Roll call for The House of Blues....07/07/2006


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
All right who will be there?????

I am coming down with Death Angel.....
Shit i got to see Anthrax with Death Angel and now Armored Saint with Death Angel at this same venue.....

So who going?????
coming down with death angel-dont forget, everybody hates a show off:loco:

just kiddin :devil:

i'll definately be there. either alone or with up to 5 others. at this point im hopin alone cuz im tired of hearin all the bs from my flakey "friends"
now ya tell me! lol

i was wonderin if you were doin the merch table again, but the guy looked alot thinner & more clean cut than you do in the pic with yer daughter...
BUT the guy was wearing a thrax pentagram shirt-so was that you?
the show...

only things i like about the house of blues is you can go out to smoke & that they did actually turn on the airconditioner a couple times (galaxy show i sweat so much i was soaked on the outside-but totally dehydrated & dyin for a drink of water)

imo the house of blues is more about promoting the house of blues, than it is about being a good venue. yeah, it's actually got decorations & is clean, unlike most venues-but there's this big ass huge 4 story building & only that small section is for shows, everything's the hob store, the hob resturant, the giftshop, the bar-and of course those are the things closest to street level & farthest walk is the show entrance. no to mention all the parking in that area is expensive as all fuck! somebody is really fuckin misguided if they think im gonna pay more for parking than for admission!

between the drama from my "friends" (who dont seem to realise we arent in a soap opera) and all the friday traffic on the 405 & the 105 & 110 & sunset & finding a place where i could afford to park, once again i was late & i managed to miss flotsom & jetsom.

severe criticism to both death angel & armored saint for...
taking their shirts off! i never said i had any hetero tendencies & having said that i gotta say i never saw so many pasty annorexic little ugly guys in my life! PLEASE, keep yer dam shirts on!

now that im done complaining, i must say

it's been ALOT of years since the last time i remember hearing anything about or from death angel. i sure as fuck cant imagine why cuz both the playing & performance were exemplary.
i saw metalsteph takein some stills, so maybe she took some video again. if she posts some EVERYBODY should definately check it out!

so what was the name of the headlining band? they look like this band i saw last month called armored saint but that band wasnt as good as the band last night.
i thought the galaxy show was great & i loved every minute of it, but in all serioussness it was like 2 different bands covering the same songs & last nights band wiped the floor with the band from the galaxy show. both guitarists were playing FAR better than last month. last month the guys were up their makin the most of what they put into the songs. last night ARMORED SAINT kicked ass playing & performing their music. the guys were gone, the band took their place-connected, synched, in the zone & hittin the targets.
i know the galaxy was a "warm up show", but that was only 3 weeks & about 7 shows ago. alot of practice could improve a persons playing that quickly, but a band doesnt become such an improved unit that quick unless there is very special connection between everyone.
...hopefully they decide it's too special to just pull it out & dust it off every 5 or 10 years & we wont have to wonder when & if we will ever get to see the saint again.

any great art comes from 5% skill, 10% execution & 85% magic. death angel & armored saint both allways have the 5% skill & 10% execution, last night they had 100% magic too.

p.s. dont be a dumb fuck, of course there can be 115%
now ya tell me! lol

i was wonderin if you were doin the merch table again, but the guy looked alot thinner & more clean cut than you do in the pic with yer daughter...
BUT the guy was wearing a thrax pentagram shirt-so was that you?

Yes that was ME!!!!!!!:headbang:

What a great show.... We ate at the Saddle-rack across the House of Blues for dinner and who was sitting out in front but Matt the guy who just got kicked of Rockstar Supernova. And yes we made all the jokes possible about him.....
Then it was off to the show
Flotsom was great except the fiddle player..???
Then we ran into Brian Poshen..... We talked to him about his new video Metal by Numbers. He's a hugh Death Angel Fan ...
Black Thirteen Don't forget to give him those DVD's
There was a full house and a party in the Foundation room ... a White party.... now get that idea out of you mind... everyone was wearing white...
Oh my god... the women was beautiful.... I heard one was Topless.... but i didn't see this....and this sucked because all the VIP passes were pulled...... No backstage Access.....

Heather was doing both Merch table's and so i jumped in to help.... This was great cause i got my pass.....

Death Angel.... Killed...A great set except no Kill as one, and SSF (South San Francisco was in the house)

Then Armored Saint hit the stage about 11:30... they played the same set as the SF show .... Great..... the band was a lot tighter... then the SF show.
John came out in a Germany's soccer jersey and Gonzo had one one but i couldn't tell who it was.... If you get chance to see this band .. See them....
for a moment i thought John was gonna stage dive but he told me after the show there was nothing for him to climb... as for rumors of filming this show ...we all know the House of Blues is notorius for NOT letting bands film the sets.... As for pictures NONE.... No photo pass..... I did however manage to get Ulster Mosher pictures Signed and NO SIGN OF DARBY'S DAD......

It happens.....

