Role Models

Famous people (athletes, musicians, actors, etc) can be positive role models but also can be negative ones. Is someone to be put down because they admire and respect Michael Jordan's desire to win or his work ethic? I think not. Or if a child looks at Steve Vai and the fact he practised over 10 hours a day to get to the point he is at on guitar?

Admiring and respecting Tiger Woods for banging lots of hot chicks and cheating on his wife? Hell no. The fact he became an amazing golfer by lots of hard work and practice, absolutely.

This is where parenting comes into it, emphasising the positive and reducing the negative. You will never eliminate the negative influences in a child's life completely, but do your best and explain consequences of decisions.
Famous people (athletes, musicians, actors, etc) can be positive role models but also can be negative ones. Is someone to be put down because they admire and respect Michael Jordan's desire to win or his work ethic? I think not. Or if a child looks at Steve Vai and the fact he practised over 10 hours a day to get to the point he is at on guitar?

Admiring and respecting Tiger Woods for banging lots of hot chicks and cheating on his wife? Hell no. The fact he became an amazing golfer by lots of hard work and practice, absolutely.

This is where parenting comes into it, emphasising the positive and reducing the negative. You will never eliminate the negative influences in a child's life completely, but do your best and explain consequences of decisions.

Looking up to people like Steve Vai for his music is good. Looking up to 50 Cent and Britney Spears for what they are doing in public is a no-no. In things like this, you should respect the hard work that athletes, musicians,actors,politicians, and others do but not their bad behavior in the media.
I think you are making the same point I am which is looking up to the positive features that someone has while not looking up to the negative.

For parents it is emphasising these things to your kids.
and I think the average person sorts all that out, those that dont were probably headed down a bad road anyhow due to this inability to sort the positive from the negative
Who should be the role models.Parents,actors and actresses,musicans,politcs people,or sports athletes?I think the parentes should be the role models.What if a kid looks up to people like Varg,Ray Lewis,Pacman Jones,and Hitler?People like that are people kids should not look up to.

well, if you watch and look at the "DNA paternity testing" episodes and the episodes about the "out of control" teenaged mothers, it seems as if the people that actually breed are much less qualified to raise kids than the sterile people that adopt kids

as for celebrities being role models
the tv shows/websites like seem to indicate that celebs are really bad role models as well
I personally belief the best partent is one that comes by it naturally at a mature age. Teens are not really ready for it and middle aged yuppie adaptions are sterile book learned parents, thus ultra liberal and most likely not parents at all leaving most everything up to nannys, daycare workers and who ever they can pawn the children off on.

Parenting is a fucking mess and costly in recent decades. Fortunantely in the end upon maturity the majority of kids turn out alright, life has its educational ways.
My "liberal" parenting included being raised by my parents only, messages like "don't believe everything the teacher says just because they're the teacher" and "cutting yourself is not a serious problem, you're a fucking idiot." Hard to speak for other people but while these made me a real jerk in high school, talking back constantly and getting self-righteous about nothing, I came out of it not being one of those retards who thought "Super Size Me" was a groundbreaking documentary. My parents are book-learned middle class left-leaners but that has nothing to do with their parenting style.

Role models are whoever you want them to be. Depends on the situation at hand. If your parents are negligent floozies or alcoholics, you'll look to someone else (or not). In the long run I agree with razoredge that life will set you straight when you have to face it.
My main problem with liberal parents was as a more old school conservative parent I had to fight this liberal influence all through the teenage years. "everybody elses parents lets them go away for the weekend with their boyfriend" and all the other bad behavior that comes from parents where "NO!" means "maybe", or "OK go ahead do what you want", then because of this "you suck" in the eyes of your child... so you are always dancing to the tune of what other parents allow their children to do.

Hope that makes sense, it seems simple enough to me but something I never considered until I was face to face with it. Thats why I now hate all this liberal bullshit because no matter what it controls your life because you become the scumbag if you dare enough to actually have rules and enforce them. It can never work the other way around because no child is going to go home and get pissed off at their parents because they dont make them do something they "dont want to do" or not allow them to do something "they want to do".

It destroyed my fucking life... true story... details withheld
as a parent Im sure you know what your talking about :rolleyes:

I was a liberal bleeding heart, "its your thing do what you wanna do" "everybodys a people" type too until the day I held that baby in my arms. Then I returned to the ways I was raised and understood the purpose behind them. They were still far more leanient than how most of us were raised in the 60's and 70's which was easier than those parents were raised as well. I have yet to speak to a single adult who was also raised "strict" that did not say they respected their parents today for putting the foot down when the need called for it. Now my daughter is soon to be 21 and even she already has written in cards and such her appreaciation for me being there, not buckling and pushing her harder when push came to shove.

The only problems with being conservative today is looking bad from the easy lazy example set by liberals. Uncontrolable, disrespectful, mouthy, disruptive spoiled kids in school. Parents allowing sleep overs at boyfriends house. Poor work and finance ethics due to everything being handed to them on a silver platter. Me, me, me, I want, I want, I want, give me, give me, give me.

Fat chance of convincing me
you seem to combine both freedom and support (silver platters) into your antiliberalparentism... freedom more obviously goes hand in hand with responsibility to my mind.
you seem to combine both freedom and support (silver platters) into your antiliberalparentism... freedom more obviously goes hand in hand with responsibility to my mind.

I need a interpreter... seriously, not enough info there for me.

support = silver platters ?

freedom... responsibility... teenagers ?

anti liberal parenting, to be more clear, liberal views had no place in my house but could not be kept out, on the visa versa liberal free for alls easily have no battle to fight to keep conservative ideals out of thier house.

liberal is easy, lazy, simple and undefined area of responsibility

conservative is hard, has rules and defined responsibility

conservative is ultimately the dominant factor of life, that which brings the loose and wild in line, reality.

In work are we allowed to do as we please ? Do we get what we cry for or are we told to shut up and get to work ? In neighborhood and community are we allowed to act as we please ? If we do not are we tuned up as to "how things are going to be" ? Ironically usually by liberal codes, you know the everything goes yet 0 tolerance people that have their noses in everyone elses business. Liberal is hypocritical to the extreme. "Oh look everything is a big fucking mess, we need to sit down and talk about rules and codes" "oh fuck, look at the credit card statements and mortgage and car payments and 4 cell phone bills and insurance payments and utilities"... "guess we'll file for bankrupcy"... "well you should have been conservative you liberal pukes!"

Tom, your movie stars, media and pro atheletes are the epitome, poster children and trend setters of modern culture liberalism.

liberalism and responsibilty in the same BOOK is a joke to me

pour on ample amounts of sugar and dont worry, if the ants come we'll sit down and talk about maybe writting some codes that will make the ants turn away.... ALRIGHTY THEN!
What media are you talking about? Movie people and pro atheletes can be great people too. Atheletes do lots of great charity work. At least Liberals don't support torture and can be atheist people. Like I said for every good apple there is a bad apple.
Huh ? At least liberals dont support torture and can be atheists ? and everything else wrong with the post. I guess you dont read and comprehend well.

Dont confuse Fed politics liberal/conservative with that of parenting methods, as a whole on the political side nobody knows what they represent, its methods of getting votes and has nothing to do with which way voters raise their children and lifestyle.

As for liberal torture I can verify liberals are very much into torture
Role models are a formality of life, everyone IS a role model. If someone sees what you're doing and thinks that they could be into the same stuff, you have become one of their role models.