rolling movie thread

I went to see Enduring Love last night. It was great, kind of similar in tone to the Italian movie I'm Not Scared from earlier this year in that it wasn't quite a thriller most of the way through despite some uneasy themes that served to let tension mount quite well at the climax.
my sarcasm detector is operating fine. I was asking if you were addressing me with the question of how did the person that chose the movie think of it?

unless that was somehow sarcastic in which case yes, my detector is messed up.
avi said:
Would you say "I'm not scared" is worth seeing? I'm curious about it.
Yeah, it wasn't downright amazing or anything, and from what I hear the director has done better things in his career (though I don't know anything about him), but it's still an interesting movie with some nice cinematography and overall good pacing, decent story, etc.
My brother's friend bought him Dodgeball for his birthday/xmas, so we watched it tonight. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Certainly not good, but I had such low expectations that I actually ended up getting some cheap thrills out of it.
I saw the new version of the Manchurian Candidate last night and it was pretty good. The ending got a bit messy, but overall I enjoyed it quite a bit.

2004 has been a good year for movies I think.