Rome: Total War

No you won't. The creators of the game say that it runs smoother than Medieval: Total War, in which the game only starts to lag for me when I have 8-9,000 soldiers on the field at once.

There's gonna be units that throw decapitated heads at people! There's pigs that you can light on fire, smash through everyone with your Elephants, and screaming women to demoralize the troops!!!!!! There's gonna be night battles where you fight in a dense fog. You have the option of choosing between 10,000 battle maps! My freakin god this game is going to rule.
It was in a magazine... I know for a fact it's a fucking bitch of a load of requirements but can't be bothered to type it all out at the moment... it should be somewhere on Gamespot
Destroyer Of Orden said:
It was in a magazine... I know for a fact it's a fucking bitch of a load of requirements but can't be bothered to type it all out at the moment... it should be somewhere on Gamespot
Nope, the requirements aren't bad at all! Creative Assembly (the game's creater) promised us that it will run smoother than Medieval: Total War.

Here's the estimated system specs (with settings presumably on default unit size. That is about 60-100 units per group of people on the map:

-800 mhz processor
-128 MB of RAM
-Probably a Radeon video card
-1.7 Ghz of free hard drive space (the same as Medieval: Total War)
-Pentium III processor (not bad at all!)

I can almost gaurantee you that you will be able to run Rome: Total War on your computer. If you didn't have troubles (like game lag) while playing Medieval: Total War, you shouldn't have a problem playing Rome: Total War! Why else would this be rated the runner up video game in the E3 best in show category? (Half-Life 2 got the number one game position)
Yup, no problem. By the way for you newbies to the game here are some screenshots:

Here's the campaign map:

Some more screenshots:


This is the menu where you select the faction you want to see. There are 21 factions in all!

Even some more screenshots!

Here's some links to various Rome: Total War websites:

Here's some E3 Rome: Total War video footage!
Medeival was and is one of my favorite games of all time. Needless to say I can't wait for this. Last time I checked their site they weren't giving the details on what the factions would be, but the possibility of changing history by leading Gaul to victory over Rome is too good for them to pass up, I'm sure. Vercingetorix will have to make an appearance.
Ahhhh, excellent. This is going to be the greatest game of all time, quite possibly. I have to say I am somewhat concerned by reports I have heard of playing down the turn based aspect of the game, which I like just as much as the real time strategy, and certainly spend more time on. Hopefully that's not the case, but in columns i have read a 'more streamlined' approach is mentioned.
Theredintheskyisours said:
Nope, the requirements aren't bad at all! Creative Assembly (the game's creater) promised us that it will run smoother than Medieval: Total War.

Here's the estimated system specs (with settings presumably on default unit size. That is about 60-100 units per group of people on the map:

-800 mhz processor
-128 MB of RAM
-Probably a Radeon video card
-1.7 Ghz of free hard drive space (the same as Medieval: Total War)
-Pentium III processor (not bad at all!)

I can almost gaurantee you that you will be able to run Rome: Total War on your computer. If you didn't have troubles (like game lag) while playing Medieval: Total War, you shouldn't have a problem playing Rome: Total War! Why else would this be rated the runner up video game in the E3 best in show category? (Half-Life 2 got the number one game position)

Not as bad as I would have thought.
Well I did have some problem with Medival when using catapults and cannons.
You should turn down the graphics for that stuff. That can be found when you go to the options menu and look under performence.

As for Wandrail's "turn-based" concern, well here's a description:

-2 turns per year (winter and summer)
-the campaign starts around 250 b.c and ends at Augustus' death in 14 a.d.
-it will take an estimated 50 hours to complete one campaign
-although only 11 factions can be chosen immedietly for the campaign, you can unlock factions by conquering them.
-The campaign map is heading towards a civilization (the game) type of campaign map.
Theredintheskyisours said:
You should turn down the graphics for that stuff. That can be found when you go to the options menu and look under performence.
I have no problem with marching and fighting with 1800 men(you can't have more) but if I have one litte cannon firing the game goes choppy as hell.