Rome: Total War game information for the newbies.


It is ours you know.
Apr 27, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
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O.k. in here you will find new information concerning the game, videos, know the works. First off here's the links to both the official website and the official flash website.

and here's the flash website:

More information is on the way for all you newbies out there who are curious about the game.
2 more questions

1) Can you upgrade units in Total War games? Like buy or research better armor for example.

2) Do units that last though a few battles become vets, or battle hardened, like in Alpha Centauri? In other words, if specific units or groups last for a while, do they get better?
1. Yes, you can upgrade your armor and weapons but if you build a unit before you build the better weaponssmith(which will probably give you better weapons) then the unit will not have the upgrade, that unit needs to be re-trained to get the upgrade(which isn't hard, you just send the unit to the city that can build the unit and have the upgrade).
But the question is if Rome Total war will have a re-train button which will make it alot easier for you(The old way was a bit strange and not many people knew about it)
2. Yes, the more they fight the better they become.
I did not know about the re-training thing before. Weird.

But that happens when you play the Total War games; I was finding out a lot of new stuff for about six months after I bought Medieval: Total War. I am sure we are in store for a lot more of that when RTW comes out.

And these aren't useless findings, you can use most of them to your advantage in strategising. I bet there's still a few things left that I didn't even know existed in MTW like the one TB666 mentioned.
"Q. After I essentially beat the game by staying Imperator of Rome for 20 years do I have the option to continue to play and conquer the world???

"A: Actually, the victory conditions have changed! We now have a "short game" and a "long game" condition for each faction. You'll need (1) to conquer and hold 15 or so provinces (2) see a given faction driven to extinction. Who has to fail depends on who you are playing: the Scipii, for example, have to outlast the Carthaginians and the Numidians. The long game victory condition requires you to conquer Rome and a substantial part of the map (if you're not Roman) and (if you are Roman) wipe out the rival families."

I have to say I was hoping for something more open-ended here like in Alpha Centauri. Or being able to choose victory conditions. :(

Also, I haven't heard much about A.I. Is the demo a good example of what we'll see or was that pretty heavily scripted? Playing the demo on different difficulties didn't yield differing A.I., the enemy units just seemed stronger.
The demo is scripted unless you use mods and yes, the enemy is stronger when you raise the difficult setting and the chance for your men to break and run is higher.
Like TB has said, the historical battles are scripted to show historical accuracy and what not. The campaigns will not be scripted, and you'll play God and determine your empire's fate.

It is just how well you play God that counts of course.

I am not exactly sure however, if historical campaigns are somewhat scripted or not.
It is hit and run tactics but you have to turn off skirmish mode.
Otherwise they will run away before they fire a volley.
If it is a concentrated fire then it is quite powerful.
I have yet another newb question.

Can you found your own cities or are the cities just there to conquer then govern? At the moment I'm interested in the non-combat portion of the game but there isn't a lot of in-depth material out there.
No, you can't build cities and you don't have to govern a city anymore if you don't want it.
Now you can burn it down to the ground(which I will do with rome when my german army smashes through their gates) and enslave the population.
Well the game is gonna be alot bigger then MTW so there is alot of things we don't know about yet and we probably will never know until it is released.
Hell there are still units that we haven't seen yet so this game will be massive.