Role Models

by throwing in the bit about yourself as a god of canines, you indicated to people that you don't really understand what role models are. They are not icons of worship, they are entities from which behaviour is emulated.
"man this is not specific to America, its age old, even the bible has the part about worshipping false idols, of course referencing mostly other gods but it was same thing different times, Greeks and Romans worshipping the old ways of various Gods, also made them behave like such "Gods would have them do". Why? because it was all man made worship, it must be innate to desire to be like that which is percieved "better"... "

Sorry but I thought that post was in reference to this idolizing being stated by mono as a trait specific to America when it is not and is age old innate human characteristic. With that I considered traits in other species and mentioned one... the dog.

I dont understand what role models are ? Not icons of worship ? So what do you call it when someone puts up a poster, or a phathead, or has to read every tid bit about thier "role model" worshiped icon

is there really a distinction between "worshipped icon" and "role model"?

does the "worshiping of icons" really need to be a whole seperate thread?
seems different to me. by worshipping something you place it on an entirely different level to yourself. Role modelling relies on the idea you can be just like them.
thats the word worship used in the strict biblical sense and few words are worshipped in the strict sense anymore. All the types of people these guys are talking about.... sports, music, show biz are worshipped by somebody. "Guitar Gods", bla bla bla... "Teen Idols", its all worship. One difference may be the female body, men worship them but only a few want to be just like them........ HA !
So you and your buds watched the movie Joe Dirt ey? congradulations.

Now what about parents letting their children leave the house with facial piercings ? Tatoos ? dressing Goth ? Emo haircuts ? long hair ? girls dressing like guys ? guys dressing like girls ? guys in hip hugger stretch pants ? side hats ? pockets to the knees ? crotch to the floor ? boxer shorts baggin out the top ? jock shirts with some players number ? cranking death and black metal in their rooms ? watching horror movies ? blood bath movies ? foul mouth in the house ? treating people with disrespect ? add to the list if you please ?... now tell me about trash... also please tell me about liberalism again... or do you only know about stereo typeing according to your little group of friends ?
Its the liberal way, anything goes, try harder at getting the point, so emo and wigger is no good but horror, violent movies, violent death and black metal is OK ? Hair 80's style is bad and instantly makes somebody "white trash" but punk kids with shit attitudes that listen to death and black metal is not trash ? Now what does that make someone that shaves their head, I suppose theres something instantly wrong with them too ? What about someone with dreds, are they scum of the earth as well ?
Its the liberal way, anything goes, try harder at getting the point, so emo and wigger is no good but horror, violent movies, violent death and black metal is OK ? Hair 80's style is bad and instantly makes somebody "white trash" but punk kids with shit attitudes that listen to death and black metal is not trash ? Now what does that make someone that shaves their head, I suppose theres something instantly wrong with them too ? What about someone with dreds, are they scum of the earth as well ?

dude, calm down
are you trying to sound like Rorshach?
Without role models or idols noone would aspire to greatness and the world would be a boring place.