teletubbies, or Hannah Montana tell them what positive traits are is not parenting.

Emphasizing positive traits that you as the parent activily demonstrate would be the goal. "Do as I say not as I do" never ever works of course. When this happens, kids do have to find others to emulate, and this is telling on the parents lack of whatever the kid is looking for.
sounds good if no one stop to realize that from grade school on in the US our children are taught by liberals as well as lots of little tricks by the lesser behaved kids from free for all and/or crude households how to think and how to behave, from that point onward its a steady loss of control.
sounds good if no one stop to realize that from grade school on in the US our children are taught by liberals as well as lots of little tricks by the lesser behaved kids from free for all and/or crude households how to think and how to behave, from that point onward its a steady loss of control.

And this is why homeschooling is superior to public and the majority of private education.

@Tom: A person's fame/wealth or lack thereof, should have no bearing on their "role model" status, which is basically a way of saying "You need to do right because people are watching". People should be doing right no matter whether there are a lot of people watching or not.
@Tom: A person's fame/wealth or lack thereof, should have no bearing on their "role model" status, which is basically a way of saying "You need to do right because people are watching". People should be doing right no matter whether there are a lot of people watching or not.

Well they can be role models sometimes right?If a kid wants to be a actor when he grows up,he might look up to a famous actor.
For cryin out loud, if a kid looks up to a athelete or musician its as a matter of excelling, not thier social life, sexual perversion, drug usage. Things are a bit different now but most of that personal stuff is not even common knowledge unless someone has their nose in tabloids all the time. Actors are more related to a specific character portrayed, its no big deal.

Home schooling is a farse, many home shooling parents have proven to be wacked. Many cant educate properly past the 6th grade level, I know I sure as hell couldnt anymore and guess what... todays society demands that both parents work full time and then some, dedicating their entire life to the corporations desires, fuck all else. Its just a twist on the old feudal system for well over 50% of at least the US population, worse yet in "developing" countries. SO they throw us coin rather than bread... BFD when its predetermined how to get it all back at the end of the month anyhow (thank you for the now highly refined science of economists)

The thing with schools is they need to get the government out of them. Fuck you and your "DARE" programs and other social preaching to our children. Fuck you liberal pannsy assed teachers pounding into our childrens heads that they are "individuals" "have rights" "should be able to do as they please" "be a free expressing individual" "because its a free world" There is no freedom for children other than being free of responsibility burdons, free the children from answering to their parents and you enslave the parents, bound in chains to dance at a childs command.

Zero tolerance rules are one of the most hypocritical trains of thought in existance.

Teachers are paid public servants, they are there to teach the subjects at hand, not influence the social beliefs of our children by feeding them a pile of liberally blind bleeding heart propaganda.
Home schooling is a farse, many home shooling parents have proven to be wacked. Many cant educate properly past the 6th grade level, I know I sure as hell couldnt anymore and guess what

Obviously you have never checked any statistics on the government standardized yearly testing. Homeschoolers regularly are in the top percentiles.

Just because you couldn't educate a child past 6th grade doesn't mean others out there can't, because obviously many can.
Is that broke down into age groups ? My pessimism tells me that balance is tipped from reality by those of grade school and possibly middle school. As it was I was basically responsible for helping my daughter better understand her grade school tasks than the teachers did. But it reaches a point of advancement where many parents have long since forgotten. I have yet to be in a conversation with any parents, regardless their former grades as a student or position in life that have not said their childrens homework becomes over thier head by 8th - 9th grade.

So now one would pose to claim a parent in addition to all other parenting duties... one of which is survivable income... a parent needs to re-learn advanced math, science, trivial English bullshit, foreighn language, freshen up on their history, become skilled at the task of teaching... plus pay the school taxs anyhow when it would just be simple to hold teachers liable to teach their subject without bias AND NOTHING MORE and put paddles back in the teachers hands for the unruly disruptors that show up to school with alternative motives. Dicipline is one of the largest players in what seperates the average education level of the US from other countries. After many decades of becoming Westernized (pussified) I have no doubt this will fall off in those countries.
Sounds to me like excuses. Most people can't "survive" on one income because they must keep up with the Joneses, and have every new cell phone and video game that comes out.
Sounds to me like excuses. Most people can't "survive" on one income because they must keep up with the Joneses, and have every new cell phone and video game that comes out.

Yep, sounds like excuses to me too(you badass... LOL)

You OBVIOUSLY know nothing of the working class in this country, their incomes vrs cost of living, just the basics, theres lots of stuff out there if you goggle it but heres one, remember this is all based on gross income,not what "walks through the door" then subtract 8% right off the top of net income for sales tax that is on everything that claims this meager amount of money. Then just do some basic, annual grocery, auto insurance, meager car loans/repairs, rent or mortgage, weekly gas expenses, utility expenses, property taxes, cloths, shoes, school supplies, toilet paper... stuff like that....
My parents are definitely working class, and I grew up pretty much never having "what the cool kids" had. Hand me downs, cooking instead of eating out, cheap used cars, etc. Pretty familier with the whole paycheck to paycheck thing.

Been running my own personal finances for a while as well. "License" taxes and utilities seem to be the biggest "gotcha" but it's all still doable. Most people are just bad money managers. (I am not disagreeing that we get taxed way too fucking much)
well taxes and the country, state and county being broke and infastructure in ruins is a hard one to sort so I dont whine too much. It wasnt the point. Only that the expence is there to consider.

Point to consider was that many peeps simply can not do this, even if tried would not get the job done well. Public schools are there origionally for good reason and still posing today for good reason. They are paid for, they need to get back on track and stop meddling in the home and personal and social affairs, unless there is something TRUELY alarming.
My experience from talking with anyone educated in public schools is they don't know jack shit about the "Three R's" but they know all kinds of bullshit about needing lots of government and welfare programs. This has been the purpose of instituting government controlled education from the beginning.
well I think that is an exageration most learn their stuff other fall through the cracks like me simply because that was not what I was born for, I was born to be a productive worker, simple man, not math, science and foreighn language, or to give a rats ass about adjectives, nouns and verbs. Or what exact date something happened on.

But what they do also learn is to think all the cultural shit thats getting thrown on us heavy the past two decades is A OK and all for the better of the country, where it has now become more than obvious its the absolute worst thing we did to this country, holding everyone elses hand while fucking our own people.
I just read an article about Nelson Mandela helping liberate South Africa. Reason why famous people should be role models.