rolling movie thread

and she's Jessica Biel, I'd watch an hour and a half movie of her opening a pickle jar as long as she has a wife beater and skintight pants on. Might I also add that I've been drinking?
saw supersize me and was definitely entertained. the dvd has some good extras, like post-release follow-up on the movie's impact and an extended interview with the fast-food nation author. good stuff.

also saw Shrek 2. very fun.

I have a dead-spot of 2 hours tomorrow afternoon to kill: what's playing that I should go see?
saw the Five Obstructions last night and it was really, really good. Lars Trier is such an evil imp, it's ridiculous. And Jorgen Lethe (sic?) really proves he is a great filmmaker.
avi said:
saw the Five Obstructions last night and it was really, really good. Lars Trier is such an evil imp, it's ridiculous. And Jorgen Lethe (sic?) really proves he is a great filmmaker.

I bought that one as soon as it came out because I'm a huge von Trier fan. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do most of his films because of the nature of it, but I was very pleasantly surprised by how in addition to being really interesting it was a lot of fun to watch and quite humorous at times.

Enduring Love and Kinsey opened up here today, so I'm gonna have to go see them sometime this week. I'm a lot more interested in Enduring Love, but Kinsey has gotten such great reviews that I don't think I'll pass it up.
I thought the preview looked pretty bad. I'll probably go see it anyway, though. Same with the new Willy Wonka movie. Johnny Depp looks ridiculous, but it seems like the preview is an inaccurate representation of the film.
Which one? I wasn't too impressed with the teaser type thing but I saw the one with Liam Neeson yesterday when I went to go see Ocean's Twelve (Lemony Snickett = sold out).
Saw Lemony Snicket last night.

That movie was fantastic! Everything was very well done. It was very colorful world and Jim Carrey was absolutely hilarious.

They had a bit of narration at the beginning and it went something like "...but if you want to hear the tale of three reasonably attractive orphans." Both Astral Poetry and I started laughing 'cause we thought of Toby's thread.
Firedwarf said:
Yeah, I saw that one. I don't really know what it is, but to me that just doesn't look like a Batman movie. When I think of Batman movies I think of over-the-top and great, like the first two movies from the 80's, and this one looks like it's trying to be subtle and artsy or something. I'll still see it unless it gets unanimously panned by every critic.

It looks like this might be a four movie week for me. Last night I saw Kinsey, I need to see Enduring Love, A Very Long Engagement opens on Wednesday and I'm seeing it Thursday afternoon, and The Life Aquatic opens Friday. It'll be 4 films in just over 7 days. I'm psyched.