Sorry for the short review but i had to go the the Corn Fest in town after i got home and now its 8 pm and i am beat.....
Wait Ted From DA need to eat a Steak but Mark the Singer .... dude... women love him..... He works out a lot to keep that body... i wish i looked like him......
thraxx said:
Wait Ted From DA need to eat a Steak but Mark the Singer .... dude... women love him..... He works out a lot to keep that body... i wish i looked like him......
ted needs some cheeseburgers, but it only got worse after him.
im sure mark makes alot of ladies wet-including the cow that kept stepping on me & wiping he ass smelling sweat on me & breathing on me with the black breath of death-i couldnt believe someones breath could smell so bad, it was like she'd been eating piles of cat shit & followed it off with a festering fish chum entree then moved on to some rotting corpse bowels for dessert...

where was i? sorry, i had a black breath of death flash back.

mark, it's obvious he works out. his body has alot of definition-but he's still a small guy, he doesnt have much mass. i think he'd look better with some weight than he does with the cuts, but the thing that made me say yuck was his color. ted looked pale-like he doesnt get any sun. mark looked pasty-his shape & muscles look very healthy, but his skin color under his shirt looked like the coloration of a hype with hepatitus. he had obviously just shaved his chest & it added to the not right tone.
i aint micheal jackson, i dont wanna see small hairless bodies no matter how chiseled they might be.

then things hit rock bottom!
i love AS, still my all time favorite band, but wtf inspired john to take his shirt off (except maybe seeing ted & mark) and mark should of gave john whatever he used to shave his chest-friends dont let friends perform shirtless on stage with hairy backs & shoulders. clearly not as much as mark, but i could see john does some working out-but he hasnt done enough to get anywhere near fixing that haunched back & shoulders & like the other 2 he needs to eat some cheeseburgers in the sun. i unintentionally blurted "ewww nasty" & got a shiver from seeing the yuck.

death angels drummer (andy?) got a little meat on his bones & is still in shape-if he wasnt so blindingly white that he makes the white on my 100% caucasion ass look golden bronze, he'd be lookin good shirtless.

it was obvious who the smart guy on the stage was. impossible to avoid with what he was doin on stage, rob was sweatin more than ron jeremy having to choose between a blonde or a dozen donuts. when his shirt was drenched he turned around & took it off & flashed the killer ink on his back-then put on a fuckin dry shirt!

looks are superficial & fleeting, but if yer onstage & want to look good onstage it's obviously alot smarter to leave yer shirt on than it is to decide to show a chest that hasnt seen the sun since at least 3 summers ago...
thraxx said:
Yes that was ME!!!!!!!:headbang:

DAM! my psychotic powers said that was you but my head said cant be, he looks nothing like the picture. i should of known better than to think my retard brain could be right & my gut be wrong. the brain is week but the psychotic powers are strong-i saw metalstephs post to someone else discribing herself as metalface taking pictures (which discribed at least half the women at the galaxy show) but my gut said that's metalsteph & said hello before my stupid brain could come up with a reason not to...

the beastie instincts said that's thraxx the brain said looks totally different. instincts tell brain then just say hey thraxx & if it's you you'll answer & brain says he's wearin a 'thrax shirt, he'll think yer talkin bout his shirt & you'll look like an idiot. while the brain & the gut are argueing course of action the body's in neutral so it can get pushed from the outside but it aint doin anything on it's own til the brain & gut decide which is driven & put it in gear...
so while everyone else is clearin the joint yer looking at a long haired weirdo in a red shirt with black stripes who keeps looking like he's about to ask you something but he doesnt say anything so you grab your camera and run back stage...
the brain & the gut start debating whether they should ask the women you were working with & how, and she thinks "oh great, one of the weirdest ones here stands 2 feet from me & stares & thraxx decides to pick now to leave me here by myself.
security tells MRB TO get the fuck out, gut tells brain that was thraxx, brain tells gut it doesnt matter cuz you aint there & it's time to head toward the car, then gut spends the next 45 minutes bitching at the brain telling the brain it was stupid to park a mile & a half away, cuz now we gotta walk up that big ass hill then way up the street to the trailertrash parking all because yer ass is to dam cheap to pay for parking.

...after hearing its name mentioned, the ass speaks up & reminds the brain & the gut it's friday night & we're only 1/4 mile from santa monica blvd...
cuz of the spanish last names & their features pinoy was already my guess, but race isnt something that holds any relevence or significance to me.

so what's yer point? they still look pastey:loco:
thraxx said:

Shit i hope you can see this Album

I have known these guys since 1985.......
yup, it's workin-great pics!
that the hollyweird tower?

if yer gonna tell us youve known um since 1985 ya cant just leave it at that! ya gotta give us some kinda poop! how ya met or somethin you've said or done. anything that might give anybody interested a little insight beyond hearing a cd or seeing a show.


big deal, good for me aye?
without any elaboration to go with it when somebody says ive known whatever performer since whenever, most people think big deal, good for you. it doesnt create much possibilitys for people to give friendly responses except for "that's cool" or "i wish i knew um"

back to the pastyness.
if ya look at those pics the guys all had alot more color then & a little more weight & & they looked better that way.

they still dont make me stiff!

rob on stage had me hypnotised. he's so into it that it was hard not to focus on him & id never get bored watching him play...
but it didnt induce any boner
raising fantasys & that's really a bummer cuz i need something to reverse all the shrivelling the pastey chests caused :devil:
Ok i meet the Bass player at the Stone in SF in 1985.... Since then it all history.... I am even in the Liner notes of there last released Album... which i ordered through Nuclear Blast and it Red vinyl.

Talk about pastey White... Dude get some sun!